Props to Bay Area Rep Eric Swalwell


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Sounds like he's the only representative of our Bay Area contingent in Congress to hold townhall type meetings. I may differ with him politically but I give him credit for standing in front of the voters in an open format. For those not familiar with him he's a 32 year old Democrat who took out 80 year old Democrat Pete Stark last election for a House seat.

I understand if you are politicially advising someone who is in a safe seat you would say don't do a townhall type format. I think that's crap. Politicians should have to stand in front of voters and defend themselves, not hide behind social media.

Congressman braving rough and tumble town halls

Summer used to be the season of the "town hall" meeting, a traditional forum for voters to meet, question - sometimes confront - congressional representatives who return to their home districts during the August recess.

But increasingly, such unpredictable public forums have provided embarrassing fodder for YouTube and cable television, prompting many elected officials in the era of social media to opt for more easily controlled formats like Twitter, Facebook and "tele-town halls" to connect with constituents.

Republican consultant Bill Whalen, a fellow at the Hoover Institution, said it's no surprise that members of Congress are increasingly sidestepping live, in-your-face moments with taxpayers in favor of less volatile, less public sessions.

"In a town hall, you don't always have control of the event, and what happens when a constituent stands up angrily and says, 'Why haven't we shut down Guantanamo?' and you don't have an answer," Whalen said. "Or 'What are you doing about NSA?' and you don't have an answer."

The only Bay Area politician who appears to be bucking the trend is the youngest member of the California delegation - Rep. Eric Swalwell. The former prosecutor from Dublin invited the public to five 90-minute open forums this month - more than any of his local congressional colleagues.

Taking the heat

And at Las Positas College in Livermore on Thursday, the challenges of such forums were on full display.

The 32-year-old Democrat gamely took questions on a range of issues, from nuclear proliferation to his position on standing up against abuses taking place regarding Chinese organ donors. But he also took tough criticism from voters on the Affordable Care Act, immigration reform and budget issues such as Medicare.

One woman in the audience yelled, "Oh, God, you've got to be kidding," at his passing mention of global warming. A Republican constituent begged him to represent her. Another angry voter threw paper at him and walked out in disgust because he did not want to wait to ask a question.

"You're a brave soul," said voter Jim Cole of San Ramon, who then launched into a critical question about Obamacare.

Another voter, Ron Rigge of Pleasanton, thanked Swalwell for taking the heat.

"I have a lot to learn," said the congressman, who appeared unfazed.

"I see the town hall forum as a God-given right for people in a free democracy to come and talk to their representative," Swalwell said. "It's as American as fireworks and the Fourth of July."

Swalwell is the exception in the all-Democratic Bay Area delegation in holding multiple and regular town halls.

Lack of competition

Whalen said the decision to avoid such uncomfortable moments "has to do with the lack of competition."

"Too many incumbents in California are not seriously challenged ... how many town halls do (U.S. Sens.) Barbara Boxer and Dianne Feinstein have?" he asked. "Politicians, at all times, make political calculations - and if the calculation tells you you are not in danger, you let constituents slide."

Indeed, a check of congressional websites and Facebook pages showed that while many Bay Area House members had news conferences, gave speeches and dropped in to places like firehouses and restaurants for photo ops, a surprising number didn't schedule a single town hall session with constituents during the summer break.

That includes Rep. Mike Honda, D-San Jose, who is heading toward what could be a tough primary challenge against former Obama trade representative Ro Khanna.

Other Democrats who did not hold town halls include the dean of the California delegation, Rep. George Miller of Martinez and Rep. Jerry McNerney of Stockton. Rep. Zoe Lofgren of San Jose has held both a town and a "tele-town hall" by phone.

Come by and talk

Swalwell, like fellow freshman Rep. Ami Bera, D-Elk Grove (Sacramento County), scheduled "Congress on Your Corner" events at farmers' markets and other public places, inviting the public to come by and talk.

Other House members planned town hall events with specific themes.

