Oh I probably will too,
If he became the candidate, I'd likely vote for him.I can't really find anything I disagree with signifigantly in Guliani's platform, and I could care less about his personal life.
Ron PaulIf Guglaini and Paul were both in the primary, which would you vote for Damo ?
I won't vote for Rudy.If he became the candidate, I'd likely vote for him.
So, if it were Rudy Gigolo-liani or Shrillary you'd go Shrillary?I won't vote for Rudy.
I won't vote for Rudy.
They are holding their Convention here in Denver as well. They have yet to select a Candidate.
The thing about our candidates it that they're all just political radicals trying to stir things up. They are unwilling to get down to reality and simply debate real issues. Aaron Russo's documentaries about how our rights are being destroyed have never really helped anything.