Rorshach Test


Will work for Scooby snacks
If you stopped posting on this board today, and never came back, what’s the one thing a poster here ever said or did here, that you would still remember?

Sort of a message board Rorshach Test – the first thing that would pop into your mind, when you thought of that poster:

Robdawg: Denver Pitbull laws suck.

Dixie: How Bush looks in tight blue jeans.

Damocles: Just an excellent board administrator – seriously, that pops into my mind first.

Tiana: Claims to look like Halle Berry

USC: Kicking back, and having to listen to Bush-loving country bumpkin neighbors at the local country store

Darla: Max’s out credit cards on shoes.

Maineman: Sailors who are total assholes, run the risk of being thrown overboard by crewmates in the middle of the night.

Jarod: Punched a shark in the face.

IHG: Would kill FDR given a chance. (caveat: there’s a backstory – not as insane as it sounds)

Toby: Spam

AssHat: The Jews did it.

Watermark: Infamous racist tirade (see LadyT’s signature)
Robdawg: I'm an R, I'm an L, I'm a D, no... I'm an R... no...

Dixie: 1/3

Cypress: Che

Tiana: Woooot Woooo! Oh, that's Halle Barry...

USC: Lives a bit like me.

Darla: Articles

Maineman: Anchors Away.

Jarod: Spelling.

IHG: Freaky weird how often we say the same things.

Toby: I have five degrees.

AssHat: You aren't evil per se, Damo, just that Freemasons are evil, and you are a dupe!

Watermark: Drunken Debates

I had no idea that Jarod punched a shark in the face, cool! Here's mine,

Robdawg - has to be the pics he posted of himelf in his stolen sunglasses, that cracked me up.

Watermark - the thought that unfortuntely, I now know the size of his penis. Can't you men here keep anything to yourselves?

Tiana - a totally fun asskicker

usc - how much his one-liners have made me laugh.

mainman - you **$%# Mother$#@%^ Pu*%# if I ever see you around these parts I am going to kick your #@$%$! @#!, (said in many forms to Dixie)

Dixie - dodging bombs and bullets, while posting from Baghdad.

IHG - I always picture thoughtfulness.

I don't have any one thing that comes to mind for either you or Damo.
Robdawg: I'm an R, I'm an L, I'm a D, no... I'm an R... no...

Dixie: 1/3

Cypress: Che

Tiana: Woooot Woooo! Oh, that's Halle Barry...

USC: Lives a bit like me.

Darla: Articles

Maineman: Anchors Away.

Jarod: Spelling.

IHG: Freaky weird how often we say the same things.

Toby: I have five degrees.

AssHat: You aren't evil per se, Damo, just that Freemasons are evil, and you are a dupe!

Watermark: Drunken Debates

My articles? That I post? That's what you'd remember about me, the articles I post? That sucks. I sound so boring. I can't believe that nobody has mentioned that they would remember me as the funniest person on this board. I realize there is scant competition, but still!
Desh: Gore was ripped off!

Care4All: Kindness and courtesy. There's just this general aura of kindness about her.

Cawacko: USC football
My articles? That I post? That's what you'd remember about me, the articles I post? That sucks. I sound so boring. I can't believe that nobody has mentioned that they would remember me as the funniest person on this board. I realize there is scant competition, but still!
No, that you write articles. You know the published kind.
This is tough:

Desh - persistent and a fighter

Maineman - How he'd piss on Bush's grave if given the chance (I felt we were one at that moment)

USC - I've never seen someone so happy to get a divorce in my entire life

Dixie - 1/3 hands down

AOI - Philosopher fellow 28 Days Later Franchise fan

Watermark - a southern racist confirming all my redneck stereotypes.

Damo - Gave me the nickname LadyT

Grind - The big divide of 2006 (really, those PMs with him and Brent were HILARIOUS - I dont' think I've ever laughed so hard for an extended amount of time ever)

Cypress - He called Ornot a Northern Cal Extremist (I still say to this day)

Topsin - Oil & Nawlins'

Ornot - coined the phrase "Christofacists"

Bob - He called himself skaggs at one point.

