Pedodent Biden's latest CONSPIRACY THEORY - Russians meddled in 2020 election

Text Drivers are Killers

Joe Biden - "Time to put Trump in the bullseye."
This is what the debunked mueller investigation was all about too. Dems are always shouting this conspiracy theory about russian meddling in our elections. You want foreign meddling then remember that in 2016 the Kenyan Baboon went to england and openly campaigned against brexit in that election! The american press cheered.

march 17 2021 President Joe Biden on Tuesday warned that Russian President Vladimir Putin will “pay a price” in the wake of a new report from the U.S. intelligence community that concluded the Kremlin interfered in the 2020 White House race.

In a segment from his interview with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos that was taped Tuesday and aired Wednesday, Biden said he had told Putin in January — during their first call as foreign counterparts — to expect repercussions for potentially seeking to sway the most recent presidential election.

“We had a long talk, he and I,” Biden said. “I know him relatively well. And the conversation started off, I said, ‘I know you, and you know me. If I establish this occurred, then be prepared.’”
This is what the debunked mueller investigation was all about too. Dems are always shouting this conspiracy theory about russian meddling in our elections. You want foreign meddling then remember that in 2016 the Kenyan Baboon went to england and openly campaigned against brexit in that election! The american press cheered.

Be prepared for what, for him to murmur in Putin's general direction!
This is what the debunked mueller investigation was all about too. Dems are always shouting this conspiracy theory about russian meddling in our elections. You want foreign meddling then remember that in 2016 the Kenyan Baboon went to england and openly campaigned against brexit in that election! The american press cheered.

Do you have any evidence besides radio rhetoric that Biden or the Intelligence entities that did conclude that Russia was involved in the 2020 election ( are wrong?

Do you have any evidence besides radio rhetoric that Biden or the Intelligence entities that did conclude that Russia was involved in the 2020 election ( are wrong?


The burden of proof is on you wackdoodle conspiracy theorists. So show us your proof of commie meddling. An "intelligence entity said so " is not proof, moron.

OTOH - we have damning proof that the kenyan baboon meddled in the Brexit election in 2016.
This is what the debunked mueller investigation was all about too. Dems are always shouting this conspiracy theory about russian meddling in our elections. You want foreign meddling then remember that in 2016 the Kenyan Baboon went to england and openly campaigned against brexit in that election! The american press cheered.

Actually your trolling bs and fiction is a impotent as usual.