
Buncha thugs!




One of those was from **shudder** Detroit.
Quite a load of links. I'm sure at the time conservatives on this site decried the depicted violence.

Burning Obama/Biden sign? tacky.

What was the problem? Did the town Abercrombie close down?

1) Two were Canadian after the Olympics
2) One was some grungy guy on top of a police car... probably lost his granola
3) One was a burning Obama sign... probably liberals pissed that he lied to him
4) Two others showed fights... probably due to Abercrombie closings
you would be better off asking to prove they are rich

I already know that Howey doesn't have a clue about whether or not they are rich. he wanted to be like you and start hating on others again... it makes him feel superior, when in reality is a bottom feeder just like you.
Nothing for my Abercrombie joke? That was hilarious. Did you guys ever see white kids near an Abercrombie? Don't walk in between the entrance and a group of them, just a tip from personal experience! They will absolutely mow your ass right down. And they just love those really deep pictures of white people in outrageous shape, standing on a beach, staring off into the distance contemplating the meaning of existence as if they have not even noticed their own rippling stomach muscles. What they are really thinking about is sandwiches because they haven't eaten in months, but oh, how the kids love it! Look how deep we are...too sexy to even notice it. It's pretty awesome. I like to imagine the conversations if one of the Abercrombie men meet one of the Abercrombie women.

Probably a lot like Superfreak running into Cawacko at 3am in a bar.
Nothing for my Abercrombie joke? That was hilarious. Did you guys ever see white kids near an Abercrombie? Don't walk in between the entrance and a group of them, just a tip from personal experience! They will absolutely mow your ass right down. And they just love those really deep pictures of white people in outrageous shape, standing on a beach, staring off into the distance contemplating the meaning of existence as if they have not even noticed their own rippling stomach muscles. What they are really thinking about is sandwiches because they haven't eaten in months, but oh, how the kids love it! Look how deep we are...too sexy to even notice it. It's pretty awesome. I like to imagine the conversations if one of the Abercrombie men meet one of the Abercrombie women.

Probably a lot like Superfreak running into Cawacko at 3am in a bar.

Try reading
I already know that Howey doesn't have a clue about whether or not they are rich. he wanted to be like you and start hating on others again... it makes him feel superior, when in reality is a bottom feeder just like you.

yeah because posting about black children doing good things is so hateful
yeah because posting about black children doing good things is so hateful

No, it is not. But focusing on the color of the childs skin, rather than on her heroics is. All you cared about was her skin color. You then proceeded to fill the thread with your hate. As I stated before, the OP story was great, it was a good thing to post, then you ruined it with your hate in subsequent posts.
Going to source those for us?

Funny how you showed two Canadian riots...

Top picture doesnt show Rioting... just three kids celebrating what appears to be a Lakers win.

These two pictures are from SYDNEY AUSTRALIA:



Two were from the Olympics and the guy on the police car I was not able to find.

Will research the typeface for the police cars and see if I can find it.rning

oh... and the kids burning the Obama/Biden Sign isnt a RIOT.. it's a Civil Protest. If You defend Flag Burning you have to defend that picture as well.

None of Howeys pictures shows anything close to a Riot in the United States.

Which was from Detroit?