Reality check on electric cars

A misnomer. They (a government) CAN turn off gasoline cars remotely (at least for some of them!).

Gasoline powered cars today are FADEC design. That means a digital computer is required to run the engine. Nothing prevents someone from inserting a 'kill switch' into the software of such a computer. Of course, the manufacturer would have be willing to do this.
A misnomer. They (a government) CAN turn off gasoline cars remotely (at least for some of them!).

Gasoline powered cars today are FADEC design. That means a digital computer is required to run the engine. Nothing prevents someone from inserting a 'kill switch' into the software of such a computer. Of course, the manufacturer would have be willing to do this.
And, the car would have to be linked in someway to a network (like OnStar). Without that outside link, it's kind of hard to remotely do something like what is proposed.
And, the car would have to be linked in someway to a network (like OnStar). Without that outside link, it's kind of hard to remotely do something like what is proposed.
Actually, quite easy. If such a 'kill switch' is installed in the car, a simple radio receiver can do the job of signaling the computer. The car typically already HAS such a radio receiver for things like door unlock commands from a key fob or for keyless ignition. No network needed.
Actually, quite easy. If such a 'kill switch' is installed in the car, a simple radio receiver can do the job of signaling the computer. The car typically already HAS such a radio receiver for things like door unlock commands from a key fob or for keyless ignition. No network needed.
Those have very limited range comparatively to being networked.
Those have very limited range comparatively to being networked.
Oh? I can hit a key fob receiver on a car from several hundred feet (almost a thousand in good conditions) away. More than enough for a roadside police car to send a kill switch signal to a passing car.

Indeed, police are already wanting to implement this technology on new cars to avoid the high speed chases and PIT maneuvers that can be dangerous to conduct. Don't think they'll get it though.

I guess they will have to depend on the road spikes and wheel nets or a PIT maneuver to stop a fleeing car.
You don't like electric cars then don't fucking buy one and quit with the assinine posts.
You don't like electric cars then don't fucking buy one and quit with the assinine posts.
You rightys cannot learn. EV drivers almost never exhaust the charge. My sons Bolt gets 200 miles of range. Do you think he drives 200 miles a day? It is extremely rare to take a charge down very much. The charge time is far less than those extremes that you somehow claim are usual. The charging occurs at night as you sleep. Plugging in is a 10 second job. Filling a gas tank is a much longer commitment. EV owners do not notice gas prices, DTE sends you info for approved companies to install charging stations. They give you a substantial cut on rates. They also ask you to charge in low-use periods, which is easy since that is at night when you sleep.
My 2015 Volt advertised 50 miles of range. It got 48 or 9 when new. It now gets 44.
If I have to drive 100 miles. I get 44 electric and 56 gas.
You rightys cannot learn.
Since when is Port Tack a "righty"?
EV drivers almost never exhaust the charge.
"The charge" exhausts by the EV just sitting, dude.
My sons Bolt gets 200 miles of range.
No, it doesn't. I've already explained how/why it doesn't. It gets closer to 100 miles of range (and that's being generous) under non-ideal conditions.
Do you think he drives 200 miles a day?
Obviously he doesn't.

He'd have to drive, spend hours to refuel, and then drive again in order to (maybe) do that. Might even have to refuel TWICE in order to get that far.

Meanwhile, I could just start out with a full tank of gas and EASILY get 200 miles and STILL have plenty of gas in the tank to spare. It would take me roughly 3 hours (give or take). It would take your son 3 hours just to REFUEL, let alone actually get anywhere.
It is extremely rare to take a charge down very much.
The charge time is far less than those extremes that you somehow claim are usual.
If you are experiencing far less charge time, then you're not charging up your battery very much.
The charging occurs at night as you sleep.
Right, because it takes SOOOOOOOO damn LOOOOOOOOOONG to refuel an EV that one falls asleep while waiting for the damn thing to refuel. It's BOOOOOOOOOORING (and a waste of time) to just sit around waiting like that.
Plugging in is a 10 second job.
Yes, and actually refueling an EV from low to full is a 10 HOUR job. That's why it "charges at night as you sleep", as you often say.
Filling a gas tank is a much longer commitment.

Filling a gas tank is maybe a 2 minute commitment. Not very long at all. And that gets you right back on the road for another 300-400 miles (varies due to gas tank size, MPG, "bladder size", etc)
EV owners do not notice gas prices,
Right, and ICE owners do not notice public charging station prices.
DTE sends you info for approved companies to install charging stations. They give you a substantial cut on rates. They also ask you to charge in low-use periods, which is easy since that is at night when you sleep.
Why do you suppose they ask you to charge in low-use periods? What do you suppose will happen as government keeps goading people into buying EVs and keeps pushing the "green energy" agenda (wind/solar power generation instead of coal/oil/natural gas/etc power generation)? Hint: higher demand for electricity, lower amount of electricity generated. Hint #2: California
My 2015 Volt advertised 50 miles of range.
"Advertised" is not 'actual'. You're still falling for the snake oil salesman mantra.
It got 48 or 9 when new. It now gets 44.
No it doesn't.
If I have to drive 100 miles. I get 44 electric and 56 gas.
No you don't. You're essentially just driving an overweight ICE vehicle while pretending that you're somehow "saving the planet" by doing so. You're not holier than anyone else.
You rightys cannot learn.
You are describing yourself, Sybil.
EV drivers almost never exhaust the charge.
EV drivers are always worried about their next charge and where to get it.
My sons Bolt gets 200 miles of range.
Whoopie. My car has effectively infinite range, since it takes only minutes to refuel.
Do you think he drives 200 miles a day?
I already know you don't use your car much or even take care of it.
It is extremely rare to take a charge down very much. The charge time is far less than those extremes that you somehow claim are usual. The charging occurs at night as you sleep.
Maybe. Maybe people don't have a convenient garage to charge it in, and don't want to spend the extra money to install a charging outlet in the garage.
Plugging in is a 10 second job.
Then you wait hours.
Filling a gas tank is a much longer commitment.
Nope. I can refuel in minutes.
EV owners do not notice gas prices, DTE sends you info for approved companies to install charging stations.
Which are heavily subsidized and mandated. Socialism doesn't work, Sybil.
They give you a substantial cut on rates. They also ask you to charge in low-use periods, which is easy since that is at night when you sleep.
Subsidy. So you make me pay for your charging.
My 2015 Volt advertised 50 miles of range. It got 48 or 9 when new. It now gets 44.
Whoopie. My car has effectively infinite range since fueling takes only minutes.
If I have to drive 100 miles. I get 44 electric and 56 gas.
Your gasoline car has only a 56 mile range???????!?