Verified User
If they vote to not convict, they are siding with the violent overthrow of the government.
History will bury the Republican Party in shame
They gave their party to an idiot sociopathic con man
And his racist brainless minions
There's that unity that Creepy Joe was droning on about lol.
shut up you brainless troll
How can any loyal American side with Trump and their violent attempt to overthrow the government?!
shut up you brainless troll
More unity that Creepy Joe was droning on about lol.
Cult 45
It will be the shame of their lives soon
And it should be the easiest bipartisan decision of any. Let's start with things we can agree on.
1. Water is wet and 2. the President should be removed and barred from holding public office if he instigates radical anarchists and disciples
into ransacking the capitol to stop peaceful transition of power. Eternal shame on the Republican leadership for dereliction of duty and cowardice.