Rodeo Clown Dramatizes The Presidents Death/Injury


Tea Is The New Kool-Aid
"If an old country boy picks up on something like that, imagine what a person of color would think."

"Whew! I'm excited! We are going to smoke Obama man! You ready?! They're coming for you this time! They said they figure it's straight pecker wood pecker for you. As soon as that bull comes out don't you move he's gonna getcha getcha getcha getcha! This bull is gonna getcha Obama, he's gonna getcha! WHOA!"

Many consider this racist, but that is profiling. Many glorify this as freedom of speech.

I tend to think that the true freedom of speech is exposing these idiots.....

This was a TAXPAYER funded event.
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While the person that described others as "colored" stated this was a clear racist event......some think the term "colored" is racist. That is the breakdown.
What? You think them Klan boys disappeared with the hula hoop and the pet rock? They don't call it the invisible empire for nothing.
What? You think them Klan boys disappeared with the hula hoop and the pet rock? They don't call it the invisible empire for nothing.

To be honest, if a few more racists spouted their nonsense whilst enthusiastically hula hooping, i think people would be a little less hostile to their ridiculous views.
see there is no racism on the right.

They just want to kill the first black president because ......................... mmmmmm........................... because .................................. he won?
Bush cheated his way into office and all the facts are there to prove it.

then he totally fucked this country.

Yet its Obama who they want dead?
fucking racist assholes

I cant wait until they all die off.

then this country wont have to suffer these fools
"If an old country boy picks up on something like that, imagine what a person of color would think."

"Whew! I'm excited! We are going to smoke Obama man! You ready?! They're coming for you this time! They said they figure it's straight pecker wood pecker for you. As soon as that bull comes out don't you move he's gonna getcha getcha getcha getcha! This bull is gonna getcha Obama, he's gonna getcha! WHOA!"

Many consider this racist, but that is profiling. Many glorify this as freedom of speech.

I tend to think that the true freedom of speech is exposing these idiots.....

This was a TAXPAYER funded event.

Gross. Glad so many people in the public arena are coming out against it.
so what is the big deal?

as to the last point, what isn't a government funded even these days

That should be the more distressing part here, not that the sheeples messiah was made fun of
We can draw a line in the differences on how the parties reacted. The republican party in the state rejected this and was offended, they made it clear they supported no such thing. Can you tell me which state's democratic party organization clearly indicated that somebody went too far making that movie?
they are the rights base damo.

they make it so you cant win.

the right is so chicken shit they let this base drag them around by the nose.

Your ideas have failed.

WHEN will you get some new ideas that might work?
The right just keeps doubling down on racism to win elections and now you right will have to CHEAT even more to win any power.
We can draw a line in the differences on how the parties reacted. The republican party in the state rejected this and was offended, they made it clear they supported no such thing. Can you tell me which state's democratic party organization clearly indicated that somebody went too far making that movie?

What exactly are the lefties crying about? That this was done to a President? Or that it was done to their Black President?

I don't remember lefties coming out in force when there was a movie about Bush's assassination? Oh no, that was freedom of expression then. But now, all must genuflect and bow at the feet of their almighty Messiah, Chairman Barack Hussein Obama.

Repeat after me




Like good little sheep. Again


