Republicans blame each other after shutdown fiasco


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The best thing for the democrats is if the idiot Ted Cruz doesnt shut his yapper. The country will never buy Ted Cruz' brand of far right nutcase bs. Personally I cant remember the last time Ive disliked and disrepected a candidate more than I do Cruz.

Mitch McConnell, John McCain, Jeb Bush say the party needs to pick better battles, but Sen. Ted Cruz vows to fight on.

Republicans began a new week pointing fingers at each other Sunday following a 16-day government shutdown and near-default that left the nation worse off and the GOP taking most of the blame.

If there was a theme to the round of Sunday morning talk shows looking back at the fiasco, it was the determination of most Republicans — from Senate leaders to past and potential future presidential candidates — to move on rather than focus on this month's failed battles.
The best thing for the democrats is if the idiot Ted Cruz doesnt shut his yapper. The country will never buy Ted Cruz' brand of far right nutcase bs. Personally I cant remember the last time Ive disliked and disrepected a candidate more than I do Cruz.

Mitch McConnell, John McCain, Jeb Bush say the party needs to pick better battles, but Sen. Ted Cruz vows to fight on.

Republicans began a new week pointing fingers at each other Sunday following a 16-day government shutdown and near-default that left the nation worse off and the GOP taking most of the blame.

If there was a theme to the round of Sunday morning talk shows looking back at the fiasco, it was the determination of most Republicans — from Senate leaders to past and potential future presidential candidates — to move on rather than focus on this month's failed battles.

Let's see McShamnesty lost in 2008. Why should anyone listen to him? Cuz he was captured by some gooks?
Yeah John Mcain the prisoner of war who suffered torture for over 5 yrs in communist Viet Nam, what have you done for country that comes even remotely close, neither of you could shine his shoes or wash his drawers :) and ted cruz well thats just a canadian pos
The best thing for the democrats is if the idiot Ted Cruz doesnt shut his yapper. The country will never buy Ted Cruz' brand of far right nutcase bs. Personally I cant remember the last time Ive disliked and disrepected a candidate more than I do Cruz.

“Far right nutcase bs?” Oh! So that’s what you think going to Washington standing on principles to reverse the tide of “Good Ole Boy” wasting of taxpayer’s money on unconstitutional shit, running up the national debt, continuing trillion dollar deficits and kicking the proverbial can down the proverbial road until we’re bankrupted is, right? How pathetic you are little brain-dead fellow!

Mitch McConnell, John McCain, Jeb Bush say the party needs to pick better battles, but Sen. Ted Cruz vows to fight on.

How sick is it to have heroes made of old school, “go along to get along” duopoly neo-con Republicans 2 of whom have conspired with the left in Washington to create a 17 trillion $ national debt, McCain the anti-Second Amendment, Democrat ass kissing, Keating Five, war mongering flunky bastard who’s milked Washington’s organized criminal Congress most of his adult life and Mitch McConnell the old establishment dead-beat neo-con Democrat in Republican clothing. And can we believe it another fucking “BUSH?” You are one sick, clueless uninformed moron.

Republicans began a new week pointing fingers at each other Sunday following a 16-day government shutdown and near-default that left the nation worse off and the GOP taking most of the blame.

When 99% of the MSM are a bribed and loyal ally of the left Goober, who the fuck did you expect to take the blame? Ted Cruz stood up on principle to save the American people from the Obama-Care disaster. Ted Cruz is a hero Goober! The war-mongering neo-con establishment Democrat lite McCain, being the phony bastard that he is touts Ronald Reagan then is the first to disobey the sacred Reagan commandment, “never speak ill of a fellow Republican.”

If there was a theme to the round of Sunday morning talk shows looking back at the fiasco, it was the determination of most Republicans — from Senate leaders to past and potential future presidential candidates — to move on rather than focus on this month's failed battles.

Interpretation: It was the cowardly desire of the old school establishment neo-con Republicans to kick the proverbial can yet once again down the proverbial road toward 100 trillion dollar future unfunded liabilities and bankruptcy. The cowardly bastards should all be ejaculated into the belly of the beast and mauled to death in Republican primaries by the Tea Party.

