Please stop stabbing yourself



Polls: GOP takes more blame for shutdown impasse

really guys I know you don't care about the country

I know you hate more than you love.

but its really hard to just sit back and watch you stab your party to death.

It was ONCE a fine and principled party that helped this country grow strong.

do you at least care about the republican party enough to put the knife down and think for a second?

Polls: GOP takes more blame for shutdown impasse

really guys I know you don't care about the country

I know you hate more than you love.

but its really hard to just sit back and watch you stab your party to death.

It was ONCE a fine and principled party that helped this country grow strong.

do you at least care about the republican party enough to put the knife down and think for a second?

Why do you keep spamming the forum with this nonsense; what is this niw, the third thread regarding the same issue.

If this is hurting the Republicans so bad, I would think a hyper partisan leftist like you would be giddy and cheering them on?

Your feigned concern has been noted however. :rolleyes:
your sooo caught up in your hate of everything NOT right wing republican insanity you cant understand caring aobut the counry MORE than your party or your historically failed ideas.

I love the two party system because its the manna of democracy.

two strong, smart, fact based partys is what is healthy for this country.

One party rule will turn into the same damned MESS no matter which party got all the power you fool
your party has to cheat to win elections.

resorting to that instead of changing your platform to fit the REAL American voter is what has caused your party to fail.

You either can get the votes with your IDEAS or you lose.

That is the brillence of the Democratic system.

You and your party cheat.

You pretend its OK to cheat.

you have no love for democracy.
your sooo caught up in your hate of everything NOT right wing republican insanity you cant understand caring aobut the counry MORE than your party or your historically failed ideas.

I love the two party system because its the manna of democracy.

two strong, smart, fact based partys is what is healthy for this country.

One party rule will turn into the same damned MESS no matter which party got all the power you fool

First off, I'm not right wing dimwit; I'm pro Constitution.

Secondly, if you care so much more than anyone else on the planet, tell your guys, dimwit Harry and buffoon Obama, to sit down and work with Republicans instead of acting like petulant whiney little kids.

Thirdly, I don't hate anything; I merely despise vulgar dimwitted hyper partisan asshats like you posting unintelligent false gobbledeygook in a vacuum of the truth, reality or the facts.
your party has to cheat to win elections.

resorting to that instead of changing your platform to fit the REAL American voter is what has caused your party to fail.

You either can get the votes with your IDEAS or you lose.

That is the brillence of the Democratic system.

You and your party cheat.

You pretend its OK to cheat.

you have no love for democracy.

Same dullard meme over and over again. It's official, you're a vulgar dimwitted hyper partisan asshat.
Desh, what is the point of two party's if you want them both to do the same thing?

WOW you think trashing the country is a valid postion?

Your party has started wars they REFUSED to pay for.

Crashed the entire world economy.

tried to make us default in 2011

and now are doing everything they can think of to ruin this country.

that is something NO PARTY should do
WOW you think trashing the country is a valid postion?

Your party has started wars they REFUSED to pay for.

Crashed the entire world economy.

tried to make us default in 2011

and now are doing everything they can think of to ruin this country.

that is something NO PARTY should do

Desh, you have stated every recession in this country's history was started by Republicans and ended by Democrats. What would a second party do in your eyes different than what the Democrats have done economically?
a handful a day. You don't have posting diarrhea like BM does.


Selective much, Tekkygal?

The rule says to refrain from posting multiple same-subject threads, and you were all for enforcing it when you championed Kartoon Kenney.

How'd that work out for ya, sugar tits?

Polls: GOP takes more blame for shutdown impasse

really guys I know you don't care about the country

I know you hate more than you love.

but its really hard to just sit back and watch you stab your party to death.

It was ONCE a fine and principled party that helped this country grow strong.

do you at least care about the republican party enough to put the knife down and think for a second?

Good post.

The Republican party should accept that Americans want to help people in worst case scenario conditions. Even Republicans admit they want to help the people who are truly disabled but want to end programs because of the corruption. Why is it such a brainy idea to talk about ways to fight the corruption instead of slashing or ending programs for, say, the blind. If they wanted to fight the corruption they could but they want to corrupt the programs and even sabotage them so they can later say, "See, told you that wouldn't work out". Republicans are truly the Party Of No right now and they don't want to fix anything, they just want to end everything. They talk about the Constitution all the time but the Constitution tells us how to run the Country and it's not by shutting down the Country! I'm pretty sick of these brain dead idiots.
Good post.

The Republican party should accept that Americans want to help people in worst case scenario conditions. Even Republicans admit they want to help the people who are truly disabled but want to end programs because of the corruption. Why is it such a brainy idea to talk about ways to fight the corruption instead of slashing or ending programs for, say, the blind. If they wanted to fight the corruption they could but they want to corrupt the programs and even sabotage them so they can later say, "See, told you that wouldn't work out". Republicans are truly the Party Of No right now and they don't want to fix anything, they just want to end everything. They talk about the Constitution all the time but the Constitution tells us how to run the Country and it's not by shutting down the Country! I'm pretty sick of these brain dead idiots.

Another brain dead claim built upon a strawman; are you deliberately stupid, or does it come naturally for you?

I am amused by the moronic argument that the only way to help those in need is to create a massive inefficient, ineffective Government bureaucracy that promotes abuse and corruption. Really?

We are a Republic of States; if citizens of a State want to vote for moronic Socialist programs, they can do this all they want. The Feds do not have any Constitutional responsibility to do anything more than defend the nation, administer her laws and secure our borders; nothing more, and nothing less.

After spending trillions on leftist emotion backed war on poverty, the evidence is in that the forceful theft of taxpayer money to fund these programs does not reduce poverty, but rather create a dependent class. Of course, Democrats love this class as they can be duped into voting for Democrats to keep the money coming. Our founders rightfully knew that the end of the Republic would come about when the citizens realize that they can vote themselves money through corrupt politicians.

By any reasonable standard, a trillion dollars devoted to fighting poverty and inequality is a substantial sum. What do we get for it? That is the question we should be asking our politicians in this election year as they urge us to spend still more on the War on Poverty.

When Lyndon Johnson inaugurated the War on Poverty in 1964, he assured the public that “. . . this investment [of tax dollars] will return its cost many fold to our entire economy.” Now that this “investment” has reached a trillion dollars a year we should evaluate whether the returns have, in fact, been large. Some questions to consider:

• Is the low-income population more independent and self-supporting than before the War on Poverty?

• Has the trillion-dollar expenditure eliminated poverty in America? Reduced it dramatically?

• Has the trillion-dollar expenditure reduced inequality? Are the egalitarians grateful to the American people for their sacrifices in this area, or are they continually carping about increasing inequality?

• Are more disadvantaged children being raised in stable two-parent families today than before the War on Poverty?

• Are the children in low-income families getting good educations that prepare them for productive lives as adults? Have the racial gaps in educational achievement been eliminated or greatly narrowed?

• Has illegitimacy been reduced in the low-income population?

• Is crime lower today than in the 1950s, before the War on Poverty?

The answers to these questions, I submit, paint a bleak picture of the accomplishments of the American welfare state. While a nuanced interpretation of the evidence may identify a few positive returns on our “investment,” we have a right to expect a lot more for a trillion dollars a year. Perhaps it is time to stop worrying about an exit strategy for the War in Iraq and formulate one for the War on Poverty.