Prominent Hollyroller Preacher Allegedly Had Relationship w/ Gay Prostitute


Well-known member
President of National Association of Evangelicals accused of 3-year sexual relationship with gay hooker, and of taking drugs

Rocky Mountain News: A former gay male escort is going public on the eve of Colorado voting on two ballot issues relating to gay marriage, claiming a three-year sexual relationship with a prominent Colorado Springs pastor who has been an outspoken opponent of same-sex unions.,1299,DRMN_15_5112770,00.html
Yeah, I've been listening to this on the radio show that it was aired on. I don't know if I believe the guy to be honest. He has presented no evidence to back up his assertions.
President of National Association of Evangelicals accused of 3-year sexual relationship with gay hooker, and of taking drugs

Rocky Mountain News: A former gay male escort is going public on the eve of Colorado voting on two ballot issues relating to gay marriage, claiming a three-year sexual relationship with a prominent Colorado Springs pastor who has been an outspoken opponent of same-sex unions.,1299,DRMN_15_5112770,00.html



The leader of one of Colorado's most popular mega-churches, Ted Haggard, is temporarily stepping down from his leadership role, after allegations from a male prostitute that Haggard solicited gay sex.

Haggard, the founder and senior leader of the 14,000-member New Life Church in Colorado Springs and president of the multimillion- member National Association of Evangelicals, denied the accusations raised by the prostitute on Wednesday.

Today, a press conference by church leaders to support Haggard was cancelled shortly before it was scheduled to take place.
Well, if the prositute was over 18, I think I officially give the story a....


I can't bring myself to care about consenting adult screwing one another. Although the outright hypocrisy is good to note.
Imagine the president of Greenpeace, who runs his mouth all the time about "saving the Whales"....and then he is s caught on a whaling ship actually harpooning one of the beasts.

that's the level of hypocrisy were dealing with, if this is true.
Yeah. But that's about as exciting as this story gets: pointing out the hypocrisy. Otherwise, what the hell do I care if some old geezer gets his rocks off with prostitutes (unless they are kids)
Imagine the president of Greenpeace, who runs his mouth all the time about "saving the Whales"....and then he is s caught on a whaling ship actually harpooning one of the beasts.

that's the level of hypocrisy were dealing with, if this is true.

Very true, but aint it always the Religous ones who do it!
Yep, the randy reverend, we are not talking about your average run of the mill politician.
Sort of an ultimate hypocrite.
Well, the Church he ran asked him to step down, church rules, supposedly...but a spokesman from this church said on the news that all of the allegations against the Rev ted Haggard were not admitted to by the reverend but the Reverend Haggard did admit an an indescretion, so the church requested him to step down...

Ted Haggard was a Spiritual ADVISOR TO THE WHITEHOUSE...and was vocal on being against gay marriage, the prostitute that he supposedly had an affair with said that this is why he came forward, because of the hypocrisy Haggard presented.

so Gannon, Foley, and Haggard are all linked to the whitehouse or to Republicans....who's next in the R party to be involved in this hypocrisy?

There are activist gay groups out there that are sayinig there are MORE to be exposed before the the repubs are sitting on pins and needles, hoping the next guy they expose is a democrat or not another hypocrite from their own party....

The likely hood of it being another republican for the next exposure is fairly good, only because the Democratic Party in recent years, does not in general, vote against issues that involve fairness towards gays...but we will see....

the groups said there were both republican and democratic hypocrites on their list of people to expose...

other than the hypocrisy issue, it is none of our business how this man chose to live his is his problem that he and his wife and his 5 children will have to work out....

It is the business of his church that he lead, and they need to come to terms with it and deal with him over far, they seem to be dealing with it appropriately, by asking him to resign...
Imagine the president of Greenpeace, who runs his mouth all the time about "saving the Whales"....and then he is s caught on a whaling ship actually harpooning one of the beasts.

that's the level of hypocrisy were dealing with, if this is true.

Sure there is a lot of hypocrisy here, but there's something more. WTF is it with all of these closeted gays joining the republican party and pushing anti-gay marriage agendas? Ken Melham is gay. He just is. And he's becoming very hot for the republicans to have around, because though you will never see it in the MSM, when he is in local settings, he is being asked outright, are you gay? He's going to be out of his position as the head of the RNC sometime next year I believe. Let's just face it, you can't wake up and turn on the news without hearing about another closet case in the republican party.

So besides the hypocrisy what else is driving them? Self-hatred. I don't think there is any doubt about it. These head cases hate themselves for being gay and project that hatred out onto other gays, and try and punish them.

And that is an issue. Because I don't think our policies towards marriage or any kind of human rights, should be driven by a bunch of messed up head cases who should be working through their problems in therapy, or in an institution, but not working them out through legislation.
is Ken Melham married too?

And I know what you mean, even in the Cunningham corruption case, they said that male prostitutes were involved in the perks from the defence industry, as bribes to them...

What the heck is going on? Why all of this self hate, and closetedness, by these guys? They do have issues, that they do need to deal with...obviously...
Yeah, I've been listening to this on the radio show that it was aired on. I don't know if I believe the guy to be honest. He has presented no evidence to back up his assertions.

then why step down if your innocent...doesn't make sense does it??
and if it doesn't make sense then its not true...
I personally do not think that Gay men or Lesbian Women that are in a meaningful relationship, is Marriage...I am an old fuddy dud when it comes to this....I think the meaning of marriage should not be changed by our has in general for a couple of thousands of years, been between a husband and wife or a husband and wives....I am being honest is very hard for me to change my view on this...I have honestly tried and I can not come to terms with a married couple not being a husband and a wife, a man and a woman.... I can't get over this....i am sorry...but I just can't change that meaning that I have known the near half a century of my life.... :(

However, I do see the discrimination that the gay community must feel towards this, I personally would like to see the state, not involved in "marriage" at all and leave that up to the different churches and synagogues and temples and mosques, the Episopalean Church performs / accepts gay marriages I believe, and maybe the united church of christ does, but I am uncertain on all of that....

The state should sanction anyone that wants to be in a meaningful partnership equally, or should not sanction any relationship at be fair to all...and to not discriminate.

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then why step down if your innocent...doesn't make sense does it??
and if it doesn't make sense then its not true...

well, I kinda agree with ya... something is going on or they would not have asked him to resign...what exactly it is, I don't know for certain...
Here's the newest news on this one, from the local newsies.

Channel 9 tested the Voice Mails and the voice analyzer finds them consistent with his voice.

The Interim Pastor of his church says that he has admitted to some of the allegations, but wouldn't elaborate.