Reinvesting In Chicago


[h=1]Watchdog: Store with ties to felon latest problem for blighted neighborhood[/h] [h=2]Poverty and profits: City gives felon six-figure grant to open liquor store[/h]With backing from the local alderwoman and money from City Hall, a new liquor store opened earlier this year in South Austin -- one more purveyor of alcohol, cigarettes and lottery tickets in a neighborhood desperate for something more.

Informing the original backer of the store that he would be getting $105,000 in city funds, a letter from the Department of Community Development exclaimed: "Thank you for reinvesting in the City of Chicago!"

Many residents weren't so enthusiastic. To them, the new business was an insult.

But what even they didn't know was that the store was bankrolled and launched by a convicted drug-dealer who has been tied to a street gang and is facing yet another narcotics charge.

A Tribune investigation unraveled the real origins of the controversial liquor store, pinpointing the lack of oversight that led to the business getting licensed and exposing the years of scattershot planning that undermines hope in one of Chicago's neediest neighborhoods.

"It's disturbing on so many levels," said South Austin resident Serethea Reid, who had implored city officials to reject the store's license application. "The concentration of liquor stores means more violence, more trash, more police activity. ... "Are liquor stores and pawnshops your idea of development?",0,2407751.story


The Chicago way of redevelopement....
That usually the losers and dregs of society are the ones who spend the most on them?


We have a winner.

I love how libtards claim to be champions of the poor yet fuck them over at every turn

The idiots who continue to vote for the democrat party while simultaneously getting fucked by the democrat party make me roll with laughter.

Take the negroes. Please take them. No all jokes aside. The negroes way of life not only has not improved under the democrat party it had gotten worse. What the democrat party could accomplish with the KKK, they accomplished with The Great Society.
Everyone on this thread is on my ignore list - looks like the entire stormfront chapter! Perfect.


You are just upset cause your liberal champions in Chicago, handed over a 6-figure check to a felon so he could open up a liquor store in a black neighborhood that probably has them on every corner.
The idiots who continue to vote for the democrat party while simultaneously getting fucked by the democrat party make me roll with laughter.

Take the negroes. Please take them. No all jokes aside. The negroes way of life not only has not improved under the democrat party it had gotten worse. What the democrat party could accomplish with the KKK, they accomplished with The Great Society.

Do you have your robes on now or are they at the cleaners?

There is no such entity as "the democrat party" and there are no such people as "negroes."

But there was a 19th century, in the American South which was racist and segregated and during half of which people owned slaves; but for many that changed; too bad you got stuck there!