Response to the Proposal


You know what is fucking awesome? You niggers are all about ignoring me and banning me from threads. I don't much give a fuck. If you think I come here to "make friends" then you have me all wrong. Whether, you ignore me or not, I will get what I want. I will always follow the rules 100% of the time. If they don't want me using certain words, all they have to do is make it a rule.

But, here is what is so fucking awesome. All y'all niggers just spent a whole shit load of time talking about someone you claim to be ignoring. Do y'all niggers get the fucking irony of that?

I do.



You can say what you want about Desh, but the bitch has a bigger set of balls then some of the pussified men on this board.

Here is the other thing. These niggas think they are going to change my behavior with peer pressure? What do they think this is, fucking high school? Oh no, Shmeckelchick won't go to the prom with me. Nigga please!

I wasn't going to say anything, but what the fuck. Here is how their little circle jerk is going to go down. Some of them will do it for a while, but it won't last. They will tire of it. Shmekelchick and Snarla will maintain because they have done it for a while. No big deal.

Winterborn? He doesn't start many threads. Neither does Jarod.

Billy? I never want to respond to his bullshit psychosis anyway.

There will be plenty of threads for me to play. They are playing a futile game, but the niggas is cute.
You know what is fucking awesome? You niggers are all about ignoring me and banning me from threads. I don't much give a fuck. If you think I come here to "make friends" then you have me all wrong. Whether, you ignore me or not, I will get what I want. I will always follow the rules 100% of the time. If they don't want me using certain words, all they have to do is make it a rule.

But, here is what is so fucking awesome. All y'all niggers just spent a whole shit load of time talking about someone you claim to be ignoring. Do y'all niggers get the fucking irony of that?

I do.



You can say what you want about Desh, but the bitch has a bigger set of balls then some of the pussified men on this board.

Desh does indeed have a bigger set of cojones than any of the MODS on these boards, that's for sure.

But ya know what else is hysterical?

Billy's GRAND plan won't work unless he can get EVERYONE to go along with him and it.
You know what is fucking awesome? You niggers are all about ignoring me and banning me from threads. I don't much give a fuck. If you think I come here to "make friends" then you have me all wrong. Whether, you ignore me or not, I will get what I want. I will always follow the rules 100% of the time. If they don't want me using certain words, all they have to do is make it a rule.

I believe in our set of rules. I know some don't like it, but I do believe in them.

Speaking only for myself, I don't mind that you don't care. I don't mean that in a facetious way.

If you want to call people niggers and alienate yourself, that is your prerogative.

If people want to start ignoring you en masse, that is their prerogative.

I don't want to ban words or language or thoughts. I much prefer to provide that freedom to everyone here and let everybody (including you) make their own choices.

This way, everyone on the board is getting to say exactly what they want to say, and everyone on the board is getting to ignore exactly what it is they want to ignore.

It will naturally work itself out.

Situation One: everyone starts ignoring you and you get bored.


- you either quit the site, or you make effort to not be so ignored so you can have fun again. The system has self-corrected itself.

Situation Two: everyone starts ignoring you but you truly aren't bothered by that at all.


- it's win/win. You are still having fun saying the things you want to say, and those that are offended don't have to see the posts. The system has self-corrected itself.

Situation Three: most people don't end up really ignoring you.


- your comments don't rise to the level of people wanting to put them out of their sight. People have still made their own choices.
You forgot situation four -everyone leaves (as many have already) to find a more moderated site.

The only reason I'm still here? the more moderated site has too many posters; I can't keep up.
You forgot situation four -everyone leaves (as many have already) to find a more moderated site.

The only reason I'm still here? the more moderated site has too many posters; I can't keep up.

some people like more moderation, some don't. I would say so far that the core of JPP prefer less moderation. Of course some have left, but people leave for a variety of reasons. We also have gained people that have left other sites themselves.

Our forum has been chugging along pretty nicely for 7 years, people may not like being berated here and there, but most can't break the addiction.

If you feel additional moderation on certain things needs to be added, I urge you to start a poll here outlining what it is you would like. I don't say this as a challenge or as a way of saying you are wrong. I mean that genuinely. I can't speak for the other mods, but I am not so foolish as to ignore what the majority of the board and the community would want. If 60% wanted something, we would definitely have to strongly consider it.

