Some retail stores have already phased out gender-based signage. In 2015, Target launched this practice after customers suggested that identifying products under gender preferences were unnecessary.
"As much as I’d like to think of this as watershed legislation, this is something the industry is already doing. We’re just trying to play catch-up," Low told the Sacramento Bee.
Low said he was also motivated to introduce the bill after the daughter of one of his staff members was frustrated by having to look for science toys in the "boys aisle."
"That was the impetus of this, which is how do we make a safe space today for children in society," he said.
He said the bill will become even more important as kids start returning to retail stores following the coronavirus pandemic, to ensure they can shop "without stigma."
If passed, the bill would go into effect on Jan. 1, 2024 and would penalize retailers with a $1,000 fine if they refuse to de-gender their clothing and toy sections.