Pinheads are the Enemies of Islam


Although I hardly expect it to do any good, it's high time to call a spade a spade in the bashing religion game. The spade in questions is anyone who singles out any of the world's great religions as being substantively better or worse than the others.

The world's great religions -- Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism, by most accounts -- are all basically internally consistent and equally valid (or invalid, if you prefer). They've been honed by time and successive generations of devout scholars: they're all quite keen. They're all quite good tools for promoting social cohesion and retarding the evolution of moral standards, which is what religion is for.

Saying that all of Islam is evil or calling for any sort of religious war (jihad) against, well, anyone is prima facie evidence of pinheadedness. It also constitutes probable cause for concluding fecalheadedness. If you admit to the validity -- or even inoffensiveness -- of any one major religion you pretty much have to include them all. Only the atheists get a pass on religion bashing, and that's because they do it without obvious bias.

As I say, I don't expect the fecalheads to accept these facts. Fecalheads are almost impervious to reality: that's what makes them fecalheads.

You may now return to your regularly scheduled poo-flinging.
Ornot, I think you have it right. I can't find anything in there to disagree with.

That was some good poo you threw in some faces ;)
Well, I'm a pinhead.

Atheists in the west are often accused of being christo-specific, which is an unfair attribution. All religions should be treated as the mental virus they are, be they Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism (the transcendental mythological side) or any of the other assorted mythologies.

Islam doesn't get an easy time. I am learning Arabic so that I might more directly confront the religion....
Well, I'm a pinhead.

Atheists in the west are often accused of being christo-specific, which is an unfair attribution. All religions should be treated as the mental virus they are, be they Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism (the transcendental mythological side) or any of the other assorted mythologies.

Islam doesn't get an easy time. I am learning Arabic so that I might more directly confront the religion....

Time will prove you belong to the 6th great religion .....
Time will prove you belong to the 6th great religion .....

Atheism is to religion what bald is to hair colour.....
Yep Atheism is not a religion, it is absence of religion.
I don't know why Atheist is listed under religion on forms....
Yep Atheism is not a religion, it is absence of religion.
I don't know why Atheist is listed under religion on forms....
It depends on how one treats it. If a person is insistent that they are right beyond a shadow of a doubt and begins to set out to convert others who believe differently, moves in circles with people that think the same, meets with others at appointed times for meetings on how best to spread this message, that takes equal faith to believe as those who believe in a Deity, then it becomes a religion.

One cannot be an "evangelist" for the cause without walking into the religious territory. It becomes a big A Atheist... rather than just somebody that doesn't believe in a Deity... or a small a atheist.
Well, I'm a pinhead.

Atheists in the west are often accused of being christo-specific, which is an unfair attribution. All religions should be treated as the mental virus they are, be they Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism (the transcendental mythological side) or any of the other assorted mythologies.

Islam doesn't get an easy time. I am learning Arabic so that I might more directly confront the religion....
Did I not say that the atheists get a pass on the pinhead thing? Your position is at least consistent. What I'm saying is that, in general, either all the major religions are valid or none are. You're selecting the "none of the above" option.

but I thought all religions had a diety involved, Atheism does not, so how is it a religion ?
As Damo says, it depends on how you look at religion. If worship of a deity or deities is the most important aspect of religion for your purposes then no, atheism isn't a religion. If you're more interested in the cultural, psychological and structural aspects of religion, however, rather than the mystical stuff, then atheism can indeed be considered a religion.

Like a religious believer, an atheist has made a leap of faith. The atheist has concluded that absence of evidence is evidence of absence. This is not nonsensical, it's merely a leap of faith . . . albeit a very, very short one. More of a short hop than a leap.
Why would people who don't believe in a diety have other similar cultural, etc similarities ?
Is that like saying all people that dont believe in Santa Claus are the same religion ?
Not all religions have a Deity. Theravada Buddhism has no Deity... nor does Mahayana Buddhism, at least not in any Western sense of the word for Mahayana Buddhism... Theravada Buddhism speaks nothing to a Deity or against it.
Why would people who don't believe in a diety have other similar cultural, etc similarities ?
Is that like saying all people that dont believe in Santa Claus are the same religion ?
How similar are American Catholics in, say, Mill Valley, CA, to Catholics in a small village in Guatemala? And how similar are the Guatemalan villagers to secular Catholics in Milan, or devout Catholics in Rome? There are threads of commonality that tie all of these various kinds of Catholics together. Similarly, there are points of commonality among atheists too. First and foremost that they actively deny the existance of supernatural forces.
But they are a cohesive religion with a common SET of beliefs. Does it only take one common NON belief to make a religion ?
How similar are American Catholics in, say, Mill Valley, CA, to Catholics in a small village in Guatemala? And how similar are the Guatemalan villagers to secular Catholics in Milan, or devout Catholics in Rome? There are threads of commonality that tie all of these various kinds of Catholics together. Similarly, there are points of commonality among atheists too. First and foremost that they actively deny the existance of supernatural forces.

again, so everyone who does NOT believe in the tooth fairy are in the same rleigion ?
But they are a cohesive religion with a common SET of beliefs. Does it only take one common NON belief to make a religion ?
It is one common belief, not a "non-belief." That's what I meant when I said it took a leap of faith. And yes, that one single belief is enough to make a religion, if that's the way you want to look at it. Frankly, I think it's rather a silly way to look at it, but that's just me.

You cannot prove there is no God. Can't be done. One can conclude there is no God based on the vast compendium of evidence against and the wholesale lack of any evidence whatsoever for, but it's still a belief.
Is republicanism or democratism a religion ?
Or non belief in the tooth fairy ?

Look up the definition of religion in the dictionary folks.