ORGANIZED Religion is mass deception


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After extensive studies?? The Old Testament is merely about a royal bloodline, that started from a guy supposedly named Adam. Most of the book of Genesis is inaccurate historical accounts of more then one author put together. Then you have some guy named Abraham that marries a Princess(Sarah means women of high rank) of a warlord, and the warlord gives him land as a dowry. Of which only the children of Sarah are able to inherit.

All it is, is Ancestral worshipping and bloodlines.

You have all these kings fighting together to become the king of kings and they built temples to this "lord" to pay poll taxes. When the locals would rebel against the KOKS. He would send his host of armies and attack them!

Therefore the "god" of the jews is nothing more then a mortal warlord. Not a god in the sky.

It seems that the Asians were the temple and ancestor worshippers until the Germanic tribes of the north came and conquered them and tore down all the temples(high places).

The Old Testament is also a book of revolution. When the world became corrupted? They people would cry out for a revolutionary figure to rise and save them from oppression. Most of which would become martyrs, after the establishment assassinated the revolutionary "savior". Jesus was one of those revolutionary figures.

The New Testament is more descriptive of a Spiritual GOD.

But now they turned Jesus into something greater.......

In the last 2 thousand years? When corruption started to take hold? Rather then rise up? The ministers(who were/are actually wolves in sheep's clothing) would say. NO DONT DO ANYTHING! It is a sign Jesus is coming!!! Basically stalling for time, so they can continue to plunder the people. Until the people get fed up and revolt!!! Most of the freedoms you enjoy today is not because of religion. But because of CIVIL WAR!! The enemy is usually the one that rules over you when there is corruption in your midst. Not a foreign country, who they use as a threat to divert attention from their evil deeds.

The only way I can see Jesus coming back is if He is indeed a higher form of being(Extra terrestrial). But then again some say the Spirit of Revolution He left behind did manage to over throw corrupted Judaism, but it didn't take long for the Empire to infiltrate and corrupt Christianity......Still remnants of His Spirit remain on the earth via His faithful.
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After extensive studies?? The Old Testament is merely about a royal bloodline, that started from a guy supposedly named Adam. Most of the book of Genesis is inaccurate historical accounts of more then one author put together. Then you have some guy named Abraham that marries a Princess(Sarah means women of high rank) of a warlord, and the warlord gives him land as a dowry. Of which only the children of Sarah are able to inherit.

All it is, is Ancestral worshipping and bloodlines.

You have all these kings fighting together to become the king of kings and they built temples to this "lord" to pay poll taxes. When the locals would rebel against the KOKS. He would send his host of armies and attack them!

Therefore the "god" of the jews is nothing more then a mortal warlord. Not a god in the sky.

It seems that the Asians were the temple and ancestor worshippers until the Germanic tribes of the north came and conquered them and tore down all the temples(high places).

The Old Testament is also a book of revolution. When the world became corrupted? They people would cry out for a revolutionary figure to rise and save them from oppression. Most of which would become martyrs, after the establishment assassinated the revolutionary "savior". Jesus was one of those revolutionary figures.

The New Testament is more descriptive of a Spiritual GOD.

But now they turned Jesus into something greater.......

In the last 2 thousand years? When corruption started to take hold? Rather then rise up? The ministers(who were/are actually wolves in sheep's clothing) would say. NO DONT DO ANYTHING! It is a sign Jesus is coming!!! Basically stalling for time, so they can continue to plunder the people. Until the people get fed up and revolt!!! Most of the freedoms you enjoy today is not because of religion. But because of CIVIL WAR!! The enemy is usually the one that rules over you when there is corruption in your midst. Not a foreign country, who they use as a threat to divert attention from their evil deeds.

The only way I can see Jesus coming back is if He is indeed a higher form of being(Extra terrestrial). But then again some say the Spirit of Revolution He left behind did manage to over throw corrupted Judaism, but it didn't take long for the Empire to infiltrate and corrupt Christianity......Still remnants of His Spirit remain on the earth via His faithful.

Whats your point, pinhead ?....It was written well over 2000 years you any concept of what it was like 2000 or more years ago....

Maybe 2 or 3 thousand years from now, people will read our own political history and war history and say what you're saying now....

The Old Test. is our history, as near as our ancient ancestors could give us.....

