Republicans Still Not Negotiating With Federal Expenses


Tea Is The New Kool-Aid
For the most part the Left wants the programs we have and they are willing to pay for them through taxation. This is proven because Democrats generally tax for what they/we spend. Deficits nearly always look good under Democrat control.

This is the opportunity, now, for Republicans to put together dozens or hundreds of different proposals to cut certain programs or trim down certain programs. We know some may not be passed which is why you need lots of proposals ready to be put on the table.

But this won't happen because Republicans today are cowards who don't want to see the backlash of closing or trimming programs. They only ask Obama to cut and trim for them so the finger can be pointed at him.

There are hundreds if not thousands of programs that could be cut or trimmed. A lot of the small programs might not "amount to much" according to the Republicans I've talked to but they will add up and why in the hell should we keep funding this crap but focus on cutting programs entirely that the deaf, blind, chronically ill, and disabled depend on to survive? I'll start and if I was a politician I don't think I would worry about the backlash because these are not essential in any way IMO.

1) Stop paying Halliburton to rebuild Iraq. We don't rebuild Countries we are angry enough to go to war with. Cost is rising too fast to calculate. $1000 every 6 seconds.
2) The video game Americas Army that has cost the tax payers over $60 Million already
3) Washington will spend $2.6 million training Chinese prostitutes to drink more responsibly on the job
4) Over half of all farm subsidies go to commercial farms, which report average household incomes of $200,000 and cost the taxpayer $100 Billion
5) Health care fraud is estimated to cost taxpayers more than $60 billion annually (Wait, this ended with Obamacare. Scratch that)
6) $200 Million to a reality show in India
7) $325 Thousand for "RoboSquirrel" to study rattlesnake behavior (again, small but ignorantly wasteful)

I could go on for hours but just do a few internet searches yourself. Search "Federal Government wasteful spending"

But since the GOP are too busy crossing their arms in a hissy fit they aren't working on real problems at all.
You KNOW that history is going to repeat itself. This time they are going to force us into a default. And in a default, taxes go up.

These bone heads running the GOP today are the Tea Party and Libertarians that think all Govorning is bad. They don't seem to remember we tried that and VOTED to be where we are today. You anti-government extremists are simple minded corporate pawns which use media to convince you we have it bad. They convince you that your broke because of taxation so you won't notice their greedy hand in your pocket
Did somebody ever think to tell George Marshall this?

So you call yourself a conservative but you think we should rebuild countries we go to war with... you know, maybe if you clowns weren't so trigger happy we wouldn't be spending so much. He'll you bone heads openly called Obama a coward for not going to war with Iran and Syria. By you all I mean this new wave of idiot republicans.

If you are going to go to war , make sure you are are in such a bad situation that you HAVE to declare war and others is no reason you would want to rebuild their Country... every party.. but mostly you warmonger Republicans
So now FDR was a "tigger happy clown"?

Please, continue on. This is fascinating.

This goes for all presidents. You clearly haven't read my name. And why would you, you think I'm a liberal because I disagreed with you on certain topics. Read more, type less. You current Republicans are taught to question nothing and never EVER educate yourself on the opposing party. Just like a cult does.
This goes for all presidents. .

... and yet, you said this:

So you call yourself a conservative but you think we should rebuild countries we go to war with... you know, maybe if you clowns weren't so trigger happy we wouldn't be spending so much. He'll you bone heads openly called Obama a coward for not going to war with Iran and Syria. By you all I mean this new wave of idiot republicans.
For the most part the Left wants the programs we have and they are willing to pay for them through taxation. This is proven because Democrats generally tax for what they/we spend. Deficits nearly always look good under Democrat control.

This is the opportunity, now, for Republicans to put together dozens or hundreds of different proposals to cut certain programs or trim down certain programs. We know some may not be passed which is why you need lots of proposals ready to be put on the table.

But this won't happen because Republicans today are cowards who don't want to see the backlash of closing or trimming programs. They only ask Obama to cut and trim for them so the finger can be pointed at him.

There are hundreds if not thousands of programs that could be cut or trimmed. A lot of the small programs might not "amount to much" according to the Republicans I've talked to but they will add up and why in the hell should we keep funding this crap but focus on cutting programs entirely that the deaf, blind, chronically ill, and disabled depend on to survive? I'll start and if I was a politician I don't think I would worry about the backlash because these are not essential in any way IMO.

1) Stop paying Halliburton to rebuild Iraq. We don't rebuild Countries we are angry enough to go to war with. Cost is rising too fast to calculate. $1000 every 6 seconds.
2) The video game Americas Army that has cost the tax payers over $60 Million already
3) Washington will spend $2.6 million training Chinese prostitutes to drink more responsibly on the job
4) Over half of all farm subsidies go to commercial farms, which report average household incomes of $200,000 and cost the taxpayer $100 Billion
5) Health care fraud is estimated to cost taxpayers more than $60 billion annually (Wait, this ended with Obamacare. Scratch that)
6) $200 Million to a reality show in India
7) $325 Thousand for "RoboSquirrel" to study rattlesnake behavior (again, small but ignorantly wasteful)

I could go on for hours but just do a few internet searches yourself. Search "Federal Government wasteful spending"

But since the GOP are too busy crossing their arms in a hissy fit they aren't working on real problems at all.

I see Halliburton is back in mix...what about Bush and Cheney and Rumsfeld....they should get an honorable mention.....they did more than
just cause the Chicago fire and sink the Lusitania and starve school children.... plus causing the extinction of the dinosaurs
I see Halliburton is back in mix...what about Bush and Cheney and Rumsfeld....they should get an honorable mention.....they did more than
just cause the Chicago fire and sink the Lusitania and starve school children.... plus causing the extinction of the dinosaurs

Did Infowars tell you they killed off dinosaurs? Lol.

Anyway brains..are you stating that you approve the spending to rebuild Iraq? ........Did I pluck a nerve when I mentioned Bush who we are all supposed to forget?

What is funny is that you will fight to end funding to blind people but don't want to discuss the cost of rebuilding Iraq......... see anything wrong with that....
Notice no Right wingers agree with me on this topic.............cutting expenses that don't affect the truly disabled or needy...

They vote down every budget proposed. They are keeping people out of jobs. WIC is running out of money........This GOP is a real peach.