RIP USA - America will never have another legitimate election


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220 House DEMOCRATS voted for this.

Every House Republican voted against this.

Under both the Elections Clause of Article I of the Constitution and the Electors Clause of Article II, states have principal—and with presidential elections, exclusive—responsibility to safeguard the manner of holding elections.

DEMOCRATS will instead give Congress primacy over state elections.

DEMOCRATS will establish a “Commission to Protect Democratic Institutions” that would have the power to force judges who rule against one-party rule to testify before a panel of unelected federal bureaucrats. This commission, or any member or subcommittee of the commission, may “hold hearings and sit and act at such times and places, take such testimony, receive such evidence, and administer such oaths as the Commission considers advisable.” This commission will have the the authority to compel judges to justify their legal decisions, threatening their independent judgment and subjecting them to political pressure and harassment.

DEMOCRATS will force all states to issue universal mail-in balloting and require states to wait ten days after election day for any late ballots to be "discovered". “No-fault absentee ballots” are the tool of choice for vote thievery.

DEMOCRATS will eliminate all election integrity measures. Perhaps most egregious is the DEMOCRAT dismissal of all voter ID laws. Although voter ID laws remain popular, with thirty-five states requiring some form of documentary personal identification at the polls, DEMOCRATS will dismantle voter ID laws by allowing a statement to ‘attest' to an individual’s identity and eligibility to vote.

This does nothing to ensure that voters are who they say they are. Worse, it vitiates the capacity of voter ID requirements to protect against improper interference with legitimate voting rights.

DEMOCRATS will force states to register millions of foreign citizens by forcing states to automatically and duplicatively register all people to vote through government outposts such as motor vehicle agencies, state universities, and welfare agencies,
DEMOCRATS are legalizing the registration of uncounted foreign nationals to vote in United States elections.

DEMOCRATS will create voting rights for non-citizens, by compelling states to automatically register every person and prohibit election authorities from checking voter eligibility.

DEMOCRATS will also ban courts from enforcing any legal penalties on foreign citizens who vote in the United States.

DEMOCRATS will expand election fraud by adding to their compulsory voter fraud mandate.

DEMOCRATS will compel states to allow nationwide Election Day voter registration, which will ensure that non-citizens and others ineligible to vote can register and cast fraudulent ballots at decisive moments in key races.

DEMOCRATS will make it illegal to check the eligibility and qualifications of voters or removing ineligible or deceased voters from the electoral rolls.

DEMOCRATS will require every ballot to be considered legitimate.

In addition, DEMOCRATS will eliminate any requirement that a witness sign an absentee ballot, and they will force states to send absentee ballots to everyone who has ever requested one in the past.

DEMOCRATS will prohibit election officials from matching signatures on absentee ballots to voter’s signatures on file. Therefore, DEMOCRATS will eliminate every safeguard meant to protect against fraud.

DEMOCRATS will imprison anyone, such as a local election official or poll watcher, who might question any voter or attempt to establish his or her eligibility to vote. The maximum penalty will be five years in prison.

DEMOCRATS will establish a commission of unelected national bureaucrats to decide where the political boundaries for districts will be, rather than elected officials.

DEMOCRATS will allow convicted felons to vote by requiring states to restore the ability of felons to vote the moment they are out of prison regardless of uncompleted parole, probation, or restitution requirements.

DEMOCRATS don't care that Section 2 of the Fourteenth Amendment gives states the constitutional authority to decide when felons who committed crimes against their fellow citizens may vote again.

DEMOCRATS will ban state and local officials from preserving the record of paper ballots that make trustworthy post-election recounts and audits possible. ‘‘The voting system shall not preserve the voter-verified paper ballots in any manner that makes it possible, at any time after the ballot has been cast, to associate a voter with the record of the voter’s vote without the voter’s consent.”

DEMOCRATS will mandate that, beginning 45 days prior to an election, “each county in the State, each State shall provide in-person, secured, and clearly labeled drop boxes at which individuals may, at any time during the period described in subsection (b), drop off voted absentee ballots in an election for Federal office.”

Since DEMOCRATS are making it illegal to challenge the validity of a voter or a ballot, anyone could gather up any number of ballots that this law also requires to be mailed to all people listed in every government database, fill them out, and dump them in a drop box - as long as they charge by the hour for their "services", which also legalized.

DEMOCRATS will make “ballot harvesting,” legal nationwide, authorizing any individual to collect as many ballots as they can and turn them in without any questioning or investigation of provenance.

DEMOCRATS will form a commission to consider granting five U.S. territories voting rights, but not statehood. Since Senate rules presently require a 60-vote majority to pass most items of importance, this plan will give DEMOCRATS an insurmountable majority to do whatever they want without changing the Senate rule.

