Ross Perot donates $1 million to Texas Planned Parenthood


red panda
Thanks Ross!

Thousands of women have lost access to vital healthcare since Texas dismantled its Medicaid-funded Women’s Health Program in 2011 because Planned Parenthood acted as a service provider under the program. As a result of these cuts, and the persistent targeting of reproductive health clinics by anti-choice lawmakers, many clinics have been forced to close in recent years, leaving Texas women without low- and no-cost options for reproductive healthcare.

Enter: Ross Perot.

The Perot Foundation of Dallas, which was founded by the billionaire and former presidential candidate, announced this week that it would be donating $1 million to the beleaguered women’s health provider to help serve the women of Texas.

“For nearly 100 years Planned Parenthood has helped to educate men and women regarding family planning and general family health,” said Margot Perot in a written statement. “Our family has supported this nonprofit for many years because we are impressed with the work they do — providing birth control; scientifically based education; breast health exams; and basic, life-saving healthcare for women who cannot afford services otherwise.”

Ross Perot just donated $1 million to Planned Parenthood
That's really surprising, Perot is usually characterised as very right wing so it just goes to show that you can't pigeon hole people so easily.
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That's really surprising, Perot is usually characterised as very right wing so it just goes to show that you can't just pigeon hole people so easily.

I'll speculate that had Perot not funded PP (home of eugenics) the left would still be vilifying him.
I'll speculate that had Perot not funded PP (home of eugenics) the left would still be vilifying him.
There are many on the left (mainly the anti-NAFTA anti-WTO folks) who agree with Perot on key economic issues.

I've seen far more vilification of Perot from the Limbaugh wing of the Republican Party (Limbaugh hates his guts), than I have from the left.
There are many on the left (mainly the anti-NAFTA anti-WTO folks) who agree with Perot on key economic issues.

I've seen far more vilification of Perot from the Limbaugh wing of the Republican Party (Limbaugh hates his guts), than I have from the left.

I haven't even thought of Perot in years, much less villified him.
LOL, sure, liberals have always loved him, haven't they?

Many more left-wing hit pieces out there, as I suspect the hypocrite libs know.

If Westboro Baptist gave money to Planned Parenthood tomorrow, the libs would fall over themselves to claim they never vilified them, too, wouldn't they?
That is because he knows that their number one customer is black women

Is that right?

Libs have slammed Perot as a right-wing racist for years, now all of a sudden he's rehabilitated. Liberal hypocrisy makes the Stalinist cycle seem tame by comparison, doesn't it?
That's really surprising, Perot is usually characterised as very right wing so it just goes to show that you can't pigeon hole people so easily.

Not surprising....its just goes to show you what the lying left can do to a mans reputation in a few short months.....
They smeared him years ago and it stuck.