Question For Conservative Heathens


How do you put up with those loons over there in the fundie pews, anyway? I mean, okay, we've got the PETA cross to bear and that gets a mite heavy at times, I admit. Anybody who opposes using guide dogs for the blind on allegedly humanitarian grounds obviously has a few screws loose. May even be dangerous.

But da-yum . . . !
I'd worry more about the Elfies in your camp than the PETA nuts. The fundies aren't any more dangerous than the Elfies...
I'd worry more about the Elfies in your camp than the PETA nuts. The fundies aren't any more dangerous than the Elfies...
Well, there are several thousand times more of the fundies, to begin with. And they're every bit as militant. ALF is a very, very small group.
How do you put up with those loons over there in the fundie pews, anyway? I mean, okay, we've got the PETA cross to bear and that gets a mite heavy at times, I admit. Anybody who opposes using guide dogs for the blind on allegedly humanitarian grounds obviously has a few screws loose. May even be dangerous.

But da-yum . . . !

Hey, claim PETA as one of your own! I'd bet money, that most of those screwy PETA people are Greens or Socialists - not Democrats!
Hey, claim PETA as one of your own! I'd bet money, that most of those screwy PETA people are Greens or Socialists - not Democrats!
I did. I said "we." :readit:

Actually, while there are a lot of PETA people who register Democrat, you're right that they're probably more prevalent among us Greens.
Well, there are several thousand times more of the fundies, to begin with. And they're every bit as militant. ALF is a very, very small group.
Not true, the vast majority of fundies would never boobie-trap trees or burn down structures in ski areas. It's actually about the same type of numbers there.
I did. I said "we." :readit:

Actually, while there are a lot of PETA people who register Democrat, you're right that they're probably more prevalent among us Greens.
He said "Conservatives" not a party. Therefore the contrasting term is not "Democrat" it is "Liberal"...
Attitudes is really what it is all about , not parties.
the 2 big parties are firghtened that too many of us will figure that out.
There are more players than just us and them.
Not true, the vast majority of fundies would never boobie-trap trees or burn down structures in ski areas. It's actually about the same type of numbers there.
The vast majority of AR people don't do that sort of thing either. If you want to limit it to the real militants then you're talking about an even smaller group. There are, perhaps, a couple of hundred, and that's being generous. Believe me, I know some of them.

BTW -- I think you're conflating ALF with Earth First! there. They're two different groups, though their membership overlaps some.

Not every fundie kills doctors or kidnaps women to prevent them from getting abortions. Some do, however.
The vast majority of AR people don't do that sort of thing either. If you want to limit it to the real militants then you're talking about an even smaller group. There are, perhaps, a couple of hundred, and that's being generous. Believe me, I know some of them.

BTW -- I think you're conflating ALF with Earth First! there. They're two different groups, though their membership overlaps some.

Not every fundie kills doctors or kidnaps women to prevent them from getting abortions. Some do, however.

Right on target Ornot.
I never expected this to turn into a serious thread, but I may as well use the soapbox while I have it.

I quite honestly believe that the most extreme militant evangelicals are, by any reasonable definition, a cult, and a potentially dangerous cult at that. They are a relatively small group when compared to mainstream Baptists or other "Born Again" types, but they do exist and they do need to be taken seriously. The line between a David Koresh, Jim Jones or Osama bin Laden and your basic militant fundie is frighteningly thin.

This does not mean I think they should be rounded up or made to wear distinghishing badges or anything. I joke about such things only to get rises out of people. I do think that they are potential terrorists, however, and should be treated as such by law enforcement and our intelligence community.
PETA-fascists are nutz! I hate how they try to woo you with photos of slain animals, and destroying property. Yeah. I'm really going to listen to that.
The vast majority of AR people don't do that sort of thing either. If you want to limit it to the real militants then you're talking about an even smaller group. There are, perhaps, a couple of hundred, and that's being generous. Believe me, I know some of them.

BTW -- I think you're conflating ALF with Earth First! there. They're two different groups, though their membership overlaps some.

Not every fundie kills doctors or kidnaps women to prevent them from getting abortions. Some do, however.
I didn't say that they did, however I would put the numbers that would around the same as the number of fundies who would.
PETA-fascists are nutz! I hate how they try to woo you with photos of slain animals, and destroying property. Yeah. I'm really going to listen to that.
Don't confuse PETA with ALF. PETA doesn't advocate destroying private property, ALF does. PETA is a much more mainstream group than ALF: they're the ones who do the lettuce leaf bikinis, not the breaking and entering. :)

But I do understand why you think of them together. Militants are militants, right? The differences are just of degree, not kind.

If, however, linking PETA with ALF is legitimate, or linking Greenpeace with Earth First! is legitimate, why is linking the Evangelical movement in general with the extremist whack jobs not legitimate? Again, the differences are of degree, not kind.
I didn't say that they did, however I would put the numbers that would around the same as the number of fundies who would.
Also there is the fact that they aren't all Earth fundies. Anarchism can be brought to bear from both the left and the right. It is one of the places where the circle completes, where the two sides can meet and are often both 'fundie' in attitude.

Have you ever gone to an anarchist meeting where they talk about the best ways to attack the nation?

Personally I have not, but I have definitely seen video of the events. They are, however, all on the lists of terrorists that are to be "watched"... Even the fundie groups that promote violence to end abortion are on such a list, along with ELF, Earth First!, etc. Those who promote violence as a political tool are all pretty much in the crosshairs.
I disagree. I think you've a higher opinion of fundies than I.
I'm sure you would, but I think you have a higher opinion of those groups on the left than I ever would a fundie.

Fundies are largely talk to you to promote their ideas types, it is an extreme to get one who is willing to kill over it. Even the most fundie person I know spoke hours from the pulpit on those who would being extremely evil... the pastor from that church I spoke of in another thread.

So, while I knew in childhood thousands of fundies (it was a very large church) absolutely none of them ever promoted violence as a means to get what they want.
overthrow of the government is virtually every fundies wet dream. Now they do differ a bit on how to go about it. Falwell is making an army of Christian lawyers to take over. Pretty strange that considering the rights spoken view of lawyers.
I personally watched Falwell and Robertson discussing this many years ago.