My stance on this does stem from my own personal beliefs on how this board should be run, but my personal beliefs have in turn been influenced by what I have seen time and time again with regards to what works here and what doesn't, and what it is I feel most people want and what most people don't want.
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You forgot situation four -everyone leaves (as many have already) to find a more moderated site.

The only reason I'm still here? the more moderated site has too many posters; I can't keep up.

I like the low moderation.

having seen way too many times mods only applying rules when they don't like your point of view
some people like more moderation, some don't. I would say so far that the core of JPP prefer less moderation. Of course some have left, but people leave for a variety of reasons. We also have gained people that have left other sites themselves.

Our forum has been chugging along pretty nicely for 7 years, people may not like being berated here and there, but most can't break the addiction.

If you feel additional moderation on certain things needs to be added, I urge you to start a poll here outlining what it is you would like. I don't say this as a challenge or as a way of saying you are wrong. I mean that genuinely. I can't speak for the other mods, but I am not so foolish as to ignore what the majority of the board and the community would want. If 60% wanted something, we would definitely have to strongly consider it.

My stance on this does stem from my own personal beliefs on how this board should be run, but my personal beliefs have in turn been influenced by what I have seen time and time again with regards to what works here and what doesn't, and what it is I feel most people want and what most people don't want.

Interesting. I have not noticed before this ANY desire from the moderators to be influenced by the members of the board. So I appreciate you saying you would be open to the general opinion. I probably won't post any polls before I'm back from vacation, but will think about how best to word such a poll.
Interesting. I have not noticed before this ANY desire from the moderators to be influenced by the members of the board. So I appreciate you saying you would be open to the general opinion. I probably won't post any polls before I'm back from vacation, but will think about how best to word such a poll.

Think about joining Owey's forum.

They don't have too many members posting so your ugly lil' head wont get all confused, and Owey only allows liberals, so you'll love it.
I say we make the use of the N word and the C word bannable offences. Problem solved and it's not as if it would limit one's ability to express one's self.
I agree with Rune that those two words I find offensive. However, banning isn't the answer as those that are out to offend, will find other ways to do so and then moderating becomes more and more called for.

Personally when someone finds it necessary to use offensive language or go on a name calling rant, for the most part I won't respond. Not saying there might not come a time I will, but in general it works for me.

Some of the 'worst offenders' on name calling and use of offensive language are often putting forth a position I may agree with, but no way are they getting a 'thanks' for it.
I believe in our set of rules. I know some don't like it, but I do believe in them.

Speaking only for myself, I don't mind that you don't care. I don't mean that in a facetious way.

If you want to call people niggers and alienate yourself, that is your prerogative.

If people want to start ignoring you en masse, that is their prerogative.

I don't want to ban words or language or thoughts. I much prefer to provide that freedom to everyone here and let everybody (including you) make their own choices.

This way, everyone on the board is getting to say exactly what they want to say, and everyone on the board is getting to ignore exactly what it is they want to ignore.

It will naturally work itself out.

Situation One: everyone starts ignoring you and you get bored.


- you either quit the site, or you make effort to not be so ignored so you can have fun again. The system has self-corrected itself.

Situation Two: everyone starts ignoring you but you truly aren't bothered by that at all.


- it's win/win. You are still having fun saying the things you want to say, and those that are offended don't have to see the posts. The system has self-corrected itself.

Situation Three: most people don't end up really ignoring you.


- your comments don't rise to the level of people wanting to put them out of their sight. People have still made their own choices.

I can can guarantee that it will be a combination of 2 and 3. Because I am not bothered by it at all. And they aren't truly offended by what I say AND they aren't here for "true civil debate". Want to know how I know?

Look at APP. For an entire week, I posted almost entirely on APP. Not one incendiary thread. All what I think were pretty good topics that should have stirred some good debate? What happened? Fucking zilch. Now they can't complain that I was going to be mean because APP has its own set of rules. And forget me for a second. How many threads has Don Quixote started on APP and what do you get from the biggest whiners like Winterborn and Tekky? Fucking CRICKETS. Why? Because deep down they love the shit that goes on. It is what keeps them going.

They don't have to read any of my posts, but they do. And don't give me the "Oh, somebody quoted ILA and that is how I saw it". You know what a lame fucking excuse that is? Guess what, when I had HowAIDS on ignore, it didn't make two shits if someone quoted him. If I saw someone quoted the queer, I just skipped over that post. I didn't have to read it.

So in the end, Billy can have his little circle jerk, but nothing will change. Because it is what it is.