Silicon Valley's Rep. Anna Eshoo met with voters Thursday on immigration reform issues. Freshman Rep. Jared Huffman of San Rafael plans a town hall on the Affordable Care Act in early September. Both House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi of San Francisco and Rep. Barbara Lee of Oakland were at public forums to help constituents learn about the implementation of the Affordable Care Act, and Rep. Jackie Speier of San Mateo held a town hall for small business owners.

At Swalwell's free-ranging discussion in Livermore, Jeff Wald, treasurer of the Alameda County Republican Party, challenged the House member on California's business climate, saying, "We're killing business in California because of overregulation - and that has to stop." But he also said he appreciated the chance to make his case with his Democratic congressman.

Voter responsibility

Rigge makes it a point to attend such meetings because, he said, it's his responsibility as a voter.

"A lot of these (House members) are too secure," he said. "They don't want to rattle the cages. But they're not just a representative for a small group of people. And it's important for people to come out and be part of it."

Whalen said as town halls become increasingly rare, voters must demand a role in holding their elected officials accountable.

"This is where citizen power has to step in," he said. "There is nothing keeping citizens from calling a town hall meeting - and calling out their (House member) to be there.

"If you're going to passively sit around and wait for a politician to come to you," he warned, "they're going to come to you in one of two forms: a robocall or a fundraising letter."
Very nice! glad he's getting out there and meeting people. I hope he's listening as well.

My local tea party rep has held a few Town Halls, but based on the one I went to and from reports from others, he is more interested in talking than listening. He takes questions, but if you disagree with him all he does with your question is tell you why you're wrong and he's right.

Sounds like Swalwell is more open.
Very nice! glad he's getting out there and meeting people. I hope he's listening as well.

My local tea party rep has held a few Town Halls, but based on the one I went to and from reports from others, he is more interested in talking than listening. He takes questions, but if you disagree with him all he does with your question is tell you why you're wrong and he's right.

Sounds like Swalwell is more open.

I give props to anyone who holds them. Once there it may not do much but at least they have stood out in front of the voters.
Tekky, since you're in CA you obviously know DiFi. From a voting perspective she is one of the most popular politicians in the state. Republicans can barely find anyone to run against her she is that dominant. She would never do a townhall type meeting. She wouldn't even hold a debate with her opponent last Senate race because she knew she didn't need to. From a getting re-elected standpoint I understand it. But from a principles stand point I hate it. I don't care about the persons party they ought to, at some point, have to stand in front of voters, take questions and talk to them. All of our politicians.
Tekky, since you're in CA you obviously know DiFi. From a voting perspective she is one of the most popular politicians in the state. Republicans can barely find anyone to run against her she is that dominant. She would never do a townhall type meeting. She wouldn't even hold a debate with her opponent last Senate race because she knew she didn't need to. From a getting re-elected standpoint I understand it. But from a principles stand point I hate it. I don't care about the persons party they ought to, at some point, have to stand in front of voters, take questions and talk to them. All of our politicians.

I don't disagree. Would be great if more did it, I agree. But it needs to be more of a give and take, not them lecturing us nor us yelling at them...

Unfortunately, the TP'ers storming of town hall meetings during the ACA days turned a lot of politicians off of the meetings. Can't blame the pols for that. But would be nice if they tried again.
It's been a rough summer for the pubs. They're catching it from both ends at the few tow halls they hold.

I agree with you about DiDi Cawacko, but seriously the woman is a saint to many in her district. She may not listen to them in townhall meetings, but her door is always open.

(She went above and beyond to help a couple of friends get married a while back)
It's been a rough summer for the pubs. They're catching it from both ends at the few tow halls they hold.

I agree with you about DiDi Cawacko, but seriously the woman is a saint to many in her district. She may not listen to them in townhall meetings, but her door is always open.

(She went above and beyond to help a couple of friends get married a while back)

apparently it isn't as rough on Democrats because they aren't holding town hall meetings.....

This Summer, Democrats Shy Away From Town Hall Meetings