

Fuck You Too
Bush and Co. have explicitly stated that they are in direct contradiction with "The Reality Based World". Before you freak out, understand that they DO make a bit of sense.

Bush and Co. are in direct contradiction with "The Reality Based World" insofar as they believe that American POWER can CHANGE reality, insofar as it currently is. There IS a modicum of truth to that. Just as tax breaks can help the economy.

American power CAN change reality. We CAN shape the economic future. To an extent. That is where Bush and Co fail, every time. They fall prey to the right wing stupidity... If X is good, X + Y is better. This is simply WRONG.

Tax breaks can be very helpful, to an extent. You can cut taxes without cutting spending, TO A SPECEFIC DEGREE. If you exceed that, you create an environment where the defecit creates a drag on the economy. Note, what we are currently experiencing.

Likewise, the power of the US to CHANGE reality is LIMITED. Bush and Co went FAR beyond what we could accomplish in Iraq.You can see this. Even the most partisan of you can see this, although, you'll never admit it.

Reality. What a bitch.