Roger Waters:Coming to atlanta

He's pledging to do all the hits from The Wall, Dark Side, etc.

I might have to go to that.

Shouldn't he be dead or something? Damn. HE must have tax problems like willie. The two oldest geezers in rock and roll.
A number of the PF members are still performing, much to the delight of their fans! Wish Atlanta wasn't so far away; I'd go.
Anyone who's listened to the solo albums by Roger Waters, and David Gilmour knows who the real talent was in pink floyd.

It wasn't Roger Waters.
Anyone who's listened to the solo albums by Roger Waters, and David Gilmour knows who the real talent was in pink floyd.

It wasn't Roger Waters.

True, and David Gilmour is still touring and playing. There have been a couple of great specials on satellite recently. Still, I'll take what I can find when it comes to their music.
True, and David Gilmour is still touring and playing. There have been a couple of great specials on satellite recently. Still, I'll take what I can find when it comes to their music.
Actually Gilmore's newest album isn't bad, but really. Roger Waters solo career has been fare more lucrative for him than Gilmore's has.

If you actually listen to them you might think that the group became larger than any person in the band. It was egos that broke them up, and everyone lost because of it.
Hmm loved Pink Floyds music, have most of their vinyl. But did not know their names or care.

I have them in every format they've produced, from vinyl to CD. My absolute favorite album was "Wish you were here", but I've enjoyed everything they've done.

You should acquaint yourself with the names, usc, because when a special comes up on TV (as Damo said, sadly they're no longer a group) the name David Gilmour should trigger your memory. You won't be disappointed. Some of the studio effects are, of course, absent, but he's still a virtuoso.

That's the thing with that group; they all were, I understand, classically trained initially, and this certainly lent a richness and competence to their music. Even their album covers were originals!
thorn the problem is , several groups have lost some interest to me after I saw them. Liked their music but not their show and appearance.