Republican Senate Hopes Are Dimming


New member
The Republicans are feeling the heat of their intransigence and the way this is all playing out in the general population. It’s strange that none of the righties here have any idea what the polls currently say about this fiasco which was less they forget driven by a desire to defund the ACA which had already been funded. This is probably the dumbest thing the Republicans have donw for a few years now. As a result conservatives looking toward next year’s elections are feeling the dangers of being associated with Washington or the Republican TeaParty.

G.O.P.’s Hopes to Take Senate Are Dimming
WASHINGTON — Next year was supposed to be a prime opportunity for Republicans to retake the Senate. And for a while, everything seemed to be breaking their way: a wave of Democratic retirements, a fluke in the electoral map that put a large number of races in states that President Obama lost, a strong farm team of conservative Senate hopefuls from the House.

Then the government shut down. Now, instead of sharpening their attacks on Democrats, Republicans on Capitol Hill are being forced to explain why they are not to blame and why Americans should trust them to govern both houses of Congress when the one they do run is in such disarray. Complicating the prospects, the grass-roots political force that has provided so much of the energy for conservative victories over the last four years — the Tea Party — is aggressively working against Republicans it considers not conservative enough.

As a result, many Republicans are openly worrying that the fallout from the fiscal battles paralyzing the capital will hit hardest not in the House, which seems safely in Republican hands thanks to carefully redrawn districts, but in the Senate. Republican infighting, they say, has given Democrats the cover they need to deflect blame and keep their majority.

“The Tea Party benefits when the energy is focused on the Democratic Party and their agenda,” said Brian Walsh, a Republican consultant and former strategist for the National Republican Senatorial Committee. “What’s concerning is a select few groups trying to turn that fire inward on the Republican Party. And that is not helpful.”

In states like Georgia, Louisiana and Montana, the members of the House who are now running for the Senate are demanding that Mr. Obama make concessions on the health care law in exchange for reopening the government. That might help in a Republican primary, but it puts the candidates at risk of damaging their viability in the general election.

And in other states like Kentucky, where the Senate Republican leader, Mitch McConnell, is fighting off a primary challenge from the Tea Party right and would face a strong Democratic opponent, being associated with Republicans in Washington is as freighted as it has ever been. Mr. McConnell’s newest advertisement, in fact, adopts the grievances as his own. “Angry with Washington? So am I,” says Mr. McConnell, a 28-year veteran of the Senate.
Now it's essential that the debt ceiling crisis is "not" averted. Surely the Repubs are planning to take it right to the last day because they know how it's going to damage them. That's when Obama needs to find a pretence to keep it going and make it look like it's the Repub's fault. That shouldn't be all that difficult to accomplish now that the people have turned in big numbers in his favour.

This is an opportunity to destroy the Repubs and the baggers in one shot and shouldn't be missed!
Now it's essential that the debt ceiling crisis is "not" averted. Surely the Repubs are planning to take it right to the last day because they know how it's going to damage them. That's when Obama needs to find a pretence to keep it going and make it look like it's the Repub's fault. That shouldn't be all that difficult to accomplish now that the people have turned in big numbers in his favour.

This is an opportunity to destroy the Repubs and the baggers in one shot and shouldn't be missed!

What you say is something we all know already....but Obama needing a pretense to keep the "crisis" going is not really necessary...and Dandy
is a perfect example...his claim that "The Republicans are feeling the heat of their intransigence" is perfect proof....he already knows in his
mind it is Republican intransigence at fault....the left wing media has drummed that into the airheads of the lefties for weeks.....and they have
blindly refused to hold Obama responsible for anything thats happened in the entire 5 years hes been in office....that will continue for his entire reign.
ANYTHING even slightly bad will be put on the shoulders of someone other than Obama .... and even then, in the end, no one will ever be
held actually responsible for anything......that reality won't change for pinheads. "Fast and furious", Benghaze, IRS, NSA, EPA, etc. have all
acted illegally to one extent or another in the past and no one of any importance has lost a job let alone gone to jail for breaking the law.
He runs a tight ship.
Now it's essential that the debt ceiling crisis is "not" averted. Surely the Repubs are planning to take it right to the last day because they know how it's going to damage them. That's when Obama needs to find a pretence to keep it going and make it look like it's the Repub's fault. That shouldn't be all that difficult to accomplish now that the people have turned in big numbers in his favour.

This is an opportunity to destroy the Repubs and the baggers in one shot and shouldn't be missed!

Obama will cave at the last minute like he always does!
What you say is something we all know already....but Obama needing a pretense to keep the "crisis" going is not really necessary...and Dandy
is a perfect example...his claim that "The Republicans are feeling the heat of their intransigence" is perfect proof....he already knows in his
mind it is Republican intransigence at fault....the left wing media has drummed that into the airheads of the lefties for weeks.....and they have
blindly refused to hold Obama responsible for anything thats happened in the entire 5 years hes been in office....that will continue for his entire reign.
ANYTHING even slightly bad will be put on the shoulders of someone other than Obama .... and even then, in the end, no one will ever be
held actually responsible for anything......that reality won't change for pinheads. "Fast and furious", Benghaze, IRS, NSA, EPA, etc. have all
acted illegally to one extent or another in the past and no one of any importance has lost a job let alone gone to jail for breaking the law.
He runs a tight ship.

Whatever you say Mr. Ellipsis, whatever you say!