Rep. Sheila Lee for Homeland Security Secretary, You must be Jacking Me?


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This women is one of the most radical Blacks that I have ever seen, AKA Black Pantherette, listen to her revolutionary speeches way back. Does any Forum Lib actually think that we will support this reverse racist Black FemiNazi, no way Jose. Maybe this is why the DOHS bought all those millions of rounds of ammo, maybe they think that they will need them sooner than later..................."Just two weeks after Janet Napolitano announced her resignation as Secretary of Homeland Security, the Congressional Black Caucus has suggested Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee of Houston fill her spot.

A letter dated July 25 and signed by Rep. Marcia Fudge, Ohio Democrat and caucus chairwoman, urges President Obama to consider Miss Jackson Lee for the position, calling the Democrat a “voice of reason” that the agency could stand to gain, the Houston Chronicle reported.

“Representative Jackson Lee would serve as an effective DHS Secretary because she understands the importance of increasing border security and maintaining homeland security,” the letter reads."......................
The DoHS should just be eliminated entirely.

Thank you....I've said that all along and was labeled "un-American" for my opinion. We have....

the CIA
the FBI

If those three entities needed help and/or expanded responsibilities, we should have provided that. We certainly didn't need a whole new bureaucratic entity with yet another huge budget to deal with.

The same woman that visited JPL and asked if the Mars Rover would be able to show “the flag the astronauts planted there before”. Is this the best the CBC has to offer?
Regardless her ignorance on particular issues I can think of no other more qualified to head up the DHS. Sheila Jackson Lee is a genuine blessing, whatever that might mean to you, for all of us that fight the good fight every day of our 3/5ths of our lives. The struggle goes on.

Perhaps if you enjoy fascism, then she is certainly a great replacement. Of course if one voted for Obama twice it's assumed that they do indeed love fascism.
This women is one of the most radical Blacks that I have ever seen, AKA Black Pantherette, listen to her revolutionary speeches way back. Does any Forum Lib actually think that we will support this reverse racist Black FemiNazi, no way Jose. Maybe this is why the DOHS bought all those millions of rounds of ammo, maybe they think that they will need them sooner than later..................."Just two weeks after Janet Napolitano announced her resignation as Secretary of Homeland Security, the Congressional Black Caucus has suggested Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee of Houston fill her spot.

A letter dated July 25 and signed by Rep. Marcia Fudge, Ohio Democrat and caucus chairwoman, urges President Obama to consider Miss Jackson Lee for the position, calling the Democrat a “voice of reason” that the agency could stand to gain, the Houston Chronicle reported.

“Representative Jackson Lee would serve as an effective DHS Secretary because she understands the importance of increasing border security and maintaining homeland security,” the letter reads."......................
Absolutely. She's eminently qualified. She's the one who identified Teabaggers as being the KKK without the white hoods.
Regardless her ignorance on particular issues I can think of no other more qualified to head up the DHS. Sheila Jackson Lee is a genuine blessing, whatever that might mean to you, for all of us that fight the good fight every day of our 3/5ths of our lives. The struggle goes on.


I always chuckle when I see people throw out the 3/5 line. BTW nice touch on adding the Melissa Harris Perry line.

As to Miss Lee. She is a blooming idiot and I would say that if she were white and a man. You would think that equality would also mean being allowed to call someone that is an idiot an idiot.

That being said, Obama won the election and I believe that they should get the candidates they want barring anything unethical. Unfortunately that isn't the case with lefties
I always chuckle when I see people throw out the 3/5 line. BTW nice touch on adding the Melissa Harris Perry line.

As to Miss Lee. She is a blooming idiot and I would say that if she were white and a man. You would think that equality would also mean being allowed to call someone that is an idiot an idiot.

That being said, Obama won the election and I believe that they should get the candidates they want barring anything unethical. Unfortunately that isn't the case with lefties
I believe that Sheila Jackson Lee was a product of Affirmative action. The Republicans cannot stop her nomination, because The Senate Leader, Harry Reed, has already threatened the Nuclear Option if the Senate Republicans attempt to Filibuster her nomination. Obama will choose her because she is Black, not because she is the best qualified, more Affirmative Action in action. Holder was another example of Affirmative Action, in my opinion.
This women is one of the most radical Blacks that I have ever seen, AKA Black Pantherette, listen to her revolutionary speeches way back. Does any Forum Lib actually think that we will support this reverse racist Black FemiNazi, no way Jose. Maybe this is why the DOHS bought all those millions of rounds of ammo, maybe they think that they will need them sooner than later..................."Just two weeks after Janet Napolitano announced her resignation as Secretary of Homeland Security, the Congressional Black Caucus has suggested Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee of Houston fill her spot.

A letter dated July 25 and signed by Rep. Marcia Fudge, Ohio Democrat and caucus chairwoman, urges President Obama to consider Miss Jackson Lee for the position, calling the Democrat a “voice of reason” that the agency could stand to gain, the Houston Chronicle reported.

“Representative Jackson Lee would serve as an effective DHS Secretary because she understands the importance of increasing border security and maintaining homeland security,” the letter reads."......................

she is 1000 times the human being you are