Worst gambler ever
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- A new government report says there are now more than three quarters of a million names on the U.S. government's terrorist "watch list," raising concerns the list may be becoming too large.
Sen. Joe Lieberman, chairman of the Senate Homeland Security Committee, is concerned about the list's size.
A Government Accountability Office study out Wednesday said the Terrorist Screening Center's watch list contained approximately 755,000 names. But because many potential suspects have multiple names or aliases on the list, investigators are not certain how many distinct individuals are actually represented.
Officials at the Terrorist Screening Center told CNN in September that the number of individuals on the list is about 300,000.
Sen. Joe Lieberman, the chairman of the Senate Homeland Security Committee, said the "sheer size" of the list raises concerns. Lieberman, I-Connecticut, said the list contains an even higher number of records than 755,000.
"It contained 158,000 names including aliases in July 2004," Lieberman said during a hearing on the list. "That grew to 755,000 names by May of this year, and now stands at about 860,000 names just five months later. That's nearly a 500 percent increase in three years."
Now nearly 1,000,000 Americans are on a "watch list" from this Federal Government. I really want you liberals to remember this. You're the ones who have been calling for more and more government power, a larger and larger government umbrella, and guess what? You got it. And now that you did get it, a fucking neocon madman has the power to abuse it as he sees fit. Congratultions on your victory. Pop the cork.
This really is the roots to Gestapo, KGB shit. Who decides who should be on the watchlist? Why, the same kind, wonderful government that gives you "free" healthcare. Who decides who should be detaind at the airport? Well, don't fear, is the friendly old Uncle Sam, who's actually doing us all a favor, and has your best interests at heart.
Who's that arresting you for no reason? Well, don't worry a wibk about that. Its merely a procedure. We have enemies among us, and we must protect ourselves.
Who's that taking money out of your paycheck? Don't worry, its us, the arbitrators of fairness.
The same people who wish for more and more big government, and then feign surprise when the big government turns into this exact monster we have in the Bush Administration, can go read a fucking book.
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- A new government report says there are now more than three quarters of a million names on the U.S. government's terrorist "watch list," raising concerns the list may be becoming too large.
Sen. Joe Lieberman, chairman of the Senate Homeland Security Committee, is concerned about the list's size.
A Government Accountability Office study out Wednesday said the Terrorist Screening Center's watch list contained approximately 755,000 names. But because many potential suspects have multiple names or aliases on the list, investigators are not certain how many distinct individuals are actually represented.
Officials at the Terrorist Screening Center told CNN in September that the number of individuals on the list is about 300,000.
Sen. Joe Lieberman, the chairman of the Senate Homeland Security Committee, said the "sheer size" of the list raises concerns. Lieberman, I-Connecticut, said the list contains an even higher number of records than 755,000.
"It contained 158,000 names including aliases in July 2004," Lieberman said during a hearing on the list. "That grew to 755,000 names by May of this year, and now stands at about 860,000 names just five months later. That's nearly a 500 percent increase in three years."
Now nearly 1,000,000 Americans are on a "watch list" from this Federal Government. I really want you liberals to remember this. You're the ones who have been calling for more and more government power, a larger and larger government umbrella, and guess what? You got it. And now that you did get it, a fucking neocon madman has the power to abuse it as he sees fit. Congratultions on your victory. Pop the cork.
This really is the roots to Gestapo, KGB shit. Who decides who should be on the watchlist? Why, the same kind, wonderful government that gives you "free" healthcare. Who decides who should be detaind at the airport? Well, don't fear, is the friendly old Uncle Sam, who's actually doing us all a favor, and has your best interests at heart.
Who's that arresting you for no reason? Well, don't worry a wibk about that. Its merely a procedure. We have enemies among us, and we must protect ourselves.
Who's that taking money out of your paycheck? Don't worry, its us, the arbitrators of fairness.
The same people who wish for more and more big government, and then feign surprise when the big government turns into this exact monster we have in the Bush Administration, can go read a fucking book.