Republican Perverts Running Our Country


This should upset some Republicans here. I thought that it was the anti-war people who were the "pervs"?

Will wonders never cease. Republican men like to put on panty house and be spanked. I think this guy is on to something about Abu Ghraib.

Then people want to know why I won't date Republicans. Hello! I get enough runs in my stockings on my own.

Vitter's Madame: "Most of the clients who wanted to be dominated were Republicans."

Via Andrew Sullivan, Jeanette Maier, whose small business Senator David Vitter (R-Canal Street Brothel) patronized, tells her story:

Some of the fantasies at the Canal Street Brothel got a little rough. For those who liked that kind of stuff, there were whips, chains and a lot of leather. Jeanette says that most of the clients who wanted to be dominated were Republicans. She cracks a smile, then adds, “They wanted to be spanked and tortured and wear stockings—Republicans have impeccable taste in silk stockings—and these are the people who run our country.”

I don’t really care what kind of pain-, humiliation-, and torture-filled dramas the Republicans enact in the privacy of their own bedrooms, and I’d sure like it if they left me alone to do what I want to do in mine. And the Jeannette Maiers and Deborah Palreys of this world work a lot less evil than, say, Lynne Cheney, let alone Shooter.

So, yawn? Not exactly. The problems come when Republicans confuse abuse, torture, and sex as fantasies in private with abuse, torture and sex out—as they say—in the public square.

Because then the public square starts looking like a torture room at Abu Ghraib, which Moderate Republican Christopher Shays called a sex ring, and conservative shouting head Rush Limbaugh called blowing off steam.

Why would these fully paid up Republicans confuse torture with sex? Because they’re authoritarians. To them, there is no confusion: Sex, pain, abuse, humiliation are all the same thing. They get off on it. (Strap the dog on top of the car, and let it crap itself for a few hundred miles. Same mentality exactly.)

It’s the abuse of power, stupid.
Neocons sure to like to run others down to build up their own self esteem.
So your conclusion makes sense to me.
Neocons sure to like to run others down to build up their own self esteem.
So your conclusion makes sense to me.

Isn't it amazing? No wonder they have to go to hookers.

No offense to any men on here who might like to put on stockings and be beaten. But you know, not that many women are into that.
LOL. Two posts running down a group by stereotypes to make yourselves feel better with the subject being how "they run others down"...

Very Ironic. In the Alanis Morrisette type of irony...
LOL. Two posts running down a group by stereotypes to make yourselves feel better with the subject being how "they run others down"...

Very Ironic. In the Alanis Morrisette type of irony...

Listen, I am just posting what the madam said. I know nothing about this, since I don't have sex with Republicans. And this story is not likely to make me start, I can tell you that!
For neos and neo wannabees, what is the use of having wealth and power if you cannot lord it over others ?
This should upset some Republicans here. I thought that it was the anti-war people who were the "pervs"?

Will wonders never cease. Republican men like to put on panty house and be spanked. I think this guy is on to something about Abu Ghraib.

Then people want to know why I won't date Republicans. Hello! I get enough runs in my stockings on my own.

Vitter's Madame: "Most of the clients who wanted to be dominated were Republicans."

Via Andrew Sullivan, Jeanette Maier, whose small business Senator David Vitter (R-Canal Street Brothel) patronized, tells her story:

Some of the fantasies at the Canal Street Brothel got a little rough. For those who liked that kind of stuff, there were whips, chains and a lot of leather. Jeanette says that most of the clients who wanted to be dominated were Republicans. She cracks a smile, then adds, “They wanted to be spanked and tortured and wear stockings—Republicans have impeccable taste in silk stockings—and these are the people who run our country.”

I don’t really care what kind of pain-, humiliation-, and torture-filled dramas the Republicans enact in the privacy of their own bedrooms, and I’d sure like it if they left me alone to do what I want to do in mine. And the Jeannette Maiers and Deborah Palreys of this world work a lot less evil than, say, Lynne Cheney, let alone Shooter.

So, yawn? Not exactly. The problems come when Republicans confuse abuse, torture, and sex as fantasies in private with abuse, torture and sex out—as they say—in the public square.

Because then the public square starts looking like a torture room at Abu Ghraib, which Moderate Republican Christopher Shays called a sex ring, and conservative shouting head Rush Limbaugh called blowing off steam.

Why would these fully paid up Republicans confuse torture with sex? Because they’re authoritarians. To them, there is no confusion: Sex, pain, abuse, humiliation are all the same thing. They get off on it. (Strap the dog on top of the car, and let it crap itself for a few hundred miles. Same mentality exactly.)

It’s the abuse of power, stupid.

Then people want to know why I won't date Republicans. Hello! I get enough runs in my stockings on my own.


This just gets better and better. This guy was a freak!
I just read a blurb form larry flint that he has a lot more dirt to spread on republicans in power. He did offer a reward for such information.

Strange.... slime getting dirt on slime....
I just read a blurb form larry flint that he has a lot more dirt to spread on republicans in power. He did offer a reward for such information.

Strange.... slime getting dirt on slime....

Yeah, I can't stomach that guy. He was on one of the shows last night, and i had to shut it off as soon as he came on. I'm never sorry to see the Republicans getting shit, but, I wouldn't stand in the same room with Flynt.