John McCain, Lindsey Graham, Peter King, Mitch McConnell and the rest of the neo-con socialist/fascist BIG government bastards are low-life Democrat Lite swindlers and crooks.
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What a load of steaming crap! Ted Cruz is a self=aggrandizing bullshit artist whose only purpose in all of this was to promote the image of Ted Cruz as the consummate populist outsider and the only real (false) hope for the tea party fools who like so many ignorant lemmings have always joined forces to support the most radical idiot in the Republican ranks. Remember Goldwater? You would do well to spend some time studying the arc of Goldwater's narrative. Cruz is never going to fly so high or so long, he is already headed into the dust bin of history. Anyone who thinks he has more than what the rhetorical turn supplied by the metaphor, "a snowball's chance in hell" implies, of getting the nod or making it to the White House if by some fucking miracle he did get it, is delusional. And as far as I can tell that describes about 3/4 of the Tea Party Republicans here. So sad about your mental state--get help!
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What a load of steaming crap! Ted Cruz is a self=aggrandizing bullshit artist whose only purpose in all of this was to promote the image of Ted Cruz as the consummate populist outsider and the only real (false) hope for the tea party fools who like so many ignorant lemmings have always joined forces to support the most radical idiot in the Republican ranks.

Who would have guessed that a low-life socialist/fascist BIG government leftist would bemoan ridding the nation from the unconstitutional botched abortion called ObamaCare as being “the most radical idiotic of Republican ideology?” Actually Goober it’s more like the stuff that folks with real balls are made of.

Remember Goldwater?

I voted for Barry Goldwater! He was the last of the true Classical Liberal/libertarian, (small L) Republicans until Ron Paul came along. Goldwater was crucified by the BIG government, war mongering, anti-constitution neo-cons in their takeover of the Republican Party. Goldwater was the last time I voted for a Republican and the bastard neo-cons were my reason for my hatred to this day of all political parties.

You would do well to spend some time studying his narrative arc.

You would do well Goober to study Goldwater’s loyalty to our Constitution.

Cruz is never going to fly so high or so long, he is already headed into the dust bin of history

At least that’s you BIG government heart’s desire, huh Goober. When America catches on to the ObamaCare BIG insurance fraud racket and its disastrous bankrupting bamboozeling authoritarian corruption, ole Teddy just might come out smelling like a rose in the eyes of the sane majority. Wonder how many brain-dead lefties that will cause to jump out of upper story windows? Many, many, many I hope!

and anyone who thinks he is going to be the Republican candidate or has a the rhetorical turn supplied by the metaphor, "a snowball's chance in hell" of getting the nod or making it if by some fucking miracle he did get it is delusional and as far as I can tell that describes about 3/4 of the Tea Party Republicans here. So sad about your mental state--get help!

Don’t worry Goober! As long as the BIG government neo-fascist, neo-communist, neo-con,. war mongering Authoritarian bastards keep control of the corrupt Republican Party, your BIG bankrupted government is safe from constitutional sanity. What we have Goober is a duopoly dictatorship of BIG government bastards/establishment career criminal flunkeys, social drinkers and pure assholes in charge of the fucking mental institution in Washington that y’all morons love so well.
So many words, so little content.

C.L. - I agree with one point you are making though. The far right will purge the moderates from the party by next prez election. Koch brothers and Adelson money will flow in the billions thru Citizens United to make it happen. Asian, Middle Eastern and banking interests will be represented instead of the American people and all the while your candidates will wrap themselves in the flag and the constitution.

DeMint and Cruz are your candidates for the next prez election. Paid for by foreign interests and slush money.
LOL at liberals who apparently think politicians should lie to the voters to get elected and then cave to the other side once in office....
“Far right nutcase bs?” Oh! So that’s what you think going to Washington standing on principles to reverse the tide of “Good Ole Boy” wasting of taxpayer’s money on unconstitutional shit, running up the national debt, continuing trillion dollar deficits and kicking the proverbial can down the proverbial road until we’re bankrupted is, right? How pathetic you are little brain-dead fellow!

