Ron Paul Revolution!

Truck Fump / h1b

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In about 11 hours Paul has raised $1.6 million. That surge is part of a mass November 5th fundraiser dreamed up by grassroots Paul supporters: "Remember, remember, the fifth of November" by raising $5 million in one day for Paul. The campaign had fallen well short of its $4 million goal for October, raising some doubt whether it could raise $12 million by December 31. If the donors merely keep up their pace today, they'll get the campaign halfway to that goal with 55 days left. By comparison, Howard Dean blew away the rest of the Democrats in the final quarter of 2003 by raising $15 million. That was after three months as the frontrunner, the endorsement of Al Gore, etc.

Even if you don't like Paul, you have to gasp at what's happening in the GOP race. There are three phenomenons running in tandem: Paul's fundraising, Huckabee's cash-strapped poll surge, and McCain's running-on-fumes poll comeback. Anybody working for the Rudy-Fred-Mitt power trio has to wonder why the Republican base is so hungry for these other choices. (Also, more reason to ignore the campaign finance reformers who whine about big money trumping ideas and good people in politics.)

UPDATE 4:01: Right now Paul's reporting $5.45 million, meaning he's 1)doubled his fourth quarter fundraising in one day and 2)already surpassed his entire fundraising total from the third quarter. I'm pretty sure Paul's broken the record for one-day fundraising in a primary campaign. (Mitt Romney raised $2.5 million in hard dollars at one January event, then inflated the total with $4 million of pledges. Since his donations have fallen off in successive quarters I don't know if all those pledges were fulfilled.)

The truth is on the march!
Talk radio always sucks.
Even if the topic was Bush and Cheny being hauled off in straight jackets, it would still suck.
Right here sir.

I applaud Paul and the Ronbots on this most marvelous political stunt.

Still waiting on any faint signs of a "revolution" though.

Yes his freedom oriented messges ARE resonating with vast swaths of the electorate, no doubt. I like how you phrased that.
Yes his freedom oriented messges ARE resonating with vast swaths of the electorate, no doubt. I like how you phrased that.

"vast swaths of the electorate"

Got any numbers on that?

Can you quantify that in numbers .. given that elections are about numbers?

Or should we assume from "measurables" like "lots of sign holders" ?
"vast swaths of the electorate"

Got any numbers on that?

Can you quantify that in numbers .. given that elections are about numbers?

Or should we assume from "measurables" like "lots of sign holders" ?
Thread count. We'll use thread count.
Ron Paul has already won. Why? Because he's given people hope and motivation to change. Now will he be president? I cannot say though I hope so.
Ron Paul has already won. Why? Because he's given people hope and motivation to change. Now will he be president? I cannot say though I hope so.

More correctly stated, Ron Paul has given some people hope and motivation. Some other people get that from religion, music, education, love, spirituality, and most impotantly, good planning.

It's good that Paul's some people are getting that hope.

Everybody needs 'sumptin.
More correctly stated, Ron Paul has given some people hope and motivation. Some other people get that from religion, music, education, love, spirituality, and most impotantly, good planning.

It's good that Paul's some people are getting that hope.

Everybody needs 'sumptin.

Hope through good planning. LOL. You couldn't inspire a dog to shit.
I like Ron Paul. I don't like a lot of his supporters, but Ron Paul has the right direction (Like Perot did). I don't think he has a good shot of winning (unless he gets people to vote that normally don't vote-he would only need a additional 15% of the population--I estimate), but like perot, he will help educate our population from the conditioned thinking of people today. Your intuition is right. Consiteritive talk raido just confirms it and fills in the blanks. You still have to have some wisdom to read between some lines--but this country need consertavite talk radio--a lot.

I try to listen to NPR once in a while--I just think you libs are all insane. Some stuff is good--like Tom Hartman speaking up agains the attack on the middle class (and if you don't believe it--try working in a private sector for a living--maby get some friends in theMAJORITY class and have a beer with them.), but as a whole---I don't know a lib who has opinions on how things should be---whos opinions, if emplimented, would not effect me in a negative way. Can't I take care of myself (and help direct neighbors if in need, when I am in a good mood), instead of taking care of you welfare recipients? Yes--socialized health care is welfare. The only people who want it are people on welfare, and people who want power. All others who want it, got sucked in with the sympathy card, and are on the edge of welfare right now. Health care is not a right. You have to be insane to believe it is. Bigger government leads to a poorer people, and theMAJORITY suffers.