Toby - claimed to 5 degrees, cancer, flew on corporate jets, and eventually admitted he sits around in his underwear doing nothing

Care4All - Pictures of her house in Mass

Darla - GunsNChrist (a classic btw)

Dano - Always managed to blame EVERY single ill in society on liberalism

Alex - Knew a lawyer in mAnn Coulters voter fraud case. I was looking forward to inside information on that.

IH8 - He has a black wife......he must be cool.

Superfreak - still defending the decision to invade Iraq in 2007 tsk tsk tsk

Beefy - Mr. I beat Anorexia

stirfry - upped and moved his life cross country

Klaatu - Bush apologist to somewhat of an intellectual at times. I didn't know he had it in him

Immy - doesn't believe in interracial marriages.....he can't be that cool.

Battleborn - gibberish

Thorn - Her signature about being as a good as your dog thinks you are

Lorax - One of his first posts on after the start of the quagmire/before the election of 2004 was, "who are these people that support Bush? I've always wondered - do they work with me?...." I thought that was hilarious and I knew I liked him from the start.
Blackflag - hilarious

cawacko - "face down ass up.....that's the way we like to fuck"

Robdawg - embodies comedy, the pro-drunk driving posts, hollyroller posts, eddie his Pit Bull, the list goes on.
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This is tough:

Desh - persistent and a fighter

Maineman - How he'd piss on Bush's grave if given the chance (I felt we were one at moment)

Dixie - 1/3 hands down

Damo - Gave me the nickname LadyT

Cypress - He called Ornot a Northern Cal Extremist (I still say to this day)

Topsin - Oil & Nawlins'

Ornot - coined the phrase "Christofacists"

Bob - He called himself skaggs at one point.

Toby - claimed to 5 degrees, cancer, flew on corporate jets, and eventually admitted he sits around in his underwear doing nothing

Care4All - Pictures of her house in Mass

Darla - GunsNChrist (a classic btw)

Dano - Always managed to blame EVERY single ill in society on liberalism

Alex - Knew a lawyer in mAnn Coulters voter fraud case. I was looking forward to inside information on that.

IH8 - He has a black wife......he must be cool.

Superfreak - still defending the decision to invade Iraq in 2007 tsk tsk tsk

Beefy - Mr. I beat Anorexia

stirfry - upped and moved his life cross country

Klaatu - Bush apologist to somewhat of an intellectual at times. I didn't know he had it in him

Immy - doesn't believe in interracial marriages.....he can't be that cool.

Battleborn - gibberish

Thorn - Her signature about being as a good as your dog thinks you are

Lorax - constantly owning the right.

Blackflag - hilarious

cawacko - "face down ass up.....that's the way we like to fuck"

LOL, I love it! That's definitely Cawacko's most memorable post, on this board, to date. I love the whole list.
LOL, I love it! That's definitely Cawacko's most memorable post, on this board, to date. I love the whole list.

I'd say so. Ever since he mentioned the song its been in my head. I think I should download it now actually.
awesome list tiana. You reminded me of a few:

Beefy/MBL: Boobs. The guy's always thinking about boobs. I remember some sex polls he was always posting on another board.

Klatuu: Anger management class. A decent dude, but he'd sometimes go ballistic over something he thought he heard a liberal say.

Immy: African-American month. I'll never forget debating him on African-american month.
I added in Grind. Last summer was absolutely hilarious with the security council. those PMs were too funny. Maybe I'll ask if I can post them all one of these days.
Sheesh, guys! OK, I'll never drinking again. OK, maybe a little. Only social drinking. And while I'm at it, after I've been social drinking, why not just carry a bit home and drink here? That's perfectly fine, right?

"Watermark - the thought that unfortuntely, I now know the size of his penis. Can't you men here keep anything to yourselves?"

That was actually supposed to be a parody of Dixie. I guess instead of saying "4 and 1/3 inches", it probably would've made more sense to you guys if I said "1/3 inches".
Oh yeah, how could I forget:

Watermark - a southern racist confirming all my redneck stereotypes.
Oh, and btw, that Halle Berry "mix-up" was absolutetly hilarious. Yet another time I laughed to the point my stomach hurt at this board.