Pat Robertson claims gay people in SF have special rings to give people AIDS


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in remarks Tuesday on the 700 Club on the Christian Broadcasting Network, the 83-year-old televangelist asserted that gay men in San Francisco use special rings to spread HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. “You know what they do in San Francisco, some in the gay community there, they want to get people, so if they got the stuff they’ll have a ring, you shake hands, and the ring’s got a little thing where you cut your finger,” Robertson said.

"Really?" asked his co-host, Terry Meeuwsen.

“Yeah, really. It’s that kind of vicious stuff, which would be the equivalent of murder," continued Roberts. "But anyhow.”
I wonder who told him this... Some idiot out there is laughing their @&& off... I can hear them thinking, "Man! I didn't think he'd really believe that!"
Shockingly, when he ran for president he won 4 states with more than a million votes. Scary.

anyone ready for this guy to kick the bucket?

I hope his dick rots off and. He dies a slow and painful, miserable death from the bubonic plague that takes down every nutcase evangelical like him in the nation. Then, when he's in purgatory I hope he gets fucked up the ass by every man, woman and child awaiting their entry into the pearly gates, followed by Jesus Christ Himself fucking him with a six foot long, four inch round staff. Then kicking his ass so hard he plummets into Hades and fries to a crisp of eternal damnation.

Next question?
I hope his dick rots off and. He dies a slow and painful, miserable death from the bubonic plague that takes down every nutcase evangelical like him in the nation. Then, when he's in purgatory I hope he gets fucked up the ass by every man, woman and child awaiting their entry into the pearly gates, followed by Jesus Christ Himself fucking him with a six foot long, four inch round staff. Then kicking his ass so hard he plummets into Hades and fries to a crisp of eternal damnation. Next question?

Next question: is this liberal tolerance?