One Strike law


What do you think about mandatory life in prison for people who commit violent sexual crimes, or any sexual crime against a child? I don't really see how this is bad. Maybe not for "kidnapping" (how is that necessarily sexual?) but I can see a reason for the rest.

Rape 1 is rape while using a weapon, or breaking into home or vehicle or
kidnapping, or inflicting physical injury.

Rape 2 is raping someone who can't consent because they are developmentally disabled, a resident of a facility for the mentally disordered or a chemically dependent person, elderly or a vulnerable adult AND the victim is a client/patient and the rape occurs while receiving treatment. The perpetrator is either a health care provider or has a supervisory function over victim.

Rape of a Child 1 is sexual intercourse with a child less than 12 years of age.

Rape of a Child 2 is sexual intercourse with a child 12 and 13 years of age.

Indecent Liberties by forcible compulsion is forcing sexual contact on a victim who is developmentally disabled, a resident of a facility for mentally disordered or the chemically dependent, elderly and is a client/patient receiving treatment at the time of crime and perpetrator has authority over the victim, or is incapable of consent by reason of being mentally defective, mentally incapacitate or physically helpless. The perpetrator is either a health care provider or has a supervisory function over victim.

Kidnapping is taking someone by force whether they are at home, vehicle or elsewhere, or held for ransom, or to inflict extreme physical injury, or to interfere with government functions.

Child Molestation 1 (CM) forcing sexual contact on a child less than 12 years old.

Criminal Conspiracy is a planning and organizing with one or more
individuals and they take steps to pursue that agreement.

Criminal Attempt is when there is an attempt to commit a violent sex crime. which then becomes a Class A Felony

Criminal solicitation is when a person offers to give money to commit, in
this case, a violent sex crime.
Edit: All my posts I make tonite should just have a self-destruct function on them, which would discard them immediately as soon as I hit Post.
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I think we should have a One Strike law for Cocaine. If anyone sees you using cocaine you should lose your right to due process should instead be shot in the face.

Yeah, Warren. That's great.

You really spaz over the cocaine issue. Almost worse than Marijunia.
Yeah, Warren. That's great.

You really spaz over the cocaine issue. Almost worse than Marijunia.

Yeah I guess I'm sensitive about it.

It's just fucking stupid and I get sick of being surrounded by this Puritanical mindset bullshit.

I think people should get to make their own mistakes. But maybe that's just me.
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I have to say anything that remotely resmbles mandatory sentencing is something I totally abhor, reject, condemn and in fact, don't like much either.
I have to say anything that remotely resmbles mandatory sentencing is something I totally abhor, reject, condemn and in fact, don't like much either.

What about, say, mandatory sentencing for murder?

Do Australians always give out life sentences for murder? I can't really think of a single US state that doesn't have mandatory life or death for murder (the supreme court ruled a mandatory death sentence unconstiutional, which is the reason it isn't practiced in more US states).
What about, say, mandatory sentencing for murder?

Do Australians always give out life sentences for murder? I can't really think of a single US state that doesn't have mandatory life or death for murder (the supreme court ruled a mandatory death sentence unconstiutional, which is the reason it isn't practiced in more US states).

Different states/territories here have different sentencing provisions but there are some similarities. Where I am murder has a maximum sentence of life. The judge can set a non-parole period though.
Well, I'd be more comfortable with just putting it as one of the options on the table, anyway Di. Judges will almost always go for the maximum penalty, but there are some unforseen circumstances in which things may not be as they appear and a mandatory can have unjust effects.

This has been experienced in abundance with California's three strikes law.
There are already law suits concering the sexual conduct of 5 year olds (playing tag--some kids don't want to be touched--no shit--because then--you would be "it"). that would be a long time in jail starting at 5 years old. Sounds silly---but we are not smart enough to inforce it in a responsible way. In fact, here in the USA--we may have the dumbest population in the world---as far as wisdom goes.
Well, I'd be more comfortable with just putting it as one of the options on the table, anyway Di. Judges will almost always go for the maximum penalty, but there are some unforseen circumstances in which things may not be as they appear and a mandatory can have unjust effects.

This has been experienced in abundance with California's three strikes law.

Definitely. The only jurisdiction I know of here that did it was the Northern Territory and that was a few years ago. It's hard to explain how the Territory used to be (it's hard to explain it now in many ways) but "redneck" just doesn't do it justice in terms of how it used to be. Let me say that I have been there a few times and had a bit of - ahem - police business with the local coppers and where I used the word "aborigine" they routinely and without a hint of embarrassment would use the word "savages". Does that convey my point? Anyway, the reactionary government up there thought it would be great to bring in three strikes and you're in. Straight away it caught an aboriginal kid up, he got banged up for a number of years for stealing fruit. That was it, that was the beginning of the end. Then when the magistrates and judges threatened to go on strike, that sealed it. Gone. And rightly bloody so.
There are already law suits concering the sexual conduct of 5 year olds (playing tag--some kids don't want to be touched--no shit--because then--you would be "it"). that would be a long time in jail starting at 5 years old. Sounds silly---but we are not smart enough to inforce it in a responsible way. In fact, here in the USA--we may have the dumbest population in the world---as far as wisdom goes.

I dunno. You have an incredibly complex country, that much I do know. And I don't mean complex in a bad way, I find the differences between various parts of the US to be absolutely fascinating. But I'm off topic. I need to smack myself in the side of the head :pke: - damn, now I'll have to sue myself :D
Definitely. The only jurisdiction I know of here that did it was the Northern Territory and that was a few years ago. It's hard to explain how the Territory used to be (it's hard to explain it now in many ways) but "redneck" just doesn't do it justice in terms of how it used to be. Let me say that I have been there a few times and had a bit of - ahem - police business with the local coppers and where I used the word "aborigine" they routinely and without a hint of embarrassment would use the word "savages". Does that convey my point? Anyway, the reactionary government up there thought it would be great to bring in three strikes and you're in. Straight away it caught an aboriginal kid up, he got banged up for a number of years for stealing fruit. That was it, that was the beginning of the end. Then when the magistrates and judges threatened to go on strike, that sealed it. Gone. And rightly bloody so.

Yeah. In America, people have been put in jail for LIFE (no chance of parole for 25 years) for stealing razors, under three strikes. Usually black people. And this in CALIFORNIA. The American people consider this to be acceptable, so hey, what am I to do about it? If America likes draconian punishments then it does. It just isn't a very good use of resources.

I'd be fine with the law if they ammended it so that the life sentence wasn't MANDATORY and the judges could simply act on their own discretion, and it only applied for SERIOUS felonies, but right now it's a joke on the American country.
There are already law suits concering the sexual conduct of 5 year olds (playing tag--some kids don't want to be touched--no shit--because then--you would be "it"). that would be a long time in jail starting at 5 years old. Sounds silly---but we are not smart enough to inforce it in a responsible way. In fact, here in the USA--we may have the dumbest population in the world---as far as wisdom goes.

I find it unlikely that any 5 year old would be charged with aggravated child molestation, but hey...