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VIDEO: Ed Asner Schools Us in Trickle Down Economics—Or How the Rich Gamed the Tax System

Only question is, how do we fix it?


October 10, 2013 |

Actor Ed Asner has outraged the right with this must-see MoveOn.org video on how drastic inequality developed in this country, the disappearance of the middle class, and a tax system that is ruining democracy and the public sector, schools, retirements, essential services, public works and life for most people. We're not going to let them get away with it, are we?
It's as entertaining as it is informative.

Click on the link to watch:

How in gods name is there no response to this to keep it alive?!?

This is one of the best posts I've ever seen here. (I'm guessing it is because there was some reading too, Right Wingers don't like to read past a title, proven fact)

Yes, all us are running over to the whacky liberal website moveon to watch a video by Ed Asner. Is that the same Ed Asner that said the liberal Hollywood Obama ball suckers were to afraid to criticize Obama for fear of being labeled a racist???
How in gods name is there no response to this to keep it alive?!?

This is one of the best posts I've ever seen here. (I'm guessing it is because there was some reading too, Right Wingers don't like to read past a title, proven fact)

That's because your clinically retarded like your brother signal.

Hell, you two give stupid a really bad name. But your a couple of funny asshats to watch I your brain dead little circle jerks. I'm amazed dimwits like you know how to log onto a computer, but they dumbed it down a lot. Do you have your password scribbled across uptime forehead by any chance?

Twits. lol

Yes, all us are running over to the whacky liberal website moveon to watch a video by Ed Asner. Is that the same Ed Asner that said the liberal Hollywood Obama ball suckers were to afraid to criticize Obama for fear of being labeled a racist???

Irony! lol
Anyone else find it hilarious that all the facts are written in stone that the rich keep getting super richer, corporations make obscene profits and pay ZERO federal taxs, the middleclass has shrunk 60% and the number of poor in this country has risen steadily and all we hear is the whimpering and whining of the far right that the poor poor rich need MORE TAX CUTS and LESS REGULATIONS so they can rape the working men and women even more. They yell from the rooftops, its medicare social security and medicaid that broke the country, not our outsourcing everyones job and us stuffing out pockets and NOT paying any taxs. Its those damn poor that want to eat filet mignon and lobster off of MY FOODSTAMP MONEY. They fight mightily not to raise the minimum wage and to keep the billions in subsidies flowing to BIG OIL, BIG CORP FARMERS and BIG PHARMACEUTICALS of course they want to take that money out of social security and medicare. pfffffffft
Anyone else find it hilarious that all the facts are written in stone that the rich keep getting super richer, corporations make obscene profits and pay ZERO federal taxs, the middleclass has shrunk 60% and the number of poor in this country has risen steadily and all we hear is the whimpering and whining of the far right that the poor poor rich need MORE TAX CUTS and LESS REGULATIONS so they can rape the working men and women even more. They yell from the rooftops, its medicare social security and medicaid that broke the country, not our outsourcing everyones job and us stuffing out pockets and NOT paying any taxs. Its those damn poor that want to eat filet mignon and lobster off of MY FOODSTAMP MONEY. They fight mightily not to raise the minimum wage and to keep the billions in subsidies flowing to BIG OIL, BIG CORP FARMERS and BIG PHARMACEUTICALS of course they want to take that money out of social security and medicare. pfffffffft

I see that facts are not your strong suit.

That's okay though; Democrats need brain dead clueless asswhipes like you who are desperate to become dependent wards of the State.

You're further proof of the failure of our educational systems.

Here's a list of your factual inaccuracies just for edification of the above:

corporations make obscene profits and pay ZERO federal taxs - FALSE and STUPID

the middleclass has shrunk 60% - FALSE and STUPID

the number of poor in this country has risen steadily - TRUE and you can thank Obummer for that one. He is the King of part time low pay job creation.

that the poor poor rich need MORE TAX CUTS and LESS REGULATIONS - FALSE and PAINFULLY STUPID

so they can rape the working men and women even more - FALSE and repugnant in its ignorance.

They yell from the rooftops - FALSE and STUPID

and us stuffing out pockets and NOT paying any taxs - FALSE and STUPID (interesting how you consistently misspell taxes)

Its those damn poor that want to eat filet mignon and lobster off of MY FOODSTAMP MONEY - FALSE and PAINFULLY stupid.

keep the billions in subsidies flowing to BIG OIL, BIG CORP FARMERS and BIG PHARMACEUTICALS - FALSE and STUPID

Congratulations on being able to cover just about the entire meme of tired dimwitted moronic leftist canards in one paragraph! This might be a record for dimwitted stupidity.

Yay you!

Carry on.
It's a great cartoon even though it's not all that new. And it hits at the truth in so many respects.

All except one! Notice how it shows the people being hypnotized? Everyone knows that didn't happen but Asner had no other way of portraying what really happened without stepping on the consciences of many Americans. And so does anyone know how the 'really' pulled it off class.

Well, it's really quite simple isn't it. They instilled feelings of patriotism and loyalty to the system in their victims. Those were the ordinary American people. And that is why I continue to raise the issue of flagwaving. Until Americans stop doing that and decide they need to take their country back and the 'American way' won't do it for them, nothing will chance.

Great video though! Just fix the hypnotizing part because that's all that isn't believable.
I can't speak for the entire nation but I am constantly witnessing my fellow Mississippians, Arkansans and Tennesseans being led by their masters with short leashes and whispering words to them like "freedom, liberty, god bless the flag and the troops" etc. All the while screwing them in the ass in literally EVERY way possible. It really is a sad sight to behold.

I can't speak for the entire nation but I am constantly witnessing my fellow Mississippians, Arkansans and Tennesseans being led by their masters with short leashes and whispering words to them like "freedom, liberty, god bless the flag and the troops" etc. All the while screwing them in the ass in literally EVERY way possible. It really is a sad sight to behold.


Bullshit. :rolleyes:

The one's getting screwed in ass are dimwitted leftists desperate to become dependent wards of the state.

Another Constitutional dimwit.
This is funny shit, severe weakness of the left!
Total ignorance of finance and economics.
There are 8,000,000 millionaires.
80 percent first generation.
We didn't have shit handed to us.
Dems want union joining to be all that is needed.
How'd that work for gov motors?
Bullshit. :rolleyes: The one's getting screwed in ass are dimwitted leftists desperate to become dependent wards of the state. Another Constitutional dimwit.

I know of no leftist that even wants to be a ward of the state much less desperate to do so. Every leftie I know wants an honest living, good education for themselves and their children, clean air and water, decent roads even if only gravel ones, just the things that any civilized society might expect from a reasonable and responsible government to organize and collect taxes to pay for. It IS the American way!!!!!!

On the other hand, we have higher expectations in life these days than unslung shitlin's being thrown in front of the tar paper shacks of the needy, even though I do like some shitlin's. If you haven't had them you have no idea what you're missing!!!!!!!
