Proposal for a new US flag



How do you guys like it?
Some blue behind the stars would work....and perhaps some white horizontal stripes?

No. Those are shitty colors. A ring of 13 golden stars with a reef below and a black AR-15 corssed over a black engineers hammer inside the ring.
No. Those are shitty colors. A ring of 13 golden stars with a reef below and a black AR-15 corssed over a black engineers hammer inside the ring.

How about a dove with an olive branch on top? That would represent...."hey, we're all about peace....but if you fuck with us, you get the AR-15 and a hammer upside the head"
How about a dove with an olive branch on top? That would represent...."hey, we're all about peace....but if you fuck with us, you get the AR-15 and a hammer upside the head"

The hammer is actually the symbol of industrial might.
watermark actually went on the internet and googled red rectangles or something like that. or worse he made his own.
i would like a flag of a giant turd with flies all around it and stink lines coming off of it. No nation would ever take themselves so seriously as to spy on their citizens or start wars everywhere if their national flag had a giant turd with flies all over it. Think of how that would condidition society. I wish I was in charge.
We can all contribute a portion. Mine is the vertical green centre stripe with a golden beer mug in the middle.

Watermark, take down what each Trinity member fashions and draw us up whatever comes from that.