Let me know when the right wing cruz clown show wins one. They have a perfect record so far of never winning a freakin thing
Let me know when the right wing cruz clown show wins one. They have a perfect record so far of never winning a freakin thing

In 2012, Ted Cruz was elected as the 34th U.S. Senator from Texas. A passionate fighter for limited government, economic growth, and the Constitution, Ted won a decisive victory in both the Republican primary and the general election, despite having never before been elected to office.

Propelled by tens of thousands of grassroots activists across Texas, Ted’s election has been described by the Washington Post as “the biggest upset of 2012 . . . a true grassroots victory against very long odds.”

That was easy.
Who would have guessed that a low-life socialist/fascist BIG government leftist would bemoan ridding the nation from the unconstitutional botched abortion called ObamaCare as being “the most radical idiotic of Republican ideology?” Actually Goober it’s more like the stuff that folks with real balls are made of.

If you are going to put what you think I said in quotation marks you illiterate fool, at least get the damn words correct--if you are just going to pull some shit out of your ass, do me the favor and be honest enough not to pretend that you are quoting me when you aren't.

What I originally wrote is "the most radical idiot in the Republican ranks". What you say I said is "the most radical idiotic of Republican ideology".

I would venture that anyone who can't copy a quotation any better than you can probably doesn't shit about much of anything!
I would venture that anyone who can't copy a quotation any better than you can probably doesn't shit about much of anything!

C.L. - I agree with one point you are making though. The far right will purge the moderates from the party by next prez election.

“Moderates?” You mean those RINO, Democrat Lite, neo-con, career Washington crooks like McCain, Graham and that New York Mafia moron Peter, (foreskin) King? Fat chance of that Crash. Those bastards are so entrenched in the Republican neo-con Mafia it’ll take a nuclear weapon to blow those bastards off of the Republican gut wagon. The “libertarians,” (your “far right”), are still a small minority. The neo-con bastards will maintain control of the RINO Party and likely put up another clone of the corporatist crony crook Romney in 2016. The libertarians just need to increase their numbers in the Congress.

DeMint and Cruz are your candidates for the next prez election. Paid for by foreign interests and slush money.

Anybody that takes on the fucking corrupt establishment and shows some real loyalty to the Constitution are the folks I respect. I’ve been sick half to death of the Duopoly Drones and crooked bastards in Washington most of my adult life. I have no respect for America’s voters. They’re incompetent, uninformed, bribed and pathetic. They’ve established and entrenched the BIG bloated corrupt government they deserve.
its wonderful that they seek to continually make the party weaker and weaker.

Its the best thing that could happen for this country.

See what happens to a party that TRIES to cheat to win instead of trying to appeal to enough voters to win.

Democracy finds a way to take you ass out.

gulp that tar
I would venture that anyone who can't copy a quotation any better than you can probably doesn't shit about much of anything!

”can probably doesn't”

I told you to change drug dealers Goober, you should have listened. The bastard that’s sellin you that shit has fried your little pea-brain. You can’t even construct a competent sentence.

Contrary to your accusation, I do shit “something” but I never shit a “quotation.”
Let me know when the right wing cruz clown show wins one. They have a perfect record so far of never winning a freakin thing

They got elected Goober and the Obama-Care botched abortion just might make heroes out of all of them before it’s over, who have suffered the slings and arrows of left-ass America. Give the left enough rope and watch them hang themselves. You better start getting worried now Goober. The largest lawsuit in the nation’s history is getting under way against Obama’s corrupt IRS. The crooked bastard better start bribing the judges, huh Goober?
If my enemy wants to commit suicide, I certainly am not going to try and stop him.

The bell curve of political ideology is fact. It is also fact that every presidential election is won by the candidate who can win the center of that bell curve. If the GOP wants to purge itself of moderates and distill itself into an ideologically pure conservative party, I will stand on the sidelines and applaud their efforts.
Yeah John Mcain the prisoner of war who suffered torture for over 5 yrs in communist Viet Nam, what have you done for country that comes even remotely close, neither of you could shine his shoes or wash his drawers :) and ted cruz well thats just a canadian pos

So what? That doesnt excuse him from saying stupid shit.