Prediction: Zimmy Verdict!

Zimmy: Guilty or Not Guilty

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Guilty of criminal negligence. Because stupidity isn't a crime, and the state has to toss something to the angry hoard. I don't know what the minimum mandatory is for criminal negligence.
Honestly believe if he was going to be acquitted it would have already happened, unless for whatever reason the foreperson didn't take the acquittal vote first. My bet is the jury will be hung.,
Guilty of criminal negligence. Because stupidity isn't a crime, and the state has to toss something to the angry hoard. I don't know what the minimum mandatory is for criminal negligence.

That's not an option.

Manslaughter, 10 years, seven suspended.

Manslaughter with minimum sentence.

10-20-Life. Minimum sentence in this case is 15 years.

trying to figure out how a jury of 6 women are a jury of zimmermans peers

You really don't know what you're talking about.
lol...I'm not the one who thought a jury of Zimmy's peer would have to be half hispanic males.
that just shows you to be a anti justice moron. one would think there'd be at least one male on the jury. so much for justice, not that you were concerned about it in this case.
Honestly believe if he was going to be acquitted it would have already happened, unless for whatever reason the foreperson didn't take the acquittal vote first. My bet is the jury will be hung.,

I think that any attorney who pretends that he knows how any particular jury will proceed upon retiring to the jury room is a fool.
A quick jury is generally for acquittal, but Ive had 5 min guilty and 5 min acquittal.

I had one jury that, after three days on a one day trial erupted in loud arguing and screaming at each other, we were sure it would be a mistrial yet, 45 mins later the came out with a guilty...
I think that any attorney who pretends that he knows how any particular jury will proceed upon retiring to the jury room is a fool.
In my experience acquittal come fast. In a case like this my bet is you have one or maybe two holding out for conviction. Identifying with Martins mom, feeling someone should pay. The state did a horrible job prosecuting GZ.
That's not an option
Really? I thought I saw it on a list of lesser included charges. Oh well, switch my vote to guilty of manslaughter, because the standard is not met, it makes no sense, and I'm about 0 for 100 for the last 4 or 5 years. First, I figured no one would be stupid enough to elect Obama, phfffft! WRONG!!! Second, the supreme court on obamacare, phfffft! WRONG! THEN...Obama gets RE-ELECTED!!! I could go on, but you get the idea. Nope, I no longer trust the average American to make a decent decision. Hope I'm wrong, but I doubt it.