Remember That Obama Rodeo Clown?

I kind of have mixed emotions about this one. The clown was just a performer. The audience was the ones that got all KKK about it.

I think a ban was too harsh....however, as a part time performer myself....they were within their rights to do so.

Imagine for a second....I go into a bar or a club...set up my equipment play a song or two and then rail on about politics for 10 minutes till I play my next song.

A. I'm going to piss someone off.
B. The owner of the establishment isn't paying me for my political opinions.

The result is that I will probably never perform there again and they could very well pull the plug on me right then and there.

And no....I don't care if it was an Obama mask or a dubya mask. People are there to see other folk with more balls than brains get thrown off of animals at great risk to their physical well being....of course, there's trick riding and roping....but most want to see the Marlboro Man get his ass kicked.
It was twenty years ago. What kind of outrage do you want?

So, you didn't display any? I see. Faux outrage distracts from the horrible policy choices of the President. So long as we have stupid clown stories we can keep ourselves from talking about anything important.
So, you didn't display any? I see. Faux outrage distracts from the horrible policy choices of the President. So long as we have stupid clown stories we can keep ourselves from talking about anything important.

I'm sorry. How black was Bush?
I'm sorry. How black was Bush?

Trying to get some more mileage out of it I see.

People have been making fun of Presidents for literally centuries, it reminds them that they are human. I didn't suspect you'd have any outrage for it when the image was torn apart, losing its head... because back then you knew it wasn't important.

We spend way too much time trying to find something to be outraged about, especially when it can help distract from genuinely important issues such as the fact that the President once again is saying he's going to refocus on jobs.... The tragedy is in the way people are convinced stupid stuff like this is important, not that stupid stuff is done.
What does that matter? If President's get mocked at the rodeo it shouldn't happen to Obama because he's black? I'm not with you on that one.

The words and actions of the clown were racist in nature. We're they towards George Sr twenty years ago?
Btw..I voted for and supported Sr. If I had known of this incident twenty years ago, and the context of it, I may have expressed outrage then too.
The words and actions of the clown were racist in nature. We're they towards George Sr twenty years ago?
Btw..I voted for and supported Sr. If I had known of this incident twenty years ago, and the context of it, I may have expressed outrage then too.

Without seeing the Bush Sr. video tape it's obviously hard to compare. The principle to me is if it's something that has been done to previous Presidents to now say we can't do it because Obama is black is to treat him different because of race which is wrong.
The words and actions of the clown were racist in nature. We're they towards George Sr twenty years ago?
Btw..I voted for and supported Sr. If I had known of this incident twenty years ago, and the context of it, I may have expressed outrage then too.

Well, it was reported, but Jesse Jackson wasn't out to protect the integrity of the office back then. Race Profiteers are a bane on an actual conversation on "race".
What does that matter? If President's get mocked at the rodeo it shouldn't happen to Obama because he's black? I'm not with you on that one.

I'm not either. I've read everything I could find on this incident and haven't seen anything racist about it. I've seen clowns wear masks of every president from Nixon forward...and the crowd always wants hem to get mauled by a bull. Even Reagan in a deep red state like Oklahoma. Give me a break.
I'm not either. I've read everything I could find on this incident and haven't seen anything racist about it. I've seen clowns wear masks of every president from Nixon forward...and the crowd always wants hem to get mauled by a bull. Even Reagan in a deep red state like Oklahoma. Give me a break.

This is the urban elitist in me but I've never been to one of these events nor really have much idea about them. However it is interesting you've seen this happen for every President. False cries of racism do no favors imo.
Calling out the clowns actions as racist would be profiling. Considering the crowds reactions as racist driven would be profiling. And we know profiling is wrong because certain people who present certain features may not fall in line with others who do.

I know cowboys and people from Missouri aren't racist at all. I'm on their side. If they were racist they would have chanted.......oh wait..........and why.....oh they didn't know why.........they didn't care? Yep. That's how we got here.