Pedodent Biden says he'll visit Texas SOON!! Disaster now a week old!

Text Drivers are Killers

Joe Biden - "Time to put Trump in the bullseye."
If this was trump the press would be crucifying him for not being there.

feb 18 2021 President Joe Biden said Friday that he’ll sign a major disaster declaration for Texas after millions in the state suffered power outages and water disruptions during prolonged freezing temperatures. He’s also expected to visit Texas soon.

Biden already signed an emergency declaration for Texas on Feb. 14, which authorized the Federal Emergency Management Agency to provide the state with critical equipment, like generators, and other resources like water and diesel to alleviate the effects of the disaster. A major disaster declaration, requested by Gov. Greg Abbott on Thursday, is distinct from an emergency declaration. It essentially provides a wider range of assistance through “federal assistance programs for individuals and public infrastructure.”

"I’m going to sign that declaration once it’s in front of me,” Biden said Friday, adding that he has already directed various federal agencies, like the Department of Defense and the Department of Health and Human Services, to continue assisting Texans through the crisis.

An emergency declaration functions as a supplement to state and local emergency services, while a major disaster declaration is issued if the president determines a disaster “has caused damage of such severity that it is beyond the combined capabilities of state and local governments to respond,” according to FEMA’s website.
He'll visit just as soon as it warms up so his arthritis or whatever afflicts a near octogenarian like that doesn't flair up...
Given how little Biden can be productive in a day, and given how much work the Revolution has right now, Bidens schedule is hard to make.