Republicans say it outloud


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A couple of great examples of the utter lack of integrity and ethics from some of our favorite Republicans are making headlines today.

Let's start with the censuring of Pat Toomey by state and local GOP officials in Pennsylvania. His crime was to vote his conscience and listen to the evidence presented in the trial. A state GOP official, David Ball, had this to say about Toomey:

"We did not send him there to vote his conscience. We did not send him there to do the right thing or whatever he said he was doing. We sent him there to represent us."

'Us' apparently meaning the Trump Cult. Yep, you heard that right, this guy doesn't want a Senator to do the right thing, he wants a Senator who follows the orders of Donald J. Trump.

Which leads us to Ron Johnson, the Trumpkin Senator from Wisconsin, who really thinks you can't have an insurrection without guns and shooting:

"This didn't seem like an armed insurrection to me," the Oshkosh Republican said in an interview on WISN-AM with conservative talk radio show host Jay Weber, after condemning the events at the U.S. Capitol that day. "I mean 'armed,' when you hear 'armed,' don't you think of firearms?"

Yep, bear spray, spears, hockey sticks and other blunt objects aren't really weapons, so no big deal. Johnson did get one thing right, as he went on to say this:

"If that was a planned armed insurrection, man, you had really a bunch of idiots."

Yep Ron, it sure was a bunch of idiots. In other words, it was Trumpkins just like you.
No one has ever insisted that you have a functioning brain in order to be a Trump supporter.

There is a reason for that!
A couple of great examples of the utter lack of integrity and ethics from some of our favorite Republicans are making headlines today.

Let's start with the censuring of Pat Toomey by state and local GOP officials in Pennsylvania. His crime was to vote his conscience and listen to the evidence presented in the trial. A state GOP official, David Ball, had this to say about Toomey:

"We did not send him there to vote his conscience. We did not send him there to do the right thing or whatever he said he was doing. We sent him there to represent us."

'Us' apparently meaning the Trump Cult. Yep, you heard that right, this guy doesn't want a Senator to do the right thing, he wants a Senator who follows the orders of Donald J. Trump.

Which leads us to Ron Johnson, the Trumpkin Senator from Wisconsin, who really thinks you can't have an insurrection without guns and shooting:

"This didn't seem like an armed insurrection to me," the Oshkosh Republican said in an interview on WISN-AM with conservative talk radio show host Jay Weber, after condemning the events at the U.S. Capitol that day. "I mean 'armed,' when you hear 'armed,' don't you think of firearms?"

Yep, bear spray, spears, hockey sticks and other blunt objects aren't really weapons, so no big deal. Johnson did get one thing right, as he went on to say this:

"If that was a planned armed insurrection, man, you had really a bunch of idiots."

Yep Ron, it sure was a bunch of idiots. In other words, it was Trumpkins just like you.

When it plays out in the courts and dozens if not hundreds of former Trump supporters are sent to prison for attacking the Capitol, then we'll know if it was an insurrection or not. Hint: it was. :)
If you ever took civics, you would know an elected politician has to consider his state needs and the nation's. He has to consider his own values too. He has to factor world requirements into his votes too. He is not a party robot unless he is a Trumpy. Then he takes direct orders from the Mira Lago capitol.
If you ever took civics, you would know an elected politician has to consider his state needs and the nation's. He has to consider his own values too. He has to factor world requirements into his votes too. He is not a party robot unless he is a Trumpy. Then he takes direct orders from the Mira Lago capitol.

They should all abide by their oath and their duties. Instead, too many put party over country.

Why weren't you in Washington, DC, old man? Spine too weak? Liver too white? Did you give any financial or material support to the Insurrectionists?
There was no armed insurrection on the 6th. To say there was is silly. With the kind of numbers in the amounts of people that were there if it were TRULY an armed insurrection they would have accomplished anything they wanted to at break neck speed. If they would have wanted to kill Democrat lawmakers,....they would have and nothing would have stopped them. If they wanted to have taken hostages,....they would have. I like to live in reality. Armed insurrection? Not hardly. In fact its laughable to even suggest it.
HUGE difference between 1000 people showing up with assault weapons and a couple guys with bear spray and retail grade mace. :laugh:
There was no armed insurrection on the 6th. To say there was is silly. With the kind of numbers in the amounts of people that were there if it were TRULY an armed insurrection they would have accomplished anything they wanted to at break neck speed. If they would have wanted to kill Democrat lawmakers,....they would have and nothing would have stopped them. If they wanted to have taken hostages,....they would have. I like to live in reality. Armed insurrection? Not hardly. In fact its laughable to even suggest it.

