Psaki tweet questioning the legality of bombing Syria

Bidens bomb strike on Iranian Militants was good..Biden is a badass..don't mess with Biden

Trump bombs Irans #1 terrorist and his entourage .... was warmongering and impeachable.
Bidens bomb strike on Iranian Militants was good..Biden is a badass..don't mess with Biden

Trump bombs Irans #1 terrorist and his entourage was warmongering and impeachable.

They were Iraqi militias, likely mostly Iraqi citizens, that we killed.
:laugh: :hand:


Katie Hopkins
Katie Hopkins
Biden was just reminded he bombed Syria overnight.

Removing his face mask from the back of his head he asked...

“Did we get Bin Laden?”

View attachment 19194

"Also what is the legal authority for strikes? Assad is a brutal dictator. But Syria is a sovereign country."

But that was when Trump did it...its legal now and Biden is a tough bad ass

Not that shit again!

Assad is a good leader for his country, their culture is a bit different than ours.
Bombing that Syrian Air Base was one of the worst things Trump did.
He fell for the AP bullshit warmongering on that one.

AP claimed Assad had gassed his own people, but what really happened was Russians blew up a warehouse chock-full of hiding "rebels" (ISIS) that
happened to be a chemical weapons depot run by the rebels. The Russians didn't know that, they just knew the bad guys were hiding in there and leveled it, destroying the containers
and releasing the gas. Assad had nothing to do with it. The AP flat-out lied. (nothing new there)

At least Trump wasn't funding and arming ISIS in Syria like Obama was.
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"Rules for thee and not for me" is how the Left rolls now....very Regressive.

We used to be better....I am a Progressive....But not one of those kind!

Stop it. You are not qualified to speak for the left. I abhor both attacks. No way you were progressive,