Pelosi Bashes ‘Pathetic’ McConnell For Creating His Own Trump Acquittal Excuse


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Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) was responsible for creating the very impeachment trial delay that he used as an excuse to vote to acquit Donald Trump, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said Saturday.

After the Senate vote, which was 10 senators short of convicting Trump, McConnell called the former president “practically and morally responsible” for the Capitol siege. Yet he voted to acquit Trump because he believes it is unconstitutional to convict a former president.

But it was McConnell himself who took steps to stall the Senate trial until Trump was no longer president, thereby setting up his own excuse. He refused to call the Senate back into session in time for a trial while Trump was still in the White House.

“On January 15, the House Impeachment Managers were gathered to deliver the Article of Impeachment. They were told that because the Senate was closed the Article could not be received,” Pelosi said in a statement.

And then the slimy smarmy scrotum neck McConnell admits how guilty Trump is. POS! He gave all republi-con cowards, co-conspirators and careerists the lame ass excuse they needed.
And then the slimy smarmy scrotum neck McConnell admits how guilty Trump is. POS! He gave all republi-con cowards, co-conspirators and careerists the lame ass excuse they needed.

LMFAO the best part is how fucking pissed you and piglosi are.
McConnell needed to turn on the big donor spigot again. I'm not sure his brazen political play (disguised as honesty and integrity) will work. Trump still has his boot on the neck of the party. The big donors aren't gonna back nutters. They sure as hell aren't going to back Lara Trump or Ivanka Trump, or Jared.