Rand Paul: GOP can win upset victories by seeking blue state coalitions


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Can they? Is Rand Paul changing the GOP or is this just another case of one of the major parties pretending to support peace and civil liberties for electoral success, a la Obama and Clinton era Republicans?


Republican candidates who favor restraint in foreign policy abroad and a renewed commitment to civil liberties at home can build new coalitions in blue states and win upset victories, Sen. Rand Paul told The Daily Caller at a campaign stop in New Jersey Friday.

Polls show that Republican U.S. Senate candidate Steve Lonegan trails Democratic Newark Mayor Cory Booker by double digits. But that situation could change dramatically over the next few weeks, Paul suggested, if Lonegan can connect with voters who are opposed to U.S. military intervention in Syria. Paul and Lonegan addressed hundreds of supporters during a campaign rally held outside of a banquet hall in Clark, N.J.

“By calling for the U.S. to stay out of the Syrian civil war, Steve Lonegan can appeal to Democrats, Independents and Republicans,” Paul told TheDC. “N.J. is a tough state for the GOP, it’s a blue state. But there’s an opportunity for Steve to expand the party’s appeal and to win by reaching out to voters who favor a return to these constitutional restraints. I call them Bill of Rights issues.”

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2013/09/17/r...-seeking-blue-state-coalitions/#ixzz2fB3IBahd

Oh yeah, and grind is a fake libertarian, e.g., pro war, anti immigration and does not really seem bothered by welfare for the rich.
Can they? Is Rand Paul changing the GOP or is this just another case of one of the major parties pretending to support peace and civil liberties for electoral success, a la Obama and Clinton era Republicans?


Republican candidates who favor restraint in foreign policy abroad and a renewed commitment to civil liberties at home can build new coalitions in blue states and win upset victories, Sen. Rand Paul told The Daily Caller at a campaign stop in New Jersey Friday.

Polls show that Republican U.S. Senate candidate Steve Lonegan trails Democratic Newark Mayor Cory Booker by double digits. But that situation could change dramatically over the next few weeks, Paul suggested, if Lonegan can connect with voters who are opposed to U.S. military intervention in Syria. Paul and Lonegan addressed hundreds of supporters during a campaign rally held outside of a banquet hall in Clark, N.J.

“By calling for the U.S. to stay out of the Syrian civil war, Steve Lonegan can appeal to Democrats, Independents and Republicans,” Paul told TheDC. “N.J. is a tough state for the GOP, it’s a blue state. But there’s an opportunity for Steve to expand the party’s appeal and to win by reaching out to voters who favor a return to these constitutional restraints. I call them Bill of Rights issues.”

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2013/09/17/r...-seeking-blue-state-coalitions/#ixzz2fB3IBahd

Oh yeah, and grind is a fake libertarian, e.g., pro war, anti immigration and does not really seem bothered by welfare for the rich.

They might can, but I doubt it and here is why. Most peacenicks and other Liberals who are anti-war, are not single issue voters and if you add in Rand Paul's radical social conservatism I thing those voters he is looking for will be too turned off to support him. They might not support H. Clinton, but they are more likely to support her than R. Paul.
Meanwhile, the candidate in question is accusing his opponent (who just happens to be black) of owning a crack house. That's really really smart.
Can they? Is Rand Paul changing the GOP or is this just another case of one of the major parties pretending to support peace and civil liberties for electoral success, a la Obama and Clinton era Republicans?


Republican candidates who favor restraint in foreign policy abroad and a renewed commitment to civil liberties at home can build new coalitions in blue states and win upset victories, Sen. Rand Paul told The Daily Caller at a campaign stop in New Jersey Friday.

Polls show that Republican U.S. Senate candidate Steve Lonegan trails Democratic Newark Mayor Cory Booker by double digits. But that situation could change dramatically over the next few weeks, Paul suggested, if Lonegan can connect with voters who are opposed to U.S. military intervention in Syria. Paul and Lonegan addressed hundreds of supporters during a campaign rally held outside of a banquet hall in Clark, N.J.

“By calling for the U.S. to stay out of the Syrian civil war, Steve Lonegan can appeal to Democrats, Independents and Republicans,” Paul told TheDC. “N.J. is a tough state for the GOP, it’s a blue state. But there’s an opportunity for Steve to expand the party’s appeal and to win by reaching out to voters who favor a return to these constitutional restraints. I call them Bill of Rights issues.”

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2013/09/17/r...-seeking-blue-state-coalitions/#ixzz2fB3IBahd

Oh yeah, and grind is a fake libertarian, e.g., pro war, anti immigration and does not really seem bothered by welfare for the rich.
Maybe that will work and maybe others will see it as the GOP playing cynical political opportunism with national defense.
They might can, but I doubt it and here is why. Most peacenicks and other Liberals who are anti-war, are not single issue voters and if you add in Rand Paul's radical social conservatism I thing those voters he is looking for will be too turned off to support him. They might not support H. Clinton, but they are more likely to support her than R. Paul.

Interesting that you say that the peaceniks aren't single issue voters because they claim it was OBOMBAs anti war stance that led them to choose him over Her Thighness Hitlery Clontoon.

Are you saying there were other reasons? Please do elaborate.
Interesting that you say that the peaceniks aren't single issue voters because they claim it was OBOMBAs anti war stance that led them to choose him over Her Thighness Hitlery Clontoon.

Are you saying there were other reasons? Please do elaborate.

Watch The Daily Show and do your own homework lazy mooch.
Can they? Is Rand Paul changing the GOP or is this just another case of one of the major parties pretending to support peace and civil liberties for electoral success, a la Obama and Clinton era Republicans?


Republican candidates who favor restraint in foreign policy abroad and a renewed commitment to civil liberties at home can build new coalitions in blue states and win upset victories, Sen. Rand Paul told The Daily Caller at a campaign stop in New Jersey Friday.

Polls show that Republican U.S. Senate candidate Steve Lonegan trails Democratic Newark Mayor Cory Booker by double digits. But that situation could change dramatically over the next few weeks, Paul suggested, if Lonegan can connect with voters who are opposed to U.S. military intervention in Syria. Paul and Lonegan addressed hundreds of supporters during a campaign rally held outside of a banquet hall in Clark, N.J.

“By calling for the U.S. to stay out of the Syrian civil war, Steve Lonegan can appeal to Democrats, Independents and Republicans,” Paul told TheDC. “N.J. is a tough state for the GOP, it’s a blue state. But there’s an opportunity for Steve to expand the party’s appeal and to win by reaching out to voters who favor a return to these constitutional restraints. I call them Bill of Rights issues.”

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2013/09/17/r...-seeking-blue-state-coalitions/#ixzz2fB3IBahd

Oh yeah, and grind is a fake libertarian, e.g., pro war, anti immigration and does not really seem bothered by welfare for the rich.

I don't know if Rand Paul can turn a blue state. I was planning on voting for him until Christie exposed him as a fake Conservative taking more than paying. Fake Conservatives are the ones that have been driving up the national debt. The Right states that the Left is buying votes when they have been cutting taxes below the deficit for ages, very literally buying votes with more in Americans pockets during their administration while the Debt goes up, only later to point blame at the Left.

I think if anyone can flip a blue state it's Chris Christie. He's mad about wasteful spending but isn't mad about ALL spending.

I plan to vote Conservative but refuse to vote for a corporate driven puppet.