pending florida martial law

with the prosecutions case falling against zimmerman and the likely possibility of rioting afterwards, it's worth considering the possibility that maybe that is exactly what florida wants in order to implement some martial law and treat it's citizens with the same slave status that they did after the boston bombing.
which part, dung? expound upon your bats declaration, or don't you think that the state would want to protect all of it's citizens by rolling tanks down the street?
Actually I think Mass was selected as the trial state for Marshal Law.

We are so freaking liberal up here, no one complained when the roads were closed for a snow storm, or when vast swaths of the City were shut down in a search for ONE man.

I'd say they got away with it with flying colors.
Lol. The only way Rick Scott would declare martial law in this state would be if his alien masters came hunting for him to return him to his home planet.
Lol. The only way Rick Scott would declare martial law in this state would be if his alien masters came hunting for him to return him to his home planet.

ooo... think that can happen? Should we set up a signal to show them where he is?
Lol. The only way Rick Scott would declare martial law in this state would be if his alien masters came hunting for him to return him to his home planet.
you mean the same rick scott that arrested a county sheriff for releasing a man that violated an unconstitutional law by carrying a concealed weapon without a 'license'???
you mean the same rick scott that arrested a county sheriff for releasing a man that violated an unconstitutional law by carrying a concealed weapon without a 'license'???

Yes, dumbfuck, the same Rick Scott that had said sheriff removed from office for falsifying and/or disposing of official documents related to the arrest of the man, his buddy, who was carrying a concealed weapon without a permit.