Republicans Play Hardballs with Demo/Lib biased TV Networks, about time


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This is moore like it, we need to start kicking some Leftist Media booty ......."Republican Party calls on NBC, CNN to cancel planned Hillary Clinton programs and threatens to pull out of primary debates if the networks don't comply"
...."The Republican National Committee wants NBC and CNN to cancel upcoming programs on Hillary Rodham Clinton and is threatening to blackball the television networks from future Republican presidential debates if they fail to comply.

Committee Chairman Reince Priebus calls the programs political ads "masquerading" as unbiased productions. He vows not to partner with the networks on Republican debates if they don't pull the programs.

"It's appalling to know executives at major networks like NBC and CNN who have donated to Democrats and Hillary Clinton have taken it upon themselves to be Hillary Clinton's campaign operatives," Priebus said in a statement. "Their actions to promote Secretary Clinton are disturbing and disappointing."

Clinton has not yet said whether she'll run for president in 2016.

CNN Films is planning a feature-length film on the former first lady and secretary of state for next year.

NBC has announced the miniseries "Hillary" starring Diane Lane. It's expected to be released before the 2016 presidential election.

Richard Licata, an NBC Entertainment spokesman, declined comment on the request and referred calls to NBC News, which said in a statement that it "is completely independent of NBC Entertainment and has no involvement in this project."

CNN said in a statement that "instead of making premature decisions about a project that is in the very early stages of development and months from completion, we would encourage the members of the Republican National Committee to reserve judgment until they know more."

"Should they decide not to participate in debates on CNN, we would find it curious, as limiting their debate participation seems to be the ultimate disservice to voters," CNN said"..........
This is moore like it, we need to start kicking some Leftist Media booty ......."Republican Party calls on NBC, CNN to cancel planned Hillary Clinton programs and threatens to pull out of primary debates if the networks don't comply"
...."The Republican National Committee wants NBC and CNN to cancel upcoming programs on Hillary Rodham Clinton and is threatening to blackball the television networks from future Republican presidential debates if they fail to comply.

Committee Chairman Reince Priebus calls the programs political ads "masquerading" as unbiased productions. He vows not to partner with the networks on Republican debates if they don't pull the programs.

"It's appalling to know executives at major networks like NBC and CNN who have donated to Democrats and Hillary Clinton have taken it upon themselves to be Hillary Clinton's campaign operatives," Priebus said in a statement. "Their actions to promote Secretary Clinton are disturbing and disappointing."

Clinton has not yet said whether she'll run for president in 2016.

CNN Films is planning a feature-length film on the former first lady and secretary of state for next year.

NBC has announced the miniseries "Hillary" starring Diane Lane. It's expected to be released before the 2016 presidential election.

Richard Licata, an NBC Entertainment spokesman, declined comment on the request and referred calls to NBC News, which said in a statement that it "is completely independent of NBC Entertainment and has no involvement in this project."

CNN said in a statement that "instead of making premature decisions about a project that is in the very early stages of development and months from completion, we would encourage the members of the Republican National Committee to reserve judgment until they know more."

"Should they decide not to participate in debates on CNN, we would find it curious, as limiting their debate participation seems to be the ultimate disservice to voters," CNN said"..........
I say to let Fox News and Fox Broadcasting affiliates handle all future Primary Debates. Why would the Republicans allow their Primary Candidates to be questioned by a bunch of Liberal Vultures, who's only goal is to make Republicans look bad. Maybe this Blackball Of CNN and NBC is just an excuse to pull out, no pun intended?...LOL
Probably a smart move by the Republicans. The fewer the number of people actually see their wacko presidential primary debates the better. Anybody ever watch one of those fucking things?
Probably a smart move by the Republicans. The fewer the number of people actually see their wacko presidential primary debates the better. Anybody ever watch one of those fucking things?
If I were to debate The Hillary, I would keep asking her about Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi, and then The Hillary's "going bonkers" temper would colme out, just like it did in front of Congress. Every Lib that I know has a bad temper when they do not get their way, I call it the Liberal Brat Syndrome or LBS. They whine and bitch when things don't go their way, like clockwork, especially the masculine FemiNazis, who hate men.
If I were to debate The Hillary, I would keep asking her about Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi, and then The Hillary's "going bonkers" temper would colme out, just like it did in front of Congress. Every Lib that I know has a bad temper when they do not get their way, I call it the Liberal Brat Syndrome or LBS. They whine and bitch when things don't go their way, like clockwork, especially the masculine FemiNazis, who hate men.

