One of the saint like ones



He couldn't just drive by.

he was at work and couldn't just drive by like everyone else

Buffalo bus driver saves apparently suicidal woman

Darnell Barton exits his bus in Buffalo after spotting an apparently suicidal woman on a bridge

Darnell Barton exits his bus in Buffalo after spotting an apparently suicidal woman on a bridge / WIVB-TV

It was a normal day, driving his route along the Scajaquada Expressway for Buffalo bus driver Darnell Barton. Traffic was moving along its usual pace on a recent Friday, but as he crossed a bridge, he noticed a woman standing on the wrong side of the guardrail on a bridge.

"It didn't seem real because what was going on around, traffic and pedestrians were going by as normal" Barton told CBS affiliate WIVB in Buffalo.

With a busload of passengers, Barton stopped in the middle of the bridge, opened his door and yelled out: "Ma'am, are you okay?"

The woman didn't react, so Barton made an emergency call and unbuckled his seatbelt and exited his bus.

As he approached, she still didn't react. When he was in arms-length, the man known as "Big Country" to his coworkers grabbed one of her arms, and then wrapped his other large arm around her.

"She was distraught, she was distant, she was really disconnected," Barton said. "I grabbed her arm and put my arm around her and said 'Do you want to come on this side of the guardrail?', and that was actually the first time she spoke to me she said yes."

Barton lifted the woman over the guardrail and then sat with her for a little while, talking. A corrections officer and another woman who said she was a counselor approached and took over so Barton could finish his route.

"It was meant to be," Barton said. "I was supposed to be there for her at that moment and I was. I wanted to convey that whatever it was, I'm going to help you through and it's not as serious as jumping onto the 198."

Barton told WIVB he believes most of his coworkers would've done the same. His bus passengers, when he finally got back on board after the lengthy disruption in their commute, gave the former football player a round of applause.

"I feel like I did what I was supposed to do at the time," Barton said. "I'm a football guy so when you sit the bench and the coach calls your number, you gotta go in there make a play, do what the play calls for, and I think that's what I did."
Yup! There are still good people in society.

I especially like the last line.

Barton said. "I'm a football guy so when you sit the bench and the coach calls your number, you gotta go in there make a play, do what the play calls for, and I think that's what I did."

Enough said. Next topic!
You see this world is made up this way

Most people are mostly good.

Some are like saints

and some are complete rat bastards.

we often spend way too much time on the rat bastards

Not enough on the saints
You see this world is made up this way

Most people are mostly good.

Some are like saints

and some are complete rat bastards.

we often spend way too much time on the rat bastards

Not enough on the saints

What if this person supports historically failed ideas or says lies about our current president? Would they still be a saint or a good person?
You see this world is made up this way

Most people are mostly good.

Some are like saints

and some are complete rat bastards.

we often spend way too much time on the rat bastards

Not enough on the saints

That is because the rat bastards, although the minority, make the most noise! The saints are mostly quiet. Well I am here to tell you that it has come time to awaken the saints and to clean house. The floor needs sweeping is an understatement!
What if this person supports historically failed ideas or says lies about our current president? Would they still be a saint or a good person?

if you support lies about anything your not saintlike.


being mistaken is one thing

Supporing lies after you know they are lies is NOT very saintlike don't you agree?
That is because the rat bastards, although the minority, make the most noise! The saints are mostly quiet. Well I am here to tell you that it has come time to awaken the saints and to clean house. The floor needs sweeping is an understatement!

The rat bastards are the sociopaths in this world.

The right thinks they are the natural leaders for some reason.
if you support lies about anything your not saintlike.


being mistaken is one thing

Supporing lies after you know they are lies is NOT very saintlike don't you agree?

You are calling this person saint like based on their action here but you don't know about their politics. Since we are all ultimately judged by our politics what if this action was done by someone who posts here and supports lies and historically failed ideas and not science. Would they still be saint like for this action?
Another liberal trying to committ sucide after trying for weeks to sign up for Obamacare, and could no longer take it. We will proably see more and more of these stories.
You are calling this person saint like based on their action here but you don't know about their politics. Since we are all ultimately judged by our politics what if this action was done by someone who posts here and supports lies and historically failed ideas and not science. Would they still be saint like for this action?

already answered you.

why do you wish to demean this mans good deeds?
already answered you.

why do you wish to demean this mans good deeds?

I credit the man for his good deed and it should be discussed. I'm just asking about using the term 'saint like' until we know his politics. If he is one who supports lies and not the truth he should still be credited for his good deed but he would not be worthy of being saint like.
I credit the man for his good deed and it should be discussed. I'm just asking about using the term 'saint like' until we know his politics. If he is one who supports lies and not the truth he should still be credited for his good deed but he would not be worthy of being saint like.

from what I know of him I bet he doesn't accept lies.

like all the people who just drove by even though they saw the woman accepted the lie they told themselves that it was none of their business