Papa John's, Applebee's And Others Pay Huge Price For Anti-Obamacare Politicking


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yeah, someone else should be responsible for your health care needs. God forbid you are responsible for it. Makes sense, it isn't like people can bitch about themselves
I never stopped buying Papa Johns, it's always been my favorite. But thanks for the list of other restaurants to go to. Think I'll try Applebee's tonight.
I never stopped buying Papa Johns, it's always been my favorite. But thanks for the list of other restaurants to go to. Think I'll try Applebee's tonight.

So let's use a little logic here, ok? I mean, I don't care, eat wherever you like - but let's walk through this.

You are going to deliberately go to a restaurant that a) you KNOW doesn't offer health care to the employees and b) has cut back hours for those employees - who therefore might be a little upset.

You trust your server to not be sick? and to not spit in your food?

Now granted - at any restaurant, we don't know if the server has been using the health care services offered; we don't know if they are sick or not.

But we know for a fact that Papa John and Applebee's DON'T want to cover their servers and so the chance of a sick server who is not getting treated is higher there than elsewhere. And we know they've cut hours, which doesn't make people happier servers.

Ok, now go ahead and eat.

Until the bill is fully enacted, probably a moot point. But something to think about.
So let's use a little logic here, ok? I mean, I don't care, eat wherever you like - but let's walk through this.

You are going to deliberately go to a restaurant that a) you KNOW doesn't offer health care to the employees and b) has cut back hours for those employees - who therefore might be a little upset.

You trust your server to not be sick? and to not spit in your food?
or another possibility might be that these servers provide better service and get bigger tips, providing for a better payday at the end of the shift. but we know you don't trust your fellow man/woman, so that probably never entered in to your head.
you make it sound as if servers are too stupid to practice basic hygiene and safety. do you think they should have a hand washing certificate to show that they know how to wash hands properly?

I don't think servers are dumb. Not sure how you got that out of what I said. I just know how smart germs are...

But really. Go ahead and eat there. Enjoy!
you make it sound as if servers are too stupid to practice basic hygiene and safety. do you think they should have a hand washing certificate to show that they know how to wash hands properly?

And you make it sound that a server can afford healthcare for them and their families....I know....tough shit right? John needs a new house in the Hamptons.
my daughter has been working at Applebees since she was a junior in high school....she's working there now while she waits for graduate school to start (she wants a Masters in Speech Pathology).......I don't think any of the staff over there, including the manager, are over 26 so I presume they are all still on their parents health insurance plans.......why should Applebees provide an employee plan again?......
my daughter has been working at Applebees since she was a junior in high school....she's working there now while she waits for graduate school to start (she wants a Masters in Speech Pathology).......I don't think any of the staff over there, including the manager, are over 26 so I presume they are all still on their parents health insurance plans.......why should Applebees provide an employee plan again?......

Oh...well....if you say so...then it must be the same all over the United States.
maybe he should go back to using better ingredients then. and applebees? their food sucked anyway.
It's just like the Chik-Fil-A fiasco. If I was a stock holder in those companies I'd be furious. CEO's who play politics in public are playing with other peoples money. It's unconsiencenable and if it wasn't for modern day rubber stamp board rooms and sane business would fire their asses.
my daughter has been working at Applebees since she was a junior in high school....she's working there now while she waits for graduate school to start (she wants a Masters in Speech Pathology).......I don't think any of the staff over there, including the manager, are over 26 so I presume they are all still on their parents health insurance plans.......why should Applebees provide an employee plan again?......
I agree. They shouldn't have to provide health care. We should have a public option.
So let's use a little logic here, ok? I mean, I don't care, eat wherever you like - but let's walk through this.

You are going to deliberately go to a restaurant that a) you KNOW doesn't offer health care to the employees and b) has cut back hours for those employees - who therefore might be a little upset.

You trust your server to not be sick? and to not spit in your food?

Now granted - at any restaurant, we don't know if the server has been using the health care services offered; we don't know if they are sick or not.

But we know for a fact that Papa John and Applebee's DON'T want to cover their servers and so the chance of a sick server who is not getting treated is higher there than elsewhere. And we know they've cut hours, which doesn't make people happier servers.

Ok, now go ahead and eat.

Until the bill is fully enacted, probably a moot point. But something to think about.

You do realize you are responding to a conservatard moron, right?

That being the case, why would you use a logical argument?
First time I've heard of the rating service. I doubt it makes much difference to average consumers. Motivated consumers out to seek revenge agaisnt the evil corps likely skewed the results since they could seek out the polls.

So, this doesn't mean much except to morons