For days after the fatal shooting of six Asians (and two whites but you aren't supposed to notice that)at massage-cum-sex spas in Atlanta, "Asian activists" and professors blanketed the airwaves to demand that white men STOP treating them like sex objects -- whom they fantasize about, they want, they covet.
Newspapers favored by leftists were chock-a-block with first-person accounts of Asian women being salivated over by white men.
Christine Liwag Dixon modestly began her tale of oppression for The Washington Post's "The Lily": "When I was 16, a boy I thought was my friend said, 'I can't figure you out. Asian girls are either smart or hot. But you're both.'" She's older and married now, but still cherishes this comment from high school.
Amid her recitation of other compliments she'd received over the course of a lifetime -- some stupid, some vulgar, and some, I'd wager, completely fictional -- Liwag Dixon remarked, "It no longer surprises me, but it still hurts."
Well, naturally. Who wouldn't be hurt to be called both smart AND hot?
Among the distressing compliments detailed by Liwag Dixon, she reports that she was often called "exotic." (I will NOT link to the scene in "NewsRadio," where Beth explains the meaning of words like "cute," "beautiful" and "exotic."
Professors of color were prepared with scholarly opinions about how tantalizing Asian women are. Elaine Kim, professor emeritus in Asian American studies at the University of California, Berkeley, told the Associated Press that the Atlanta shooter probably had "an addiction to fantasies about Asian women as sex objects."
However that may be, these particular spas were known as fronts for prostitution, which may also have put the idea of sex in the shooter's head.
Another Berkeley professor, Catherine Ceniza Choy (Ethnic Studies), conveyed that the shooting "echoes a long-running stereotype that Asian women are immoral and hypersexual."
Ellen Wu, a history professor at Indiana University, confirmed that "from the moment Asian women began to migrate to the U.S., they were targets of hypersexualization."
It's a peculiar reaction to mass murder.
It all has a familiar ring ...
HEY! Anybody remember the Duke lacrosse rape hoax?