PBS says study finds differences in attitudes that may surprise liberals

Whites are pessimistic because about half of them get their news from Fox and talk radio and other right-wing media.

Anyone would be a pessimist listening to that shit all day.

Whites are pessimistic because about half of them get their news from Fox and talk radio and other right-wing media.

Anyone would be a pessimist listening to that shit all day.



Whites have been talked into thinking that they can't earn more. I recently made a post about pay equality. The first jump by EVERY Right Winger on there was "THAT'S SOCIALISM!". They all shut up really fast when I posted Bible quotes about sharing wealth.

The Fox News sheep never question their shepherd.

They try to tell the middle class that they are making low wages because of regulations and will never specify. The sheep scream "LOWER REGULATIONS! I WANT TO FEED MY FAMILY" and never question the amount of money the Corporation is bringing in. The Corporation brings in $2billion profit alone and ONLY the idiots scream "Lower these regulations on my bosses so they will pay me more!"

Whites have been talked into thinking that they can't earn more. I recently made a post about pay equality. The first jump by EVERY Right Winger on there was "THAT'S SOCIALISM!". They all shut up really fast when I posted Bible quotes about sharing wealth.

The Fox News sheep never question their shepherd.

They try to tell the middle class that they are making low wages because of regulations and will never specify. The sheep scream "LOWER REGULATIONS! I WANT TO FEED MY FAMILY" and never question the amount of money the Corporation is bringing in. The Corporation brings in $2billion profit alone and ONLY the idiots scream "Lower these regulations on my bosses so they will pay me more!"

That's because business can do no wrong in their eyes. They've been brainwashed into believing that the poor little rich guys are good people that government is picking on mercilessly and they have no choice but to do the things they do.
the left is into sharing the wealth and the rights resists it.....the right is into sharing the brains and the left resists it.....go figure.....
That's because business can do no wrong in their eyes. They've been brainwashed into believing that the poor little rich guys are good people that government is picking on mercilessly and they have no choice but to do the things they do.
It doesn't help that most right wingers don't know what socialism is.

For example, when discussing the Affordable Care Act most have a knee jerk reaction of "But that's Socialism!".

To which I ussually respond "Well so are public schools, community hospitals, roads, public utilities and the military, are you suggesting we get rid of them too?"
the left is into sharing the wealth and the rights resists it.....the right is into sharing the brains and the left resists it.....go figure.....
Wow.....you and your logical fallacies. It it's not an ad hominem or a circular argument it's a strawman.

The reality is you have a fanatical religious devotion to the market that is irrational. For it's intended function the market does well but for where it fails to provide needed and important services we have Government.

What you are advocating is at best authoritarianism and at worst anarchy. Either way you far right wing conservatives advocate a self fullfilling prophecy for failed government and economic exploitation by a corporate oligarchy that is in no ones best interest, even your own.
Wow.....you and your logical fallacies. It it's not an ad hominem or a circular argument it's a strawman.

/facepalm......someday you're going to have to sit down and learn what an argument looks like......an argument generally takes the form of "if A, then B"......a statement such as "oh look, its an airplane" or "liberals are idiots" is not an argument.....it's an observation.....

by the way, THIS is a strawman...
What you are advocating is at best authoritarianism and at worst anarchy.