Hoosier Daddy
Verified User
first off, i thought right wingers and other assorted loons and trump bitches tried to pretend they were manly....that they hated censorship, and cancel culture, and wimpy folks who could not handle an opposing viewpoint- BUT WHO ON THIS BOARD ALWAYS SEEMS TO BE THE ONE BANNING THOSE WHO CAN KICK THEIR ASS WITH FACTS OFF THEIR CHICKENSHIT LYING THREADS?
answer- chickenshit punks like primevera and others who are too wimpy to stand the truth....fucking punks. no wonder they want to have punkass bitch Trump's baby.
wow, you really are an easily butthurt little trump bitch, aren't you? after 4 years of fox and its talking head liars praising trump like he was Jesus, and televangelists and mega-church charlatans and scam artists actually calling him a savior sent from god to protect racists and bigots and sexists and xenophobes and homophobes, this one guy's purple prose has you in a tizzy? take a midol, bitch!!
check out this ludicrous over the top ass kissing of a pig bitch like traitor trump-
answer- chickenshit punks like primevera and others who are too wimpy to stand the truth....fucking punks. no wonder they want to have punkass bitch Trump's baby.
Joe Biden has unleashed a wave of wokery in his first ten days that will enrage millions - as his supporters in Silicon Valley shut down dissent, writes David Cameron's former policy adviser STEVE HILTON
Those lights that are just shooting out from the Lincoln Memorial along the Reflecting Pool – it’s like almost extensions of Joe Biden’s arms embracing America. It was a moment where the new President came to town and sort of convened the country in this moment of remembrance, outstretching his arms.’
Believe it or not, those were the actual words of CNN’s political director, David Chalian, ‘reporting’ on Joe Biden’s appearance at a light show on Washington DC’s National Mall on the eve of his inauguration.
British Conservatives have long railed against ‘BBC bias’ and the ‘Left-wing media’, but honestly…
The non-stop, undiluted, self-abasing fawning over Biden and his new administration on display over the past week or so from America’s smug, self-righteous, sanctimonious press corps makes North Korea’s mad ‘Dear Leader’ broadcasts sound like Radio Four’s Today programme. So what, you might say?
wow, you really are an easily butthurt little trump bitch, aren't you? after 4 years of fox and its talking head liars praising trump like he was Jesus, and televangelists and mega-church charlatans and scam artists actually calling him a savior sent from god to protect racists and bigots and sexists and xenophobes and homophobes, this one guy's purple prose has you in a tizzy? take a midol, bitch!!
check out this ludicrous over the top ass kissing of a pig bitch like traitor trump-