So when it came time to wage your civil war, you fuckers were too stupid to arm yourselves. No wonder it didn't work out for you. Good luck in prison.
So when it came time to wage your civil war, you fuckers were too stupid to arm yourselves. No wonder it didn't work out for you. Good luck in prison.

Because they werent there to wage civil war or insurrection. If they were you and the whole world would have known it. You have fun BACK in Prison...
Because they werent there to wage civil war or insurrection. If they were you and the whole world would have known it. You have fun BACK in Prison...

Sure they were. They had it planned. They had their tactical gear, their maps, and had identified their targets. They were just completely hapless. Which is no surprise. Me and the whole world DO know it.
Sure they were. They had it planned. They had their tactical gear, their maps, and had identified their targets. They were just completely hapless. Which is no surprise. Me and the whole world DO know it.

O.,K Concart, are right. :rolleyes: They had the whole thing planned out to cause an insurrection and trigger a civil war but they thought it would be a good idea to attack with a couple guys having bear spray. Yeah,....thats EXACTLY how it happened. :rolleyes:

Sure they were. They had it planned. They had their tactical gear, their maps, and had identified their targets. They were just completely hapless. Which is no surprise. Me and the whole world DO know it.

Yup..... their tactical gear was bear spray and nerf guns. Makes total sense. AR-15? Naww,.. fuck that. Were bringing out the peacemaker.......the NERF GUNS! :laugh:
A couple of great examples of the utter lack of integrity and ethics from some of our favorite Republicans are making headlines today.

Let's start with the censuring of Pat Toomey by state and local GOP officials in Pennsylvania. His crime was to vote his conscience and listen to the evidence presented in the trial. A state GOP official, David Ball, had this to say about Toomey:

"We did not send him there to vote his conscience. We did not send him there to do the right thing or whatever he said he was doing. We sent him there to represent us."

'Us' apparently meaning the Trump Cult. Yep, you heard that right, this guy doesn't want a Senator to do the right thing, he wants a Senator who follows the orders of Donald J. Trump.

Which leads us to Ron Johnson, the Trumpkin Senator from Wisconsin, who really thinks you can't have an insurrection without guns and shooting:

"This didn't seem like an armed insurrection to me," the Oshkosh Republican said in an interview on WISN-AM with conservative talk radio show host Jay Weber, after condemning the events at the U.S. Capitol that day. "I mean 'armed,' when you hear 'armed,' don't you think of firearms?"

Yep, bear spray, spears, hockey sticks and other blunt objects aren't really weapons, so no big deal. Johnson did get one thing right, as he went on to say this:

"If that was a planned armed insurrection, man, you had really a bunch of idiots."

Yep Ron, it sure was a bunch of idiots. In other words, it was Trumpkins just like you.

Some people say we've got a lot of malice
Some say it's a lot of nerve
But I say we won't quit moving until we get what we deserve

We have been 'buked and we have been scorned
We've been treated bad, talked about as sure as you're born

But just as sure as it takes two eyes to make a pair, ha
Brother we can't quit until we get our share

Say it loud: I'm black and I'm proud!
Say it loud: I'm black and I'm proud!
There was no armed insurrection on the 6th. To say there was is silly. With the kind of numbers in the amounts of people that were there if it were TRULY an armed insurrection they would have accomplished anything they wanted to at break neck speed. If they would have wanted to kill Democrat lawmakers,....they would have and nothing would have stopped them. If they wanted to have taken hostages,....they would have. I like to live in reality. Armed insurrection? Not hardly. In fact its laughable to even suggest it.

If it was as an insurrection it was historically inept lol.

An actual insurrection would be more covert [at first at least]; involve way more *active* firearms and a lot less cellphones; no obvious jokers like the shaman would he involved.

Basically, if it was an actual insurrection it would have ended in a blood bath with the Trump supporters ending up in the losing side. There simply weren’t enough of them that were armed to do anything more than what they did, which was cause some damage [I’m sure Antifa scoffs at the degree of it] and causing the cops to herd some politicians to a more secure location.

A BIT LIKE when Trump had to be shuffled off to a bunker while the raging leftists were burning Saint John’s church and occupying Lafayette Square.

Btw lefties and Trump haters, isn’t flushing the President of the United States out of the WH a bit like an insurrection?

Why werent YOU there to stand against it ? Skeered?

Stand against what? I didn't know they were going to attack the Capitol. Did you? You're the terrorist supporter, Stone. Where were you when they needed you? In the rear with the gear? LOL