Maybe when you grow up, you'll see things from another, more logical perspective.
Whats your point, pinhead ?....It was written well over 2000 years you any concept of what it was like 2000 or more years ago....

Maybe 2 or 3 thousand years from now, people will read our own political history and war history and say what you're saying now....

The Old Test. is our history, as near as our ancient ancestors could give us.....

Maybe when you grow up, you'll see things from another, more logical perspective.

My point is that it is a bunch of bullshit and people are being deceived idiot! There is no logic to support fantasy bullshit!

The OLD Test is NOT our history. It is the history of a certain bloodline from Abraham that SUPPOSEDLY dates back to Adam. If you believe that Adam and Eve were really the first humans, you are the pin head.
My point is that it is a bunch of bullshit and people are being deceived idiot! There is no logic to support fantasy bullshit!

The OLD Test is NOT our history. It is the history of a certain bloodline from Abraham that SUPPOSEDLY dates back to Adam. If you believe that Adam and Eve were really the first humans, you are the pin head.

Your point is that you think like a moron from 2013 that can't possibly conceive what the authors of 2000 and more years were dealing with....

your perspective is today....think of a magician today going into some of the remote wilds of Africa and astounding the natives....what would they
say about him.....a God maybe ?.....would they be astounded and worship him for the miracles he would show them....?
What would they say of those amazing feats to those that would follow them. How would they portray his visit ?

How would they describe a bonehead like you to there grandchildren....?

No matter what they said or how they described the events, it would be the truth as they saw they perceived would be a part of THEIR HISTORY
After extensive studies?? The Old Testament is merely about a royal bloodline, that started from a guy supposedly named Adam. Most of the book of Genesis is inaccurate historical accounts of more then one author put together. Then you have some guy named Abraham that marries a Princess(Sarah means women of high rank) of a warlord, and the warlord gives him land as a dowry. Of which only the children of Sarah are able to inherit.

All it is, is Ancestral worshipping and bloodlines.

You have all these kings fighting together to become the king of kings and they built temples to this "lord" to pay poll taxes. When the locals would rebel against the KOKS. He would send his host of armies and attack them!

Therefore the "god" of the jews is nothing more then a mortal warlord. Not a god in the sky.

It seems that the Asians were the temple and ancestor worshippers until the Germanic tribes of the north came and conquered them and tore down all the temples(high places).

The Old Testament is also a book of revolution. When the world became corrupted? They people would cry out for a revolutionary figure to rise and save them from oppression. Most of which would become martyrs, after the establishment assassinated the revolutionary "savior". Jesus was one of those revolutionary figures.

The New Testament is more descriptive of a Spiritual GOD.

But now they turned Jesus into something greater.......

In the last 2 thousand years? When corruption started to take hold? Rather then rise up? The ministers(who were/are actually wolves in sheep's clothing) would say. NO DONT DO ANYTHING! It is a sign Jesus is coming!!! Basically stalling for time, so they can continue to plunder the people. Until the people get fed up and revolt!!! Most of the freedoms you enjoy today is not because of religion. But because of CIVIL WAR!! The enemy is usually the one that rules over you when there is corruption in your midst. Not a foreign country, who they use as a threat to divert attention from their evil deeds.

The only way I can see Jesus coming back is if He is indeed a higher form of being(Extra terrestrial). But then again some say the Spirit of Revolution He left behind did manage to over throw corrupted Judaism, but it didn't take long for the Empire to infiltrate and corrupt Christianity......Still remnants of His Spirit remain on the earth via His faithful.
Your ignorance offends me.
It wasn't a royal bloodline until many generations after Adam and even Abraham, when the Jewish kingdom was established and the first king was crowned (because apparently judges weren't good enough for everyone). After that, of course, the royal line continued, but the kingdom itself was lost, and by the time it got to Joseph and Jesus the geneology had collapsed into meager simplicity.
Revolutionary beliefs fall into the hands of bureaucrats - happens all the time. It turns into a repetitious habit of 'faith' rather than living, that's all. The bureaucrats aren't really up to 'mass deception'.
Revolutionary beliefs fall into the hands of bureaucrats - happens all the time. It turns into a repetitious habit of 'faith' rather than living, that's all. The bureaucrats aren't really up to 'mass deception'.
I just want the 1980's back. That was a pretty good decade, wasn't it?