"Posing a Threat" Isn't the Issue.


Well-known member
A mob storming a building clearly poses a threat. When members of the mob are wielding clubs, dressed in battle gear and armed with bear spray, etc., the threat is acute. But "posing a threat" isn't the issue. The issue is breaking the law, in this case the breaking of many laws, least of which is unlawful entry that every member of the mob is guilty of and the infraction Trump and his mental weaklings want to focus on and excuse while ignoring the assaults on officers and the smashing of property and the despicable outrage in attacking The Capitol.


I posted this in another thread but feel like making it a thread of its own.
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A mob storming a building clearly poses a threat. When members of the mob are wielding clubs, dressed in battle gear and armed with bear spray, etc., the threat is acute. But "posing a threat" isn't the issue. The issue is breaking the law, in this case the breaking of many laws, least of which is unlawful entry that every member of the mob is guilty of and the infraction Trump and his mental weaklings want to focus on and excuse while ignoring the assaults on officers and the smashing of property and the despicable outrage in attacking The Capitol.

I posted this in another thread but feel like making it a threat of its own.
Who are you "threatening"?
A mob storming a building clearly poses a threat. When members of the mob are wielding clubs, dressed in battle gear and armed with bear spray, etc., the threat is acute. But "posing a threat" isn't the issue. The issue is breaking the law, in this case the breaking of many laws, least of which is unlawful entry that every member of the mob is guilty of and the infraction Trump and his mental weaklings want to focus on and excuse while ignoring the assaults on officers and the smashing of property and the despicable outrage in attacking The Capitol.

And it wasn't just any building.

They literally attempted to take over the government of the United States by force while threatening to kill elected officials they didn't like.

And the morons of the world just ignore it as if it were nothing.

Trump didn't have to work very hard to brainwash these idiots because there was so little there to wash.
They literally attempted to take over the government of the United States by force while threatening to kill elected officials they didn't like.

And the morons of the world just ignore it as if it were nothing.

since it isn't true and wasn't actually intended or carried out, isn't it by definition, nothing?.......
A mob storming a building clearly poses a threat. When members of the mob are wielding clubs, dressed in battle gear and armed with bear spray, etc., the threat is acute. But "posing a threat" isn't the issue. The issue is breaking the law, in this case the breaking of many laws, least of which is unlawful entry that every member of the mob is guilty of and the infraction Trump and his mental weaklings want to focus on and excuse while ignoring the assaults on officers and the smashing of property and the despicable outrage in attacking The Capitol.

isn't the capitol building a public building owned by the people????
isn't the capitol building a public building owned by the people????

Who are you supposed to be smarter than?

The United States belongs to the people, all the people, not just the few who choose to attack it. That's why its sedition or treason for a citizen to assault its "public buildings".
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And it wasn't just any building.

They literally attempted to take over the government of the United States by force while threatening to kill elected officials they didn't like.

And the morons of the world just ignore it as if it were nothing.

Trump didn't have to work very hard to brainwash these idiots because there was so little there to wash.

It's becoming clearer and clearer that the insurrection was planned ahead of time, and that #TRE45ON knew about it as well. It was NOT a spontaneous reaction by "patriots" who feared for their country.
Who are you supposed to be smarter than?

The United States belongs to the people, all the people, not just the few who choose to attack it. That's why its sedition or treason for a citizen to assault its "public buildings".

apparently i'm a hell of a lot smarter than you.
And it wasn't just any building.

They literally attempted to take over the government of the United States by force while threatening to kill elected officials they didn't like.

And the morons of the world just ignore it as if it were nothing.

Trump didn't have to work very hard to brainwash these idiots because there was so little there to wash.

Apparently, the truth lies somewhere between ‘it was nothing’ and an attempt to overthrow the government lol. Unless the court system is part of the conspiracy.

Who said ‘it was nothing’, btw? I thought it was an outrage. Just not an insurrection.
An unarmed woman was murdered.

Things like that used to rankle libtards.

Yeah, poor "unarmed woman" who was breaking and entering, with a crowd of others bent on murder and mayhem. Shooting ppl like that used to give conservatards a woody. Bet if she'd been a black member of BLM breaking into a business and getting shot by the owner, you would say she deserved to die.
Yeah, poor "unarmed woman" who was breaking and entering, with a crowd of others bent on murder and mayhem. Shooting ppl like that used to give conservatards a woody. Bet if she'd been a black member of BLM breaking into a business and getting shot by the owner, you would say she deserved to die.

Yeah, poor "unarmed woman" who was breaking and entering, with a crowd of others bent on murder and mayhem. Shooting ppl like that used to give conservatards a woody. Bet if she'd been a black member of BLM breaking into a business and getting shot by the owner, you would say she deserved to die.

I actually feel sorry for her.

Not so much for getting shot because she should have known that was a distinct possibility, but because she allowed herself to be taken in by the Trump cult of personality and just sacrificed what was by all accounts, a fairy tale life.

She was young, vibrant, athletic, attractive and had a husband with similar attributes who loved her.

She had a beautiful life that so many people nowadays would rightfully envy, and she threw it all away on nothing.
I actually feel sorry for her.

Not so much for getting shot because she should have known that was a distinct possibility, but because she allowed herself to be taken in by the Trump cult of personality and just sacrificed what was by all accounts, a fairy tale life.

She was young, vibrant, athletic, attractive and had a husband with similar attributes who loved her.

She had a beautiful life that so many people nowadays would rightfully envy, and she threw it all away on nothing.

She should serve as an apocryphal tale to any others thinking of throwing away their lives in service of future wannabe-tyrannical con men.
Quote Originally Posted by ThatOwlWoman View Post
Yeah, poor "unarmed woman" who was breaking and entering, with a crowd of others bent on murder and mayhem.

that lie makes you idiots look so stupid....