Pelosi announces plans for 9/11-style commission to examine Capitol riot


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House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said on Monday that the US Congress will establish an outside, independent commission to review the “facts and causes” related to the deadly 6 January insurrection at the US Capitol by supporters of Donald Trump in the waning days of his presidency.

Pelosi said in a letter to members of Congress that the commission would be modeled on a similar one convened after the 11 September 2001, terrorist attack on Washington and New York.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said on Monday that the US Congress will establish an outside, independent commission to review the “facts and causes” related to the deadly 6 January insurrection at the US Capitol by supporters of Donald Trump in the waning days of his presidency.

Pelosi said in a letter to members of Congress that the commission would be modeled on a similar one convened after the 11 September 2001, terrorist attack on Washington and New York.

Funny how Pelosi is trying to get to the bottom of what went wrong, when the Alt Right posters claim she would never want that.
Good. Let's find out who the Masterminds are here.
Some say it's the 'White Supremacists'.
Others say it's the 'Christian Nationalists'.

Of the two groups, the Christian Nationalists seem to have a greater following and a greater source of funding.
In a country controlled by big-tech and marxism it must be good for a nutter such as Pelosi to have a voice. I revel in the fact that this absolute deranged nutcase is held as a representative for the Demoncrats.
I bet they are upset Epstein was not a Democrat. I mean, what a lost opportunity that was.
I can see the Dems now......... "Epstein heads new policy on gender - toilets and changing rooms to be open to all genders" ... "Jeffrey to introduce a law forbidding hate comments against Pride Marchers who dress in huge rubber penises and Sado Masochistic collars in public - humping is not illegal, says Epstein"!!
In a country controlled by big-tech and marxism it must be good for a nutter such as Pelosi to have a voice. I revel in the fact that this absolute deranged nutcase is held as a representative for the Demoncrats.
I bet they are upset Epstein was not a Democrat. I mean, what a lost opportunity that was.
I can see the Dems now......... "Epstein heads new policy on gender - toilets and changing rooms to be open to all genders" ... "Jeffrey to introduce a law forbidding hate comments against Pride Marchers who dress in huge rubber penises and Sado Masochistic collars in public - humping is not illegal, says Epstein"!!


white christian nationalist
There is absolutely any way that P. Lousy would set up a truly independent inquiry, anyone who believes otherwise is barking mad
I want demmycrats all in on this.......they should spend every waking minute devoting Congress to nothing else until the mid term elections.....
another Pelosi Pig Circus.. the dude named is a rabid partisan = "Trump did it"

And that will be the ultimate answer, it was ALL based on the Big Lie, and guess what trump is Still Lying about the election. What is sad is so many Morons still believe it, but then again they are Morons.
Hey, if it keeps the Democrats busy doing nothing that's good. The more they fixate on getting Trump the less stuff they can fuck up the country with. That's good for the rest of us...
And that will be the ultimate answer, it was ALL based on the Big Lie, and guess what trump is Still Lying about the election. What is sad is so many Morons still believe it, but then again they are Morons.

That's right, ignore the Chicoms taking over the world and go get Trump again!
That's right, ignore the Chicoms taking over the world and go get Trump again!

Well, according to you on the far right it is too late since per some of your talking heads Biden is a Chicom agent and the US is about to be turned into a Socialist/Marxist State, have you found a place to hide when the evil Gubment comes for you? If anything you guys are amusing, same idiotic claims every election and same Big Fat Nothing happens. ROTFLMAO!!!!
Well, according to you on the far right it is too late since per some of your talking heads Biden is a Chicom agent and the US is about to be turned into a Socialist/Marxist State, have you found a place to hide when the evil Gubment comes for you? If anything you guys are amusing, same idiotic claims every election and same Big Fat Nothing happens. ROTFLMAO!!!!

I am by no means far right, stop bullshitting fool.