The pribvate health sector does need to be stream lined though. We can afford it with smaller government, where we can keep more of the money we earn. Then, the industry would not be abused (remember about 25 years back--not a bad preimum), and costs would reflect the actual operating costs of a trim business with competition in a free market.

The socialists way--will break theMAJORITY of the peoples backs, ij this country--with the fat as heck government we have (fattest in the world) and make us dependent on government more--which will be bigger, and more expensive to run.

Michigan now has more state empoployees than they do manufacturing employees (remember GM/Ford/Chrysler--they won't be here 15 years from now). Those lines crosed last year. Socialized medicine will severly add to the downward spiral for theMAJORITY of the peoples economy, and we can't even see the bottom right now. I will bet money on that. Any of you rich libs want to bet on that? I will glady take your tax free money from your disability of something stupid like adult ADD. You think the home forclosures are high now---just wait. Now who is going to take care of all those people that could not retire well enough to take care of themselfs---smokers? You bvelieve that? Insane.

Should I start a "Smoke two packs a day---for the children" campaign? Would that help the insane agenda?
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More correctly stated, Ron Paul has given some people hope and motivation. Some other people get that from religion, music, education, love, spirituality, and most impotantly, good planning.

It's good that Paul's some people are getting that hope.

Everybody needs 'sumptin.

Not me. Ron Paul makes me despair for the Republican party. Ron Paul would only be half as bad a W, but let's be clear....he WOULD be half as bad and that's saying a lot.

Ron Paul is essentially a member of the libertarian faction of the Republican pary and the libertarian philosophy of government is not valid, workable or effective. It is essentially based on an antigovernment philosophy, is pretty much "anarchism" in drag and how could any such philosophy do anything but provide bad government? Have we not learned the lessons of the Bush administration? Good governance counts! It's important and we must have it as a society. I just can't possibly see how a libertarian minded politician could possibly provide that.

Voting for Ron Paul right now is a waste of a vote.....but it would be even worse if it wasn't. If Paul were elected we'd get 4 more years of inefective government. Granted it wouldn't be as ideological or as devisive. Just inept.

At best Paul would be a weak and ineffective President. At worst he's simply not electable.

Until the Republican party, wether it's the fiscal conservatives, social conservatives, religious right or libertarian factions, decide to advocate the importance of a well run, affective and competant government they just do not deserve the support of the American people and are just simply not qualified to run our government.

And that's what depresses me about Ron Paul. He's an intelligent and articulate but he only sees half the problem with the Republican party. They just don't get it that they advocate bad government.
Not me. Ron Paul makes me despair for the Republican party. Ron Paul would only be half as bad a W, but let's be clear....he WOULD be half as bad and that's saying a lot.

Ron Paul is essentially a member of the libertarian faction of the Republican pary and the libertarian philosophy of government is not valid, workable or effective. It is essentially based on an antigovernment philosophy, is pretty much "anarchism" in drag and how could any such philosophy do anything but provide bad government? Have we not learned the lessons of the Bush administration? Good governance counts! It's important and we must have it as a society. I just can't possibly see how a libertarian minded politician could possibly provide that.

Voting for Ron Paul right now is a waste of a vote.....but it would be even worse if it wasn't. If Paul were elected we'd get 4 more years of inefective government. Granted it wouldn't be as ideological or as devisive. Just inept.

At best Paul would be a weak and ineffective President. At worst he's simply not electable.

Until the Republican party, wether it's the fiscal conservatives, social conservatives, religious right or libertarian factions, decide to advocate the importance of a well run, affective and competant government they just do not deserve the support of the American people and are just simply not qualified to run our government.

And that's what depresses me about Ron Paul. He's an intelligent and articulate but he only sees half the problem with the Republican party. They just don't get it that they advocate bad government.