Do they do things like threaten to take their debate away if they don't get their way? That kind of whining and bitching?
Probably a smart move by the Republicans. The fewer the number of people actually see their wacko presidential primary debates the better. Anybody ever watch one of those fucking things?

They actually were kind of fun in a "train wreck" kind of way last time. But I can come up with other drinking games, don't need them.
but then you will miss them cheering death again.

Oh yeah that was the primary debate.

I bet this time there were be more empty chairs for their faded stars to talk to though
lol. STY finally gets one right.

The Republicans won't find anyone to put up a reasonable challenge to Hillary.




Even Romney won't want to buy this election again.
BenghaziGate will follow The Hillary around like a skunk smell. By the way, I saw 8 skunks behind my ranch style house last night, they come out and wonder around as soon as the Sun goes down. If you get sprayed by a skunk, you will need to wash everything with tomato juice, but tomato juice will not help The Hillary.
BenghaziGate will follow The Hillary around like a skunk smell. By the way, I saw 8 skunks behind my ranch style house last night, they come out and wonder around as soon as the Sun goes down. If you get sprayed by a skunk, you will need to wash everything with tomato juice, but tomato juice will not help The Hillary.

That's not a skunk! It's your wife's booty!
This is moore like it, we need to start kicking some Leftist Media booty ......."Republican Party calls on NBC, CNN to cancel planned Hillary Clinton programs and threatens to pull out of primary debates if the networks don't comply"
...."The Republican National Committee wants NBC and CNN to cancel upcoming programs on Hillary Rodham Clinton and is threatening to blackball the television networks from future Republican presidential debates if they fail to comply.

Committee Chairman Reince Priebus calls the programs political ads "masquerading" as unbiased productions. He vows not to partner with the networks on Republican debates if they don't pull the programs.

"It's appalling to know executives at major networks like NBC and CNN who have donated to Democrats and Hillary Clinton have taken it upon themselves to be Hillary Clinton's campaign operatives," Priebus said in a statement. "Their actions to promote Secretary Clinton are disturbing and disappointing."

Clinton has not yet said whether she'll run for president in 2016.

CNN Films is planning a feature-length film on the former first lady and secretary of state for next year.

NBC has announced the miniseries "Hillary" starring Diane Lane. It's expected to be released before the 2016 presidential election.

Richard Licata, an NBC Entertainment spokesman, declined comment on the request and referred calls to NBC News, which said in a statement that it "is completely independent of NBC Entertainment and has no involvement in this project."

CNN said in a statement that "instead of making premature decisions about a project that is in the very early stages of development and months from completion, we would encourage the members of the Republican National Committee to reserve judgment until they know more."

"Should they decide not to participate in debates on CNN, we would find it curious, as limiting their debate participation seems to be the ultimate disservice to voters," CNN said"..........

So, in order to win you need to keep Clinton's information from reaching the it. Signs of a cult.

9.The group/leader is always right.

10.The group/leader is the exclusive means of knowing "truth" or receiving validation, no other process of discovery is really acceptable or credible.
I'm tellin you. It's a cult.

If you read about cults they say it has nothing to do with religion, it's just more common in religion.

Cults have to make sure you don't get information from other sources, establish themselves as the only answer/path, they feed you lies and want you to get angry/emotional about it.

It's a cult. Didn't use to be.
I'm tellin you. It's a cult.

If you read about cults they say it has nothing to do with religion, it's just more common in religion.

Cults have to make sure you don't get information from other sources, establish themselves as the only answer/path, they feed you lies and want you to get angry/emotional about it.

It's a cult. Didn't use to be.

Do you remember why the Right created Fox all of those years ago?
Because too many people were using collective information and not jumping to conclusions?

No, because people were getting one singular opinion. Back then, none of the major networks had dabbled in right wing pundits, such as those that MSNBC has given air to over the past 15 years. It is true that the slogan "Fair and Balanced," is a lie. They should just have called themselves "The Balance." You are probably unaware that the other networks have been getting into trouble over forged documents, edited soundbytes, and whatnot, because you appear to never watch them.