Palestine finds itself increasingly isolated in the Arab world


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Who can find this in the least bit surprising, Arab states have had enough of Hamas.


Palestine finds itself increasingly isolated in the Arab world​

Arab nations opting for self-interest over solidarity with Palestinians

A Palestinian man pushes a bicycle with his belongings as he returns to his house after Israeli forces withdrew from the area following a raid, in Gaza City on May 15. © Reuters
HIROFUMI MATSUO, Nikkei commentatorMay 25, 2024 19:30 JST
TOKYO -- The situation in the Middle East is unfolding to make Palestine more isolated and militant, including Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi's recent death in a helicopter crash.
Iran supports Hamas, and the effects of Raisi's death have yet to become apparent, making the situation in the Gaza Strip murkier.
During ceasefire negotiations between Hamas and Israel that might suspend the fighting in Gaza, the Islamic organization called for the release of Marwan Barghouti, a prisoner of over 20 years held for his role in terror attacks on Israel.

Hailing from Fatah, the largest and dominant faction of the multi-party Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), Barghouti has been called the "Palestinian Mandela" by Palestinians after the South African leader Nelson Mandela imprisoned by the apartheid regime for nearly three decades.
Releasing such a threatening individual is unthinkable for Israel. Hamas has persisted with its demand despite Barghouti being a leader of an anti-Hamas group. This might reflect a desperate assessment by Hamas that Palestine has continued to be trifled with by the world, and can only rely on Palestinians.

What has the Biden Administration gotten right…ever?

What have they done that was correct, on target, not totally stupid? It isn't just supporting Hamas. The border, the economy, January 6 fake insurrection, promoting dishonest elections, intentionally splitting the country and putting the biggest racist in the White House since Barack Obama.
Who can find this in the least bit surprising, Arab states have had enough of Hamas.


Palestine finds itself increasingly isolated in the Arab world​

Arab nations opting for self-interest over solidarity with Palestinians

A Palestinian man pushes a bicycle with his belongings as he returns to his house after Israeli forces withdrew from the area following a raid, in Gaza City on May 15. © Reuters
HIROFUMI MATSUO, Nikkei commentatorMay 25, 2024 19:30 JST
TOKYO -- The situation in the Middle East is unfolding to make Palestine more isolated and militant, including Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi's recent death in a helicopter crash.
Iran supports Hamas, and the effects of Raisi's death have yet to become apparent, making the situation in the Gaza Strip murkier.
During ceasefire negotiations between Hamas and Israel that might suspend the fighting in Gaza, the Islamic organization called for the release of Marwan Barghouti, a prisoner of over 20 years held for his role in terror attacks on Israel.

Hailing from Fatah, the largest and dominant faction of the multi-party Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), Barghouti has been called the "Palestinian Mandela" by Palestinians after the South African leader Nelson Mandela imprisoned by the apartheid regime for nearly three decades.
Releasing such a threatening individual is unthinkable for Israel. Hamas has persisted with its demand despite Barghouti being a leader of an anti-Hamas group. This might reflect a desperate assessment by Hamas that Palestine has continued to be trifled with by the world, and can only rely on Palestinians.

Nobody wants to take the Palestinians in. Not even the Arabs.
What has the Biden Administration gotten right…ever?

What have they done that was correct, on target, not totally stupid? It isn't just supporting Hamas. The border, the economy, January 6 fake insurrection, promoting dishonest elections, intentionally splitting the country and putting the biggest racist in the White House since Barack Obama.
Never underestimate Biden's ability to F**k things up. (Obama)
Palestine could be booming now with sn international airport, offshore gas deposits and a vibrant tourist industry. Islamists have put the kibosh on every single initiative for many years now.

Palestine finds itself increasingly isolated in the Arab world​

Palestine is isolated from ALL the world, dumbass- as it's been occupied by genocidal Jews for 75 years and Gaza has spent a decade with malignant Jewish assholes guarding its land, sea and air accesses as part of their genocide agenda.
Next up the insane fascist Jews will be declaring the United Nations to be a terrorist organization.
OH- WAIT.............. !!

Haw, haw, haw, haw.............................haw.
The thread title is Anti-Truth.....not just not the truth but the opposite of the truth.....which almost never happens in the wild......when you see a lot of it like now you can be sure that you are being abused.
i guess this is how you scare a bunch of retards into blowing up the world for dumb reasons.
WOKE is a Death Cult.... and Americans are ignorant sheep.....the most brainwashed people who have ever been so they are being driven to the chains that have been built for them by the New Slavers.

Stupid Hurts! in this particular universe.

I am not going.....I refuse.
The social contract has been broken by our abusers, to not understand this is to be a moron, and in this universe the morons get punished.

Justice Demands.
Education was always the answer......the way you were told over and over and over again.

My sympathy tanks are dry.

Bend Over.