President Rodham-Clinton?


Well-known member
I know its a long time between now and 16' but I am starting to wonder if anyone will challenge SoS Clinton for the Democratic Nomination. It appears she and her only likely opposition, VP Biden may have come to some sort of an agreement. Most insiders would agree that it is helpful for a primary candidate to have some sort of an opponent, but I wonder, incumbents usually don't have an opponent... I'm sure that H. Clinton will drum up a weak opponent if she feels its to her advantage, but the Clintons have become so powerful I wonder if they have effectively handicapped the field.
so powerful they couldn't win the election from a new guy a few years back.

the left need the peoples votes to win

Its not like the right where they can just lie to their masses and cheat to win
so powerful they couldn't win the election from a new guy a few years back.

the left need the peoples votes to win

Its not like the right where they can just lie to their masses and cheat to win

They are more powerful than they were 5 years ago. I'm fairly convinced that Bill Clinton may have given President Obama the bump he needed by giving such a great endorsement in his convention speech.
If no one else steps out of the woodwork their power will depend on if the people are willing to vote for them.

That is what this country is based on.

The republican party depends on cheating the people and lying to their base to win.
I know its a long time between now and 16' but I am starting to wonder if anyone will challenge SoS Clinton for the Democratic Nomination. It appears she and her only likely opposition, VP Biden may have come to some sort of an agreement. Most insiders would agree that it is helpful for a primary candidate to have some sort of an opponent, but I wonder, incumbents usually don't have an opponent... I'm sure that H. Clinton will drum up a weak opponent if she feels its to her advantage, but the Clintons have become so powerful I wonder if they have effectively handicapped the field.
Wow...I think it's hers to take. I've seen the polling data and if she decides to run she'd be formidable. None of her potential Democratic or Republican opponents come close to her in the polls.
Wow...I think it's hers to take. I've seen the polling data and if she decides to run she'd be formidable. None of her potential Democratic or Republican opponents come close to her in the polls.

There is a lot of time for that to change, but as it stands today, I think you are absolutely correct. President Clinton and First Gentleman Bill Clinton.
I cant imagine anything that would make the Republican pin-heads explode more, other than electing a black African Muslim socialist whose middle name is Hussein.
who will the republican party get to stand and dis her in public?


daddy is too old.


the high leaders of the republican party who are alive have very bad names in the entire world.

think of how long we will have Obama as an ex president in good standing with the people.

the only people the republicans have as exs are liabilities to their party.
I've actually seen some pretty passionate debates between some young republicans vying for the parties 2024 nomination. A little too early to call this horse race IMO but things happen so quick these days.
Think about the juxtaposition between the living former Democratic Presidents and the living former Republican Presidents.

The Republicans don't have anyone like Clinton who can come into a convention and do what Bill Clinton did for President Obama last year.

In-fact, did any former Presidents speak in Tampa last year? Did any attend the Republican Convention? What about Vice Presidents? Quayle? Cheney? Even Palin?

They are all embarrassments to the Republican Party. George Bush, Sr. is the only one anyone respects at all and he is unable to give a speech.
I think the Weiner Scandal will hurt Hillary and her campaign.

She is closely linked to Huma Abedin and the comparisons are already starting.
I think the Weiner Scandal will hurt Hillary and her campaign.

She is closely linked to Huma Abedin and the comparisons are already starting.

Seriously? I don't think so, Senator Clinton gets a pass for Bills behavior. People have sympathy for her, not anger toward her.
I think the Weiner Scandal will hurt Hillary and her campaign.

She is closely linked to Huma Abedin and the comparisons are already starting.
Only by partisan hacks who have no intention of voting for her in the first place.

Man you can spot a Fox News viewer a mile away! LOL LOL LOL They say the dumbest things. LOL
I know its a long time between now and 16' but I am starting to wonder if anyone will challenge SoS Clinton for the Democratic Nomination. It appears she and her only likely opposition, VP Biden may have come to some sort of an agreement. Most insiders would agree that it is helpful for a primary candidate to have some sort of an opponent, but I wonder, incumbents usually don't have an opponent... I'm sure that H. Clinton will drum up a weak opponent if she feels its to her advantage, but the Clintons have become so powerful I wonder if they have effectively handicapped the field.

It would be great if someone from the Democratic party showed concern for civil liberties. Without it you will probably lose.
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Think about the juxtaposition between the living former Democratic Presidents and the living former Republican Presidents.

The Republicans don't have anyone like Clinton who can come into a convention and do what Bill Clinton did for President Obama last year.

In-fact, did any former Presidents speak in Tampa last year? Did any attend the Republican Convention? What about Vice Presidents? Quayle? Cheney? Even Palin?

They are all embarrassments to the Republican Party. George Bush, Sr. is the only one anyone respects at all and he is unable to give a speech.

I didn't see Jimmy Carter speaking on behalf of Obama.

And yeah it's a big shocker George Bush didn't speak.

And ex-VP's rarely have the star power of an ex-President.
YOU mean the Democratic party?

being slimey enough to refuse to even say or spell the name of the party is very telling
I think the Weiner Scandal will hurt Hillary and her campaign.

She is closely linked to Huma Abedin and the comparisons are already starting.

In two years no one is going to remember or think about Weiner.

If Clinton and scandals are your issue you surely aren't going to focus on Weiner.
I've actually seen some pretty passionate debates between some young republicans vying for the parties 2024 nomination. A little too early to call this horse race IMO but things happen so quick these days.
I Think Chris Christie will win the Iowa straw poll, go on to take New Hampshire, get crushed in South Carolina by which ever reactionary mouth breather from the South is competing against him. Christie will get hammered in the south but have smooth sailing in the rest of the nation but because the far right of the base, Tea bagger fanatics and the KKKristians down south will oppose him, the primary will drag on for far to long with far to many debates and far to many opportunities for Christie to shoot himself in the foot. In other words I think the Republican nomination will pretty much play out like Romney's.

If Hiliary runs we're probably looking at 8 more years of Democrats controlling the executive branch which probably would mean Dems gaining majority control of SCOTUS (Brennan and Scalia are up there), as well as, democrats consolidating control of the judicial branch.
Think about the juxtaposition between the living former Democratic Presidents and the living former Republican Presidents.

The Republicans don't have anyone like Clinton who can come into a convention and do what Bill Clinton did for President Obama last year.

In-fact, did any former Presidents speak in Tampa last year? Did any attend the Republican Convention? What about Vice Presidents? Quayle? Cheney? Even Palin?

They are all embarrassments to the Republican Party. George Bush, Sr. is the only one anyone respects at all and he is unable to give a speech.

and the right hates 41 because he raised taxes.

but they love Reagan because he didn't raise taxes with the only problem being Reagan DID raise taxes