Release of intelligence report on Khashoggi killing threatens U.S.-Saudi relations

The administration has said it will continue to supply Saudi Arabia — the world’s biggest customer for U.S. weaponry — with the means to defend itself against regional adversaries, including Iran and the Iranian-backed Houthi rebels in neighboring Yemen, and has indicated it wants to continue a robust counterterrorism partnership.

But it has also made clear that it will, in contrast to its predecessor, press the Saudis toward a diplomatic end to their war in Yemen and to moderate their own extremism, and it will not allow Riyadh to interfere with its plans to rejoin the Obama-era nuclear deal with Iran.

Not clear. Biden will or will not sell weapons used to attack Yemen?
The administration has said it will continue to supply Saudi Arabia — the world’s biggest customer for U.S. weaponry — with the means to defend itself against regional adversaries, including Iran and the Iranian-backed Houthi rebels in neighboring Yemen, and has indicated it wants to continue a robust counterterrorism partnership.
But it has also made clear that it will, in contrast to its predecessor, press the Saudis toward a diplomatic end to their war in Yemen and to moderate their own extremism, and it will not allow Riyadh to interfere with its plans to rejoin the Obama-era nuclear deal with Iran.
same warmed over crap from the Obama adm
Marginalize US/KSA diplomacy in favor of sucking up to Iran.
Which makes all the Sunni states (UAE/Jordan/Qatar) wobbly because of their fear of Iran.

I dont think Biden can fuck up the existing Abraham Accords; but that peace process is dead.
KSA was getting close -but with Biden dissing Mohammad bin Salam - no chance for any normalization

Blinken is still making noises about getting the Palestinians on board..fucking ditz that he is
Surely the appropriate experts of the swamp have now briefed Biden on why the Saudis can not be fucked over.
what experts? State dept? NSCouncil?..
State is still full of Obama-trons and the NSC is subservient to the politicized CIA that is bent over Khashoggi
who was Muslim Brotherhood influenced

all these IC institutions are politically compromised now instead of offering realpolitik type advice
what experts? State dept? NSCouncil?..
State is still full of Obama-trons and the NSC is subservient to the politicized CIA that is bent over Khashoggi
who was Muslim Brotherhood influenced

all these IC institutions are politically compromised now instead of offering realpolitik type advice

Whom ever it is who knows what the Saudi's have on us.
Biden won't do jack about anything unless the Saudis want to cut some kind of deal to make the Kash thing go away, and even that will be on their terms.