Tell me that again. Tell me that liberitarian philosophies, the real philosophies that were the grouds for our constitution for a govermnment for the people by the people is not effective. When we followed those philosphies in our early years, we became the most prosperous country in the world in a very short time. Other governments, that are now more simular to ours now, that have existed for thousands of years--are just catching up (but still poor)--because we are becoming more like them--not them changing to what we used to be. Tell me again how those libertarian phiolosiphies, that proved to the world to be the best for the people who live there does not work again. I would love for you to show me a better example of anything that worked better anywhere in the world for people to persue happyness and freedom. Please--entertain me.

you talk about the republican party, as if they have not evolved into Democrats. If JFK were alive today, he would be considered a Consertative.

There are no major parties--just rich people who don't care about us. Ron Paul is not that man. He wopuld do more for the American people than you can imagine. But you might have to quit your government, nonproductive job, and become productive to survive. Only libertarians care about theMAJORITY people and liberity of each. With freedom and liberity comes responsibility and a will to fight for your freedom is imparitive. if you don't own up to that responsibility--you will become owned by a system. Right now--we are owned by our system--and it is not working out to well for theMAJORITY buddy.
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Charles Pierce on Ron Paul, and he includes a link to some real in-depth stuff on Paul, which is:

Pierce: "OK, I know we're all frustrated with the invertebrate congressional majority and its barely protoplasmic leadership, to say nothing of the fact that it seems to be hard for the putative front-runner among the presidential aspirants to take a firm position on, well, America. Personally, I think we should stand Harry Reid out in the garden to scare away the crows. But enough, please, with the Ron Paul bulls**t? The man is a kook. He is not guilty by association of being a kook because an entire exaltation of kooks follows him around. He is a kook because he's one of them, and he came to his kookhood through the same Martian theories of constitutionalism common to the guys who run around Michigan in camo, waving their AKs and waiting for the final battle with Kofi Annan's robot zombie army. I assure you there is nobody in this field who is more of a kook than Ron Paul -- not even on the GOP side, where the standards for such things are stretched almost to the breaking point this time around. I don't care if he's opposed to the war. I don't care if he raises $100 million online. He's not paradigmatic of anything except the traditional retrograde libertarian American crackpottery that should have died with Robert Welch. The redoubtable Dave Neiwert, who's forgotten more about the flow patterns of these foul backwaters than I'll ever know, has all the details here. Send your money to Dennis Kucinich, for pity's sake, if you're that honked off. The shiny-keys fascination in the blogosphere with a 21st Century Bircher bespeaks a certain immaturity, and we've had quite enough of that, thanks."
Charles Pierce on Ron Paul, and he includes a link to some real in-depth stuff on Paul, which is:


Wow. This is good stuff. I must admit, I mostly ignore Ron Paul, because I have a gut level feel that he's basically another far right libertarian kook, and I don't like to swim in those waters. But, your link was an eye opener, Darla:

" Anyone who has been critical of Paul online has become well aware just how organized online he and his followers are. Mention his extremist background and the flying monkeys descend en masse."

LOL. We've all seen it. I've been explaining in some detail (along with Sara), Paul has so far managed to pull off something of a neat trick: Appearing thoughtful and principled, even though his beliefs and principles are largely derived from the extremist far right -- a fact that he's wisely muted in the campaign. You don't hear Ron Paul talking about the New World Order a lot in the press, largely because no one is asking him about it -- but in reality, he hasn't changed his beliefs appreciably since the days he was touring the militia K-ration banquet circuit.

That is to say, Greenwald is right, so far as it goes: Paul is consistent and coherent within the realm of his belief system, but those beliefs aren't simply the benign libertarianism that Paul has erected as his chief public image, and which Greenwald appears to have absorbed. Paul's beliefs, in fact, originate with the conspiracy-theory-driven far right of the John Birch Society and Posse Comitatus. He's just been careful not to draw too much attention to that reality, even though he has occasionally let the curtain slip.


I don't know if you've been on that other site, but some of the ron paul supporters over there have screen names like "White Power", and avatars of military assualt rifles. "Michigan Militia" stuff. Wierd. I haven't been paying attention to Paul, like I said, but there must be something to all that crap BAC has been posting about him