Okay, bye Legion!!! Better head to where they have free and fair elections. Maybe Russia?
Get in his Nina Pinta or Santa Maria and search for a new world? Being that the earth is flat, there may be unlimited new worlds to colonize.
Now for what is really in the legislation rather than the framed version “copy and paste” offered off some right wing source he just coincidentally happened to forget to include in the post, what a surprise Reform Legislation 109th Congress.pdf

And the real irony is that the bill was never going anywhere once it left the House, purely symbolic, although that never stopped the right wing media scapegoating as if it was actually the end of “legitimate elections” as “copy” campaigns
Going to keep banging the drum. It HAS TO be this way. This is the only way to FINALLY bring those responsible to justice in the end. Let them drive everything into the dirt. We will survive and get thru it. I know I damn sure will. Anything that puts the left in a position that provides no wiggle room or ability to blame anyone else is a good thing IMO. Or...... we can do as we have been doing. Slowly fighting the battle as it drags on and on with nothing ever changing much for very long and no resolution. ENUFF! Time to let this thing play out so those responsible have no way out.
I may even help them do it by voting D for the 1st time ever and encouraging others to do so. I mean,... its not like we dont know how this all ends. WE DO.

Ordo Ab Chao
Going to keep banging the drum. It HAS TO be this way. This is the only way to FINALLY bring those responsible to justice in the end. Let them drive everything into the dirt. We will survive and get thru it. I know I damn sure will. Anything that puts the left in a position that provides no wiggle room or ability to blame anyone else is a good thing IMO. Or...... we can do as we have been doing. Slowly fighting the battle as it drags on and on with nothing ever changing much for very long and no resolution. ENUFF! Time to let this thing play out so those responsible have no way out.

Thanks Alex, now back to the radio
To those of the right.... Do you want to see things EVENTUALLY get better? Do you want to see these treasonous fucks end up on scaffolds ? This is the only way. Let them have the power to do whatever their little hearts desire. Let it be unfettered, let them do as they will while also informing those you come in contact with of the eventual outcome. No more divided Government. It is ALL on THEM. In the end they end up like ole Benito. WELL WORTH IT IMO. Then....... we get on with the hard work of rebuilding.

Every fucking election gets scrutinized. This election was especially fair and honest. That, according to Trumpies working on it, and 60 judges It includes many Repub sect of state who ran the elections. Trump got more recounts than anyone ever got before. His every crazed whim was responded to. This was a fair election.
Rightys who continue lying about it should know their constant lies are a threat to the nation. Our election system has proven to be extremely fair and honest, election after election. We have always had pride in our peaceful turnover of the reins. Trump and the right are doing real damage to America over a PT Barnam president. Can you guys learn?
So just think of it. D's are already under major heat for not delivering on 15.00 minimum wage,...2000.00 immediate checks, free college, student debt forgiveness and a whole wish list of absurdities and they only have a slim margin of power. Now imagine the heat they will be under when they totally control the whole shooting match and STILL do not produce what the base wants but instead slowly drive the country into the ground. We wont have to lift a finger. Their own voters will be the ones launching an attack on DC. LOL

Then of course, as soon as thats over,.........thats when we put those dumb fucks under. :laugh:

Just let it all play out. You know these people for the most part are a bunch of lazy dimwits. Sit back and enjoy the show........In the end we cant hardly help but win.
Every fucking election gets scrutinized. This election was especially fair and honest. That, according to Trumpies working on it, and 60 judges It includes many Repub sect of state who ran the elections. Trump got more recounts than anyone ever got before. His every crazed whim was responded to. This was a fair election.
Rightys who continue lying about it should know their constant lies are a threat to the nation. Our election system has proven to be extremely fair and honest, election after election. We have always had pride in our peaceful turnover of the reins. Trump and the right are doing real damage to America over a PT Barnam president. Can you guys learn?

Great. Let the D's reign. Im all for it!
DEMOCRATS like to accuse anyone who doesn’t embrace their positions of being “fascist.” It’s an impressive feat of projection.

DEMOCRATS are now empowering the federal government that they control to:

  • compel states to count mail-in votes that arrive up to ten days after Election Day
  • compel states to allow ballot harvesting
  • compel states to ban voter ID laws
  • compel states to count ballots cast by voters who are in the wrong precincts
  • compel states to allow unelected bureaucrats to redraw congressional districts
  • compel states to allow felons to vote
  • mandate 15 days of early voting
  • mandate automatic voter registration
  • prohibit election officials from reviewing the eligibility of voters
  • bar officials from removing ineligible voters from the rolls
  • create a “Commission to Protect Democratic Institutions” to